Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Don't forget you can still do your アンキ while riding the 新幹線
>don't do kanji, do vocab
Aren't they the same thing? Or do you just mean to learn to recognise the hiragana equivalent?
Is djt going to appropriate every meme girl on the board?
Not every kanji is actually used as a word on its own. Though it can still be somewhat useful to have a general idea of what a kanji means on its own, for guessing the meaning of jukugo you don't know or something.
Kanji is just what vocab is made up of, not the vocabulary itself
With kanji study you just learn that 食 has the connotation of "food", and that it's made up of the radicals 𠆢 and 良
With vocab study you learn shit like 食 is pronounced *しょく* and can mean "meal", or can be paired with other kanji like in 食堂 *しょくどう* to mean "dining room", or can be used on it's own in shit like 食べる *たべる* to mean the verb "to eat", etc
Kanji is not words, vocab is words. If you learn 200 kanji you will know close to 0 words. If you study 200 vocab words you will know 200 words. You need words to read, you read to learn.
>read manga series
>build deck specific to manga series
>delete the entire deck once I stop reading the manga
Anybody else doing this?
Why would you do that
>implying I have 新幹線 in アメリカ
If the words are common or important I don't really see the point. Also why not just stop doing the deck instead of deleting it completely, so you could always go back?
I really hope not because that's completely retarded but someone probably does.
You should have exported it to everyone else
I just mine everything to a big ass deck as I come across it. My problem now is if I read as much as I'd like I'll end up with way too many reviews. The solution is probably just to skip words once I feel like reviews are starting to be too much.
all jokes aside, you better do some kanji study. it'll make it easier to mine later on. unless you have a thing for drawing. yeah i'm an idiot, just telling other idiots
This was my issue
I gathered so many useless situational vocab only used in a specific chapter in a specific manga
Constantly making fresh decks for new reading materiel ensures that I learn the most common words shared between all manga first, while spending time on situational vocab only as long as I actually read the manga this vocab is used in
Don't worry, we're all blind.
First time in a DJT thread, I've just begun learning Japanese again after a hiatus and I'm still struggling slightly to differentiate the topic particles は and がbeyond the obvious stuff such as differentiating one specific item from a group, and use in question sentences. I checked the link and I just want to clarify things.
Would it be right for me to say that you would use は to describe the property of a noun, and you'd use が to state what that noun actually is?
As in
as in
Tanaka is Japanese
Tanaka is a dog
Is this at least, one of the main differences?
I can't give up the sweet feeling of acquiring words. Just hit 2k mined. It's something tangible I can look at to feel like I'm progressing, even if it doesn't mean much.
Didn't you read Tae Kim? Summed up in one section. が is more like an emphasis.
Native reading speed:
Can you keep up /djt/? Haha.
I was watching God Eater and I heard this:
> ピタを倒さなくては
Googling it gave me:
> implied ない + て + は なりません
oh japan
Watching anime is also learning.
>Can you keep up /djt/?
From the several minutes of it I watched, yes I can. I guess I am become native.
He waits for the voices in voiced scenes if you noticed. If you can keep up with the non-voiced monologue, why the fuck are you here?
Go back to discord.
The solution is to deal with it and keep going, half a year later the amount of shit you'll need to mine will go down drastically.
>it'll make it easier to mine later on
I don't see how. Remembering what kanji means is already trivial and doesn't justify a separate study and no kanji study will save me from kanji with gazillion reading or vague ass kana only words.
Don't start with that shitty Hanahira VN. Read Yotsuba.
It's great.
Too late, started with Arifureta.
Not try watching it without subs to study for real
stop trolling nobody care you attention whore
Thanks for the pointer, I actually began learning Japanese with him originally.
So to straighten things out, if we had
it would be a general statement about Tanaka being tall, however if somebody asked
you would reply with
Some people have more difficulty differentiating kanji than others
don't waste a single more thought on this dude
you'll get it from reading rather than studying
fucking hell it's 背が高い not 背の高い (wtf の before an adjective).
The only thing you need to know is you can only use は once in sentence for the rest just learn by heart all the expression and sentence in which you use が。
I was frustrated as FUCK when starting japanese
Then I discovered the yotsuba reading pack / decks
You can only use this when you're modifying a noun. Otherwise, like now, you have to use 背が高い.
Yotsuba is pretty magical
I remember it being somewhat of a bitch at a beginner level though because of all the slang
>The only thing you need to know is you can only use は once in sentence
This is true, except for those very common cases where there are multiple はs per sentence
Which is where the reading pack comes in
The vocab PDF (not the deck) translates the slang to "normal" japanese
There's only reading packs for the first two volumes though isn't there?
my bad, was being quick and sloppy on my part
By the third volume you'll have a good enough grasp on the slang.
Guys I don't know what's being said here, I think my problem lies in the するならやって part, can anyone enlighten me or is there not enough context?
I want to regret doing If you regret not do nothing happened
Is it okay if I don't bother with RTK and just learn the particles instead?
Never mind I just got it, I was confused because I thought the したい was just modifying that last 後悔
Can I ever take breaks from reps? Must I do them everyday?
For the rest of your life
I took my first break yesterday for the first time in 3 months. 何でもいい
>fucking hell it's 背が高い not 背の高い (wtf の before an adjective).
This is normal though. の can replace が in clauses, and even outside clauses, if you imply a word like 人 as the modified noun, or simply bend the grammar like happens very often. Though it doesn't sound quite natural here, just pointing it out since the "(wtf の before an adjective)." made it seem like you didn't know
>and even outside clauses
Can you give an example?
You cannot stop.
But what if something comes up where I can't do anki for a day like if my arms break or something?
It's actually worse than Sisyphus. Our rock grows larger each time
You still have feet.
What if I break those as well?
>why the fuck are you here?
Habit. I've been here so long I don't know how to live without these threads.
You can set up your computer to use eye movement for the mouse and blinking for clicking. There's literally no excuse, if you're conscious, you can do your reps.
If you have an actual life you can take moderate breaks. If you're a stinky hikki fucker with a lot of free time you have no excuse.
Use your dick.
How can I set that kind of thing up with no hands or feet?
Well the sentence 背の高いです he posted itself could be used, if it was obvious that he is talking about a 人 he wouldn't really need to say that word.
And indeed if you for example try search for that sentence in quotes on google you get no less than 163 000 results
>And indeed if you for example try search for that sentence in quotes on google you get no less than 163 000 results
Something about the results make me question their legitimacy though
>If you have an actual life you can take moderate breaks.
Forever dekiani
Well the uses in natural sentences in random blogposts or BBSes obviously won't float up to the front page but be buried somewhere in the pile. 163k results can't all be bogus
>163k results can't all be bogus
Try looking at later pages
Can Rikaikun be used for mining decks?
Use firefox with rikaisama
Jesus fuck Anki ramps up quickly.
I took a 3 day break.
Whatcha gonna do about it?
>spend all free time doing anki
>have no time for grammer
>thus can't read
Tried a few times already, I get about 75~80% of everything (on "normal" shows. Scientific stuff or other stuff I'm not used is terrible).
Still not the in the level where I can find it enjoyable to watch it without subs, and I watch for enjoyment so I don't plan on dropping subs anytime soon...
はやおきはさんもんのとくって何? 俗諺か?
「Good things comes to those who wake up early」みたいな?
Try this
>do less anki
>study grammo
>do less anki
Decrease your new cards per day
Don't do production cards
tell it to stop bullying you. it will stop
Decrease to what?
Yea that always works
To N = C/2 + 10, C >= 20, where C is your current number
What's the recommended texthooker? I remember AGTH being the normal one, but that was quite a long time ago, is there a better one now? AGTH is kind of a bitch to set up too
There are a couple of models that decribe the recommended behaviour at sub-20 levels, the most accepted of which encourages that you give up
ITHVNR is the best one currently.
Fuck it I'll just stick it to 15 and call it a day.
Ah, thanks, I'll check it out now
I don't usually bother with them but I downloaded a VN that crashes when you alt+tab out of it, so don't have much choice
Are there any good nip fonts that look like (legible) handwriting for the purposes of anki?
I hate it when one day the Japanese just flows into your brain without even having to think about it, and then the next you can't understand shit no matter how much time you spend on it
I wish I was just in top form all the time
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