You have 10 (ten) seconds to prove to me that homosexuality is immoral

You have 10 (ten) seconds to prove to me that homosexuality is immoral.

Good luck, sweeties.

Is that the face you make when you shill on Sup Forums all day every day?

How many?

>If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.



Sex is for reproduction so non-reproducing sex is a manipulation of our biology and is therefore immoral.


I dunno. Gays tend to be turbo-degenerates and they make horrible parents.
This is going to be hard sell dude.



men and women are designed to procreate.

two guys fucking serves no purpose.

No stop.
What he said was horrible.

>men are stronger more competitive and more keen than women
>men must use these traits to uphold law, keep the peace, and wage war
>men who are homosexual are more feminine, by definition, and relinquish that important role men play in society
>enough men become femme dick lovers, not enough men to uphold law and wage war and commit manual labor, ==>no society
>therefore, femme men=drain on society

Took me 6. What do I win faggot?

I was not personally chaste but I know someone who was. They and their girlfriend were both generally attractive and people were jealous as fuck.

They got married and have been happy as fuck, they never argue or fight, she never feels jealous and after years of marriage and several kids sex is still meaningful and fun for them.

Unless most marriages where sex becomes unappealing after a few years.


Animals, which humans are, were made to reproduce, hunt, release waste, sleep, repeat. Going against nature itself is morally wrong for really the only true purpose of a human when it comes out of the womb is, " reproduce reproduce reproduce" by instinct. So really gay people are not only freaks of nature, but they are freaks of nature that corrupt the very balance of it.

You have 10 (ten) seconds to prove to me that you killed yourself.

It's unfair and selfish that homosexual men get to pool the earning potential of multiple men together without any women draining their funds back out!

Fags cant breed

Male reproductive organ designed to be paired with female reproductive organ
Therefore, the opposite sexes are meant to be attracted to each other.
If everyone became a homo, the human race would quickly cease to exist
It is a serious mental disorder that would lead to the extinction of the human race.

That's sweet. They're still having sex for fun though. You know how this comes off when you say "sex is only for procreation" right?

Here I was shocked to find out that these studies check it out (The one exception is the gay report... it's only discrepancy was that it had a very low survey turn in ratio compared to what they were aiming for)

> Long story short homosexuals are a very small portion of the population but grossly account for a large percentage of pedophiles.
> homosexuality to pedophilia, is like blacks to violent crime.

It needs to be cured!

There are a few basic human (animal) needs in nature. The most basic - Eat, drink, procreate. Faggots and dikes can't do 1 of the 3.

You're supposed to raise kids in a family, not hang out in disco clubs with a glowstick in your bum until you turn 65

Agreed. On a biological level gay sex is useless and leads to species extinction

Morals are, but a few, subjective. You can claim that murder isn't immoral, but you can't claim that it isn't destructive.

I can't prove that homosexuality is destructive. But I can add anecdotal evidence that homosexuals are, to a degree, damaged people. They aren't necessarily bad people, but they aren't generally well rounded emotionally.

No one can disprove your morals. If you're gay my only advice is that you don't let that idiosyncrasy give you the impression that everyone else is different, scary, or your enemy. You are different. Best you can do is blend in. Be normal in other ways. Xenophobia is natural. Homosexuality may or may not be.


>high STD rates
>50+ sexual partners
>higher rate of molestation towards kids than CisHets
>(@ Whitefags) destroy their lineage because of degeneracy

It is a moral necessity to pair-bond with a woman and have kids with her.

Homosexuality is therefore immoral.

> The church of satan likes it