I am tired of this. I am in tears here. It seems like every day in this backwards, twisted country, I turn on CNN and what do I see? The usual. Another mass shooting. It has gone too far, and we, as patriotic Americans, cannot sand by and watch our country be destroyed by guns. It is time to think logically here. Think of the women. Think of the children. Think of the future. Is this the future you want? Where your fellow Americans are gunned down like animals in the streets? It is time to better the nation and do as I did, by going to your local police department and turning in your weapons.

Do it for the future of America. Do it for freedom.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shall not be infringed.

Gun control won't work, its like saying communism will work

Nah. the only thing standing between us and a communist genocide is the right to bear arms..

Just turning on CNN and watching a few minutes should make you more interested in ending the 1st amendment. I mean, if we're going to just ignore the constitution, why not start there?

Hell, we could preserve the 2nd amendment and just start jiggering the rest of the bill of rights until shootings are no longer a problem. Ban free travel, ban nonwhite males from leaving the house. That'd cut out 80% of shootings right there.

If results are all you're interested in, then there are plenty of ways to get results.

>Where your fellow Americans are gunned down like animals in the streets?
Freedom is not free. Go to Canada if you don't like it.


I read the first sentence you wrote and all I smell is faggot. Choke on a pacifists dick you cunt.

You should probably stop watching cnn you faggot.

>gunned down like animals in the streets
Like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, etc? Yeah, how about trying it there first and then maybe we'll talk.