Redpill me on Religion

I was raised Reform Jewish and I always assumed this whole God thing was bullshit. There seem to be a lot of people on here that are fairly admamant about religion. So is it more of a matter of culture, morality and tradition, or do you actually believe in a god? If so can you give me a convincing argument for its existence?

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>Reform Jewish

Have you ever tripped on shrooms/acid before? Maybe you should start there.

wats pic?

Wow, an atheist Jew. You didn't just say "I'm an atheist". You still identify as an atheist JEW. Lapsed Irish Catholics don't say "I'm an Irish Catholic Atheist." Yet to retain your religio-ethnic identity despite a lack of belief in the reason for your separate ethnos in the first place. I bet you still claim to be white in daily life when it suits you.

It's a depiction of Yahweh, and some other gods dated 8th century bc.

I said I was raised in the Jewish faith, I didn't say anyone about identifying as a Jew. And yes I do claim to be white, because I am.


There is no convincing argument. Do you have faith or not is what it comes down to.
Personally I feel as though it's arrogant to not believe in a higher power. Even if science explains the laws that govern nature, what created those laws? The more you learn the less you know. I doubt humans will ever fully understand the universe so I am content to attribute creation to God.

No one cares how you were raised, faggot. But it's obviously relevant to YOU for some reason. Stop mentioning it.

>There is no god
No shit. You join a church for the community and perks. If you still believe in a god then you are a dumbass. Churches are great for charity and hookups. If you don't want to fight in war during your 20's then you join a church and become a missionary who helps people. Church is a much better alternative to being a communist. Churches actually help people and cost very little.

Just pick a decent religion. It's mostly bullshit but true in ways that matter.

>If so can you give me a convincing argument for its existence?

Nope, no proof. Just believe.