what went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:{ac23497d-f1ed-4278-bbd2-92bb1e552e3a}/generational-decline-in-testosterone-levels-observed

we won ww2


We (((won))) alright.

looks like a balding guy with no chin which believe it or not existed in the kodak era you masturbate too as well

yeah, you're right...

This photo looks like it was taken at Taco Bell. So I'm certain none of these bums have ever had thousands of dollars worth of comped sushi.


Someone told him the ladies love this. Perhaps he is correct.


it's worse....

Nothing. Numales are just a frustrating minority who stick out.

Sure isn't cock size, that's for sure...

you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance.

The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

How insecure are you? lol


Yeah my dick is only 1 inch.

The jews.

We are allowing BLM to actually exist

what went wrong?

BLM exists

Many things about life confuse me. Society reacts to my ideas as though they would trigger a hate plague of violence, but I have never been violent and nothing about my own ideas tempts me to violence. The only violence my ideas has ever "caused" has been the violent responses of other people confronted with them. From my POV, this is utterly unable to convince me that my ideas cause violence - all it convinces me of is that other people project their violent intentions into others.


muh dik

we wuz kangz and sheeiit

>hides behind flag

Lack of strong father's who were raised to abide by the ten commandments amd the rise of the female opinion having merit you faggot

> wat vent ronk?

what went wrong??

Don't be a pussy

No. I feel like this is a different race altogether.

Are the 50s America "White" people and 2017 America ((white)) scum has same genetic?
I mean, Modern America white women wearing negress outfit, Singing Rap, Fuck with literal niggers
Modern AMerica white men has Tatto , piercing , all kind hippie yuppie doodle Loser shit

seriously These guys doesn't look like Smart people who beat the Nazi Germany and Japan

computer / desk jobs

Fuck off with your white shaming psyop.
Jewish puppet.

I'm pure white and still balding with a weak chin. I just get to be that while having alabaster skin and a face that still looks normal head-on (without shading to make the jaw apparent).

I think the jaw thing is caused by childhood mouth breathing anyways. Thank you, modern prevalence of allergies. I literally could not breath through my nose for most of the year until my parents decided I was old enough for allergy pills (fucking 17).

>mfw little rocket man nukes usa, europe will side with best korea and get rid of murica

He looks like a spic from florida

thats a nunazi. (noona-z)
they're the neo-nazis of the millennials

Burger Race.

He got AIDS!!!

> well kept and mowed grass
> carefully trimmed bushes

what went wrong?

I broke a guy's arm once. I am not violent does not equal I will not protect myself.

To further this projection point - the people who actually believe my ideas all seem as peaceful about them as I am. It's only the disbelieving who tell me I am violent, as they demonstrate their own violence.

> and then yuo wake up in a bed with your new boyfriend from Africa

this looks perfectly acceptable to me

>Destroy Europe three times in a century
>Hates on the nation that brought them down
>Currently sides with niggers and Muslims
>Praises Merkel's sweaty Vagina
>True globalist cuck
>Once had the answer until ass raped to submission
Mfw kraut

America died somewhere between 9/11 and the end of Obama's term

You are simply a large group of people going to jobs and coming home

There is no "White America" any more

White culture has already been stomped and pissed on 100 times over
((They)) don't even teach the same history any more in schools and colleges
The only place white pride can exist is in your head

Younger generations won't even know why they should be proud of their culture

Think about this:

If 60% White america treat white men like dirt

What will happen when white becomes minority?

What will Hispanic/black majority America look like in the future?

It is definitely not a West Germany or Japan

Self protection is the root of survival. Do not equate righteousness with nonviolence

This needs to be updated to include sections about the nu-male's compulsive need to appear intellectual, cutting edge and socio-politically minded.


Many point to xenoestrogens, which are definitely a problem, but the main issue is low testosterone, which ties directly into the shit health situation.

>low fat diets
>sedentary jobs and lifestyle
>lack of sunlight and D3
>processed foods and sugars
>fat, disgusting women (seeing a young sexy girl IRL boosts a man's testosterone)
>doesn't even lift

This is deliberate because low testosterone males are defacto beta and more compliant and left wing. (It's not education/intelligence that determines left/right wing viewpoints, it's testosterone.)

My poor little artillery fodder gook. We haven't died simply laid dormant until the opposition has wounded itself allowing us a time to strike. After the coming war we will migrate to the crater that is to be Seoul and the ethno state will emerge.

It died in the early 90's user.

>when white becomes minority

White births are now a majority in the US again. The Hispanic birthrate has stagnated and on top of that we're deporting them by the busloads. Niggers have never had a lasting population explosion because they kill themselves as much as they breed and it's only getting worse. Our demographics are unfucking themselves. When are you gonna start with yours?


This the 60% are fucking like rabbits and instilling traditional values. We will never die nor be lost to history as we are history.


Depressing video


thats just lucky

Righteousness is nonviolence at its base. Everything after that is just refinement. The progress of civilization is towards the acknowledgement of individuals and the general right to live in peace. Don't tread on me!

Do you know that that device is, Hungary-user?

Hm? I don't know. The Hungarians invented many things.


Just fucking watch it and shut up. LEARN!


Kek'd and saved.

Oh.i find that. FCO3 V-Eyes

Shitty food intake, sugar, fat, processed meats etc. You'll turn into this faggy, non charismatic, blob eventually.

It doesn't matter you beat up some sand nigger or gook

I'm talking about your homeland situation

So , Yeah

Just Look around, every single white people are either depressed or Mentally ill

america government run by insane kikes and mentally ill faggots

Midwest states or new england states has 80% white

But Fucking shit-skin every where that 80% white state

And White women.... WTF is wrong with them

Fucked-up.... every thing is fucked up
World is much better in 50s


Don't drink tap water.

>Domain Not Detected In Our Systems

Source is dead

Meanwhile Fucking white middle class women dating niggers and spic , poo in loo

I'm fucking screaming with laughter rn. Do you happen to be one of the creators of this "buuurp" masterpiece in some way? I fap to rick's nihilism which is indeed straight out of Fathers and Sons by Turgenev like 5 times a day and I can't even stop. We need more shows like this, senpai. Дeбил блять

It's true. The Jews implemented the American Communist agenda in the 1960s.

Atrazine. Tap Water OP. Look it up. That's the answer. That's why it's happening.

who /very satisfying but not ideal/ here?

ATRAZINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ATRAZINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are going to take this country back, or we're going to bring everyone down with us. No exceptions.

Selfish boomers became fat and happy from idyllic post-WWII lifestyle. They had children out of social obligation, yet truly focused on moving away from the farm to pursue big-city dreams. Ego consumed them as they lived a life advertised on television - the first generation to do so. Multi-generational, close-knit families began to fracture as droves of selfish boomers made islands of themselves on the East and West Coasts. The wisdom of grandparents and perspective from aunts/uncles no longer factored into a child's upbringing, as these selfish pioneers chose fast-paced neo-Americana over their primary responsibility to raise well adjusted human beings.

Fathers stopped taking their sons fishing. Mothers stopped teaching their daughters to find satisfaction in maintenance and raising children. The fabric of the family unit grew thin, leading to rampant degeneracy and divorce.

The manchild in OP's picture is like the third derivative of that shit cycle.

Kek Crimea is Russian you faggit

Thanks. Seems to be rare.


Love Korea. Lived in Pyeongtaek.


>Starts with a nigger
>Doesn't click.

>Sup Forums brainlets can't understand paying hundreds of dollars for mcdonalds sauce packets

Who makes images like this? This is some S-Class projection going on. The way the creator/author of this image has some unspoken, arbitrary definition of "Masculinity". I wish he would have shared it with us.

>what went wrong?

We sent our trash and they fermented it with niggers.

Source is fine, I just went to the site. Interracial relationships aren't anywhere near as common as the media tries to make them.


So rare that even a Russian grandad in the underground wears them

Paddock targeted the wrong crowd

He is neither

Don't drink from the source.

In the late 50s Alfred Kinsey measured the average American penis. You can see the numbers here. Today the average is just 5.1 to 5.5 inches. There has to be some kind of hormonal fuck up going on.

That's actually a jew.

Sorry. Here it is.

Or Keep Voting ((Republican)) And Do nothing

just Like 60s White middle class did it that way

I mean White people who have money are too comfy

That's the problem

We are victims of our own success. We have tamed nature to the extent that our weak no longer die. Of the eight billion people in the world, 99.9% should have died, but we are keeping them alive at great expense to ourselves. This is why empires collapse.

>what went wrong?
Ancestors have stayed in Europe.

this was in south florida
the guy is probably a cuban spic



Did he ever come out of the sink hole?

no fucking way

i know what happens when whites re a subjugated minority. it's not pretty.