So what the fuck is going to happen in America when Mueller digs up evidence that Trump and other republican traitors are pawns of the Russians.
It's obvious that the only real solution is to fire everyone from congress and the executive branch, create term limits, and limit the amount of money lobbyist can give these corrupt faggots in Washington.
How the fuck can we get there, bois? I don't want to advocate violent revolution, here, but I just don't see any other way to achieve this end...
>less than 12 hours after the shooting in LV: >Suspect is dead, FBI reports it is confident there are no ties to terrorist organizations
>a few angry dems shout Russia got Trump elected: >months later, multiple investigations by multiple agencies turns up nothing
Yea, I'm going to go with that millions more man-hours put into an investigation and have literally zero evidence of actual Russian tampering let alone collusion with Trump means there isnt anything there.
Adrian Rodriguez
Big deal, we need to limit the amount of MONEY that politicians are getting. They are being legally bribed and you cucks are LETTING them do it.
Adrian Harris
Lets just say that Trump DID help the Russians hack the DNC (which he 100% did not, there is absolutely ZERO evidence for this, there isn't even evidence the Russians hacked the DNC).
So not only assuming the Russians hacked the DNC, but also assuming Trump somehow helped them do it.
How in the hell would that mean they "manipulated the election" Manipulated how? By telling the public the truth?
That's what I truly don't understand. Even if it did have an effect on the public, how was it manipulation? Is informing the public on how treacherous and corrupt the Democrats are manipulation? I seriously do not understand. I guess to a Democrat, informing voters of the evil shit they do is "manipulation".
And guess what? Almost no one looked at the DNC leak anyways. It got very little coverage and the average person didn't even read the emails.
Like seriously, the "Trump/Putin/Russian Interference" conspiracy is completely broken and illogical every step of the way. The entire theory requires belief in a conspiracy theory with zero evidence, and even then it means absolutely nothing.