
New chapter is out.















Go on. I like criminale.



Honestly I like stalker so I won't say "worst girl won" if she gets MC but I would prefer Tsukiko or Harukana as the main heroine. It just feels like Hinako already gave everything she could give to the series very quickly.







mad women



will this be a whole omake?




That's all folks.

This fucking guy.

>that last panel

I'm going to make a difficult question, get ready and think before answering.

Who is best girl?
We have many candidates, is a tough choice

Good job.

best girl

Well it's definitely not Harukana.


Great chapter with stalker-chan going all out, but it still doesn't top pic related.

>does not wear panties


First kiss stolen.

Next item on the list: his virginity.


I hope she'll win. Seems like Harukana will win though.

what is this trash

She is best girl and I would love her winning but that won't happen

>Seems like Harukana will win though.

I don't see what makes you think that, I wish you were right, though.


Oh baby.

Thief is criminally cute

If any girl wins, it's going to be stalker.

Hoping for more stuff on the twins, we only got 1 chapter on them.

Sasuga assassin, you killed my heart.

It's not like no one tried before.

Pretty sure it's either Thief or Hitman. Hitman has the most screen time, while Thief is important plot wise.

What if the MC's super criminal powers involve getting a harem end?

>Sasuga assassin, you killed my heart.


I have a feeling this is going to be one of those mangas that is great to read but ends up stopping at 75 chapters

Cute, truly wife material.

Holy crap, the two of them defeated look cute.

Why does everyone hate thief? I think she is cute in her own way.

I guess Hinako really couldn't tell the difference between the real and fake MC.

t. Takeuchi

You must be new, first girl wins 99% of the time. Unless this is ending soon, Thief or Assassin getting screen/plot time means absolutely nothing in the long run.

I'm not caught up yet, but I wonder who MC will end up with. It could end in some harem shit cause assassin and stalker seem like that could happen.

I think people hate her shtick of easily making fun of everyone else without anyone being able to stand up to her (unless it's yandere mode stalker). It's fun once in a while but when it's her default mode, it gets really tiring. Hopefully she'll tone it down and interact normally with the others after character development.

It's like how Hitman would be annoying if she still shoots and tries to hurt the MC every appearance she gets but now she's a bro and is actually pretty understanding so people like her.

This to be quite desu.
I demand more Sarah.

Fuck the ebin meme Arsene Lupin the mad dog girls fight, this right here is the real best part of this chapter.

Idol outfit ranking:
God tier
Top tier
Normal tier
Shit what are you doing tier

She is fucking annoying, her gag is unfunny, and she is canonically an attention whore.

>hating nekomimi
The fuck is wrong with you

worst girl
oh my god she's so cute

Are the volume 1 raws available somewhere?

plus, I can smell her sob story to make her more sympathetic coming from a mile away
I'm sick of her and all the attention she's getting

Reminder that this is a highly trained Japanese hitman

Sarah and Hinako a.k.a. Hitman and Stalker

True but I think she will tone it down soon here as she was just introduced so we shall see.

Neko suit shows armpits man. that counts for extra

Nah, it's not and will not be like with Sarah, because being a pain in the ass is what defines Harukana as a character, while Sarah was always meant to mellow out. Not to mention her interactions with victim-kun have always been substantial and funny as hell.
Harukana is already going down the muh genetic with melodramatic flashback route.

She's an attention whore

best girl strikes again!

Well she better move fast, he almost had his anal virginity stolen in the first chapter.

Sarah didn't strike until a bit later my user

True that would be the generic route to follow but the author is so far being creative with how he takes the characters in the little we have seen so far so I have faith however misguided. In truth I am probably grasping at straws but I am hoping the author will make her interesting.

Is this weekly?

Am I the only one who thinks Bomb throwing tomboy is best girl

Hope she ends up dating the [Cracker]

I can't be the only one who thinks this... Right?

best yandere

I'm afraid you are sorely mistaken, user. Best girl struck exactly I pointed to.

She is very nice but Cracker must end with the rapist

>Implying he wasn't already victimized by some ara ara teacher back when he was a shota

Bomber is meant for Arsonist and this is final.

more like this

can't rape the willing....
besides her extinguished mode is pure me


Oh yeah I wonder why his parents seem normal since at least one of them also has the blood.

Fuck off you are nowhere as cute as her extinguished mode

I could be pretty cute sometimes too, but Bomber is way cuter

>The moment when you know the manga is going to be shit