Gay coffee shop owner kicks out Christians

>“Bake my fucking cake, you bigot! REEEEEEEEE”

Does the left lack all self-awareness? Serious question.

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Holy shit did that guy literally say he was going to fuck his boyfriend in the ass in front of those customers? Are these people fucking mentally ill?

>I'm gay
>"oh okay"
worse than fucking vegans

We need to start a "punch a fag" campaign..

How do you know he's gay?

I really hope something comes of this and he gets sued, this is JUST LIKE the cake people

The problem isn't even that he's gay, it's that he's a fucking spastic
just say "I don't want you posting religious propaganda in my store, get out and don't come back"
Problem solved. But instead he goes full retard

Gotta bring back the fag drag

Yea, and asked them if they'd tolerate it...

I'm not going to tolerate any employees serving me food to have sex in front of me, let alone doing butt stuff and getting fecal matter everywhere.

I want to be a libertarian, then I see shit like this, and start shopping for Zyklon.

>the shop is called bedlam
i guess they are just staying true to the name of the shop

public assfucking is disgusting regardless of your religion/politics

Waiting for faggots and kikes to take their side

Christians should ask gay shop owners to make Bible-themed cards, decorations, and foods with words that spell out God's warnings to gays.

brew the fucking coffee faggot

>I'd fuck Christ in the ass


pretty good

Regardless of your political views, gays are explicitly degenerate and should be euthanized for their own and for the sake of society
>pic related

Fags are ALL retard 24-7. "Why have a feminine woman who can give you the joy of a family like God intended when a smelly man ass can give you HIV?"

Or from a dyke: "Why have a strong protective man who can help provide and keep danger at bay when I can settle for a brain-damaged woman who acts masculine, yet still is weaker than a man?"

>Does the left lack all self-awareness?
No, this is intentional.

actually a smelly man ass won't give you HIV, none of his fluids are getting in to any of your internal mucous membranes. It's getting fucked in the ass that can spread it. It's those dirty switches that spread HIV, if every gay stuck to their role it wouldn't be a problem.

>youre not ok wuth me!
>we are in your shop so clearly we are ok

Mentally deranged

He shouldn't have said he's gay.
He should have said he was a muslim convert
That would have gotten them even more riled up, I think.


>Are these people fucking mentally ill?
Do you really need to ask?
We're winning because we DON'T act like little SJW punks and their terrorist BLM pets you retard.
don't count on it. would be nice though
THAT. Would be awesome. Let the war of the lawyers begin!

I dont even care that he kicked them out. Im more bothered that if a bunch of mudslimes went in there, espousing even greater hate of faggotry, he would keep his mouth shut and serve the fucking coffee.

Its disgusting how everyone can so casually shit on some religions while not daring to say a word about other ones.

lol but seriously you know they'll do something terrible to your coffee. Better not drink it and have it professionally tested by a lab for semen,aids foreign chemicals like windex or bleach. Save receipt and passively record the transaction if legal.

I hope those fellas enforce the hand washing policy.

Don't count on it.

He'll burn in hell.

You know what you say to that?
>Go ahead cutie pie, do it, bring him here and lets see you whoop it out.

Its just like calling somebody a racist.
>Yes and?

Just tip your coffee over on the floor and walk out and let him clean it up.

Stop being such a faggot.

>Stop being such a faggot.
When did it become being a faggot to call somebody out on their bluff, he was saying dumb shit back.

Thats like the asshole saying "shut up" ya, and or what, what if he dosent shut up, what will the owner do? Hit him? Pffftahahahahah.

>Just tip your coffee over on the floor
Probably not the best thing to do if you're selling Christianity to the degenerates. Might also count as harassment or some shit. Remember this guys love using their lawyers.

As we can see from the behavior of these gentlemen: Hitler did nothing wrong

>this guys
correction: these guys

pray for him anyway


I'm dying here. I can't breathe.

What was the magazine/poster that triggered him so much? Was it a bible?


I don't think I'd go in that place without a black light. Talking about filthy anal sex in the dining room, turdlets flying everywhere from ass banging. Turdlets on floor, turdlets on tables, turdlets errywhere. If you're buying coffee from that sumbitch better bring some hand sanitizer.


>He spilled his coffee on purpose.
No I didn't, when I stood up I bumped the table and it fell.

Now if you THREW your coffee at him, that would be something else.

Also, even if he did call the cops.
>Officer this man was threatening to bring his boyfriend in and sexually assault me.
Threatening to fuck somebody infront of you in a weird buttfucking way counts as harassment and potential sexual assault because you could be potentially raped.


HIV jokes never gets old, gays too.

I don't doubt your facts. I doubt the unbiasedness of the local prosecutors and judges. Also keep in mind big city cops lean more democrat.


the faggot did nothing wrong desu

>Are these people fucking mentally ill?

This is key to getting the left to accept pro-life positions, isn't Islam anti abortion? Get a bunch of burka clad Muslims out there protesting at the clinics side by side with the Christians. Lefties will be afraid to go against their pets, and it'd be a win for the unborn.

Also, once this inevitably goes viral his shop is fucking done. What a dumb faggot. lol

Really easy to curb.
>I consider myself a gay christian.
What do they do now?
It would be even better if somebody in their was involved and claimed to be a Muslim.

>Does the left lack all self-awareness? Serious question.

Well the people who identify (it may as well be self diagnose at this point) as left do show traits associated with narcissistic personality disorder. One of the traits being lack of ones own hypocrisy and the justification for it.

A gay Christian is still a Christian. On the victim/victimizer scale you're still the evil racist or whatever they're claiming these days.

I can't tell what's on the piece of paper that he's so upset about. It looks like some handprints.

No it won't. He's in Seattle. If anything, he'll be celebrated. That whole fucking place is due for a large magnitude earthquake that triggers Mt. Ranier's long overdue eruption.

Didn't read the story, but it looks like they were trying to advertise some kind of Christ-a-thon at their church with those fliers at the fag's assjuice shop. He probably took offense to the fact they were trying to spread Christianity in his place.

I'll be honest. I fucking hate when Christcucks do this shit and I somewhat side with the faggots.

what is the name of this fine facility? I think yelp and google+ need to know about this

They were posting fliers in the neighborhood, but didn't do anything in the shop. They were only there for coffee. They even state as much in the video.

This was the pamphlet that the "christians" that got kicked out were posting around. Fuck everyone involved in this.

>am i being detained?
>are you denying us service?


Gays love raping and killing children why does that pic bother you?

>Probably not the best thing to do if you're selling Christianity to the degenerates
Pretty sure they were just buying a cup of coffee and not trying to convert the local pagans

Truth really does hurt. Glad society is falling apart because it doesn't deserve to be stable while it murders the most innocent among us for reasons of vanity.

start spreading roumors that they fuck in the backroom and restrooms and they jizz in the creamer

Regardless, I'm still OK with it. Christians need to stop doing this shit.

>t. Experienced Leaf

Yeah, have to side with the gay guys here. Too many Christian whackjobs on this board.


>a group of Christcucks distributing highly offensive fliers all over the place outside of a store
>surprised they got kicked out of the store

the google reviews will be great

How the fuck can they push for the very policies that make this flyer a reality, and then act offended by it? It’s not even a religious flyer. It’s simply showing them the outcome of their decisions.

It’s functionality equivalent to a hot dog distributor being angry that someone shared a video showing how hot dogs are made.

It’s serious fucking lunacy. I truly worry about the future of society when people can push for unlimited abortions with conviction but then get offended by witnessing the results of their actions. Like what the actual fuck?

Why is that flyer offensive? It’s just a late-term abortion. It’s exactly what liberals are pushing for. They should be invigorated by seeing a dead fetus. It’s essentially the fruits of their labor.

if abortion offends you, you shouldn't support it filthy libural

drink some of my coffee, user. my boyfriend and I brewed this one specially for you. hot and steamy. you're not a fucking intolerant bigot, are you? come on, try a sip.

>Gorsuch is going to make religious discrimination against fags legal
>fags claim to pray to Buttsexicus
>say they have a religious obligation to discriminate against christians
Any reason they couldn't do this?

>Why is that flier offensive?
You just answered your own question.

If you're going to plaster a bunch of offensive shit everywhere, you can't be surprised some people are going to get offended. No store owner wants to have customers run into pictures of bloodied dead fetuses right before the enter their store. Especially if it's a place that sells food and drink.

Very good

>using over 30 years old data at a time when drug use was at its peak and condoms were practically never used


Inb4 Mr Faggot burns his own shop down and blames bigots.


someone needs to pound this fag's head into the curb

xD the queers pretty much proved them right, homosexuality is a mental illness

They posted it on public property. It’s an issue for the city. If this store owner voted in favor of abortion policies (odds are overwhelmingly-high that he did), then he shouldn’t be offended by this. I’m pro-choice (before 22 weeks) and I’m not surprised or offended by this image because I know this is what it looks like to terminate a pregnancy.

Sure you can argue that it’s graphic and that’s why he was offended but let’s be real, a guy who is threatening to fuck his boyfriend in the ass in front of customers is probably not grossed out by the imagery. He’s offended because someone finally showed him the results of his actions. He’s mad that someone showed him how the sausage is made per se.

the owner of the coffee/anal rape place leaves the same response on some of the one star google reviews

>Just to be clear, these are the people that were thrown out [ thetenthmark dot com ] visit the page, look at the hateful disgusting things they are about. They came in in hopes of disruption (in their own words-BUT WE HAVE COME TO INVADE YOUR SAFE SPACE.) The pictures of aborted fetus' at the hands of gays that we found hidden in the store are possibly the most offensive images I've ever seen. They spent the day putting stickers on everything they could in the neighborhood. the hypocrisy of these groups is truly profound.

"I don't want straightfags doing vajstuff getting yeasty gash juicy all over everything."
Do you see how retarded and autistic you sound?

How do we meme Owen Troyer from InfoWars into to going there and trying to interview them?

It is an issue for the city, but if they were literally posting this shit right outside of his store, of course he's going to be offended. He doesn't want his customers to have that kind of an image in their heads entering his store. It might influence their decision to purchase food and drink.

If you go around town doing offensive shit, you can't be surprised people are going to get offended, no matter who's responsibility it is to clean it up. The gay owner is obviously caught up in the moment and is trying to give comparatively offensive examples to the Christians by asking them if they'd be fine with him fucking his boyfriend in the ass in front of them.

You see, if these Christians were actually distributing fliers or leaving them in his store, then he has every right to sperg out on them.

His point is sound. You want employees fucking where you eat? Whether gay or straight it’s fucking gross, illegal, and would violate multiple food sanitation standards. In Michigan, you’d be shut down for that shit.


>If this store owner voted in favor of abortion policies (odds are overwhelmingly-high that he did), then he shouldn’t be offended by this.

1. Abortions don't look like this.
2. The imagery is shock imagery intentionally meant to be disgusting and offensive.
3. Surgery looks gross but is a positive thing, people still shouldn't go around spreading open surgery imagery in attempts to offend people.

>a guy who is threatening to fuck his boyfriend in the ass in front of customers is probably not grossed out by the imagery

He intentionally said something he thought would be gross and offensive to them in order to prove a point. "You don't wanna see this, I don't wanna see that".


That's definitely the face of a drug addict, specifically ice. Gay's choice of drugs. Why anyone would buy coffee made by a gay junkie who probably has 15 different men's excrement under his nails from last night, I have no idea.

I think you meant... subtle?

pic related..

For the record, I have zero issue with him asking them to leave. Just as I have zero issue with a Christian baker asking a gay couple to leave. If you want to refuse someone’s business, there will ALWAYS be someone who will gladly take your money and undercut their business.

My issue is the hypocrisy. Sure you can argue that the image is graphic. It is. I wouldn’t want to eat anything while looking at it for sure. But I’m not offended by it. This guy isn’t mad that it’s graphic. Think about the inverse scenario for a second:

Say the coffee shop is owned by a Christian and a bunch of gay dudes posted flyers of two naked dudes that said “This is what love looks like”. Then say the owner comes in with that flyer and says “would you tolerate if I preached to you right now? Would you sit here and tolerate it?” And then he kicked them out.
There would be fucking riots in the streets. Liberal lawyers would come out of the woodworks to ruin the owner’s life. There would be democratic congressmen demanding laws be drafted to curb such “hatred” in America.

My issue is the fucking double standard. You don’t get to act offended all the fucking time when your existence consists of offending a huge population. We enacted gender neutral bathrooms for less than 1% of the population (and even less was actually offended by gendered bathrooms anyway) but when 10%+ of people on the right are offended by something, fuck em. They don’t matter. That’s the problem man.

>"You don't wanna see this, I don't wanna see that"
>"You don't wanna see this thing you're against and I'm in favour of, I don't wanna see this thing you're against and I'm in favour of"

>moar this


This isn't news in America.



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