In an ideal world

In an ideal world

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>tfw you will live the fall of rome 2.0 , just without lead but estrogen fucking everything


These orc memes are so autistic, I just tell people niggers don't deserve rights because they're not human and I provide examples from the bible. I convinced my grandparents of this fact but haven't done so well yet with other people

>Ottomans exist


How should I know why the Ottoman Empire exists

Because of turkic hordes who were too retarded to figure out how agriculture, migrated because of hunger and started conquering the middle east by the bow and arrow, the faggiest way possible.


I don't care I didn't make this map it's a map of the world in 1914 if you don't like that the Ottomans are there then your grandpa should have invaded

WW1 ruined fucking everything

> In an ideal world
The Ottomans exist
Inbred Germans still own the balkans
Greece doesn't have Constantinople

What in hell's name kind of world is this?

It's not a fantasy map, this is the closest to ideal that we ever reached, and in this time period Constantinople is like 40% Greek

Your ideal world failed. It was a failure, you want it to repeat all over again?
inb4 it'll work this time
A variation of "it wasn't real communism" much?

It failed because
1. The Great War
Which led to
2. The Russian Revolution
3. The rise of the Nazi Party
Which led to
4. the Second World War
Which led to
5. the Soviet Occupation of Eastern Europe

read and learn.Besides Constantinople was not lost. She was raped and plundered, let alone betrayed and abandoned before the moment Ottomans ever stepped foot on it. By the Venician envy.
If you want repercussions for that loss go besiege the Vatican and sack the treasury of Venice.
Pathetic ignorant vermin is what you are. Probably thinking that 19 muslim fanatics are responsible for 911 too. Islam this Islam that, like a broken fucking record.
Im not a muslim btw. so save the inb4s.

Yes, it failed. And I wouldn't have in any other way. In result we gained (semi)independence and Germany will not surive this century. There are worse scenarios I could think of.

Muhammedanism is a cancer on our globe that must be removed like a tumour
We only had to suffer the roaring 20's which led to today's modern degeneracy

I would say that until the 40-50 things were going fine. It was the 60 that fucked everything up.

This guy gets it.

>Just bomb my London up senpai

So one sack was enough to destroy their empire?

That's 100% false, everything went rotten at the end of the Great War
In the 20's women started wearing mini skirts some women even wore men's suits and pants

>orc memes are so autistic
>I provide examples from the bible


>Turkroaches have land in general

Fuck you.

>Turks have land so I will disregard that literally everything else is better in this map
The bible is truth, the lord of the rings is not

So many mini bong flags is making my head hurt.
Also democratic Russia and not Tsarist.

Just noticed that Greece doesn't have Constantinople. Double fuck you.

Go in a time machine to 1913, and yell the Greeks to conquer Constantinople so that in 2017 when I post a map of the world in 1914 it will show Greece having Constantinople for you autistic retards

Both are great stories. I am not sure which one has more violence and retribution in it though.

The bible isn't just a story though

Neither was LOTR

Yes it was

So was the bible

No it was not just a story. It was a vision of the future. More accurate that anything Nostradamus or Baba Vanga put together ever said

No, the bible is 100% fact

The bible says to kill fortune tellers

gee, I wonder why?

Remove turkroach and it's all good

Deuteronomy 18:10-11
There shall not be found among you any one ... that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

>n-no Goyim don't look to the stars and stay away from numbers, they are evil. Don't educate yourself. Just read my book and be like a dumb sheep to the slaughter.

The Talmudists want us to disobey God, that's why they murdered Jesus and spread atheism starting with the Bolshevik Revolution which was a Talmudist Revolution

Oops I still had my shitposting flag on

It was really betrayed by the Jewish soldier who (((forgot))) to close a gate and the Ottoman army just walked in.

>no Rhodesian flag in place of Zimbabwe

>Ottoman Empire exists
>independent Ireland doesn't
Fuck you

phhhht. lol.
One true God my ass. That's funny though. There is a distinct similarity between Yahweh and Allah. And I was just thinking that. "Only worship me, the one true God" kind of bullshit. It's something Satan would say. There is no One God.

However the Bolshevik Revolution was indeed spearheaded by Jews. That's a fact. My GreatGrandparents left the Ukraine before Lenin got into power because they knew of the shitstorm that he would cause.

fucking leaf scum

Allah is Satan
And not by Jews, if you say this then you've been brainwashed. They were the synagogue of Satan, they're not Jews how can talmudists be Jews? If they were they'd follow Christ but they murdered him instead

Why do Irish in Ireland hate Britain but the Irish in Canada even the Papists love Britain?

> More C.Asian scum
Fuck off, mate. In an ideal world Russia is within its current borders and the Caucasus region is barely inhabited and used as a tourist site.

> Jews that don't follow Christ are not Jews but the Synagogue Satan
But Jews do not follow Christ, if they did they would be Christian, and not Jews.
Bolsheviks were Jews. Talmudists are Jews. Those that follow the Torah are Jews. Jews are not Christian. Jews do not follow Jesus. Jesus was a self serving dick anyway in his own little way.
Stop it with the

maybe LOTR is the truth and you just haven't been paying attention 0w0

>muh epic lord of the rings maymay


Why are there so many of you fucking faggots on this site. You've multiplied like
Rats the least few months

>There is a distinct similarity between Yahweh and Allah
It's the same God, even according to the "official lore", dumbass. The Torah and the gospel are sacred texts in Islam.

I believe you. No need to call me a dumbass, you fucking vodka nigger.
But either way, they are both shit.

Tolkien didn't like it when you said his work are fiction, you're interpretating it literally. You're not understanding what he meant with the story if you think it's just a fantasy and nothing more.

>french guyana
>fucking europe



>The bible is truth

How do you know?

You realise North Africa and Sub Saharan Africa are completely different don't you? Or are you a We wuz kangz type?

Tolkien wasn't a racist, at least not at the time, modern liberals would consider him a racist. He didn't like apartheid and he liked jews.

Orcs represents the simple-minded crowd that let's itself be manipulated into doing evil.

Let me fix that

Jew =/= talmudist
You're falling for their propaganda they want you to say Christianity was invented by them so you'll disobey God they're the synagogue of Satan Oh yeah I forgot it's Sunday morning Sup Forums all the kiddies are on here.

>How do you know?

It says so in the bible. Duh.

Because the bible has been predicted true, it predicted the downfall of Europe if it became atheist and how Africa's population would grow which did happen
In 1950 Africa was 40% of europes population
Today it's 160% of europes population

Well GOT was based on the war of the roses and Tolkien got inspiration from mosely in Birmingham and no doubt some historical shit. remember, history repeats itself. I don't even massively nerd out about LOTR or use things like that as a reference in political debate. I just don't like bible thumpers.

>french territory in niggerland is more important than Greek lands that been overrun by roaches

A leaf, ladies and gentleman

You absolutely have no clue how things are around here except for the memes you read on Sup Forums

its ok because your canadian lol

"He", not "they". Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity is. Today's Muslims are basically former Christians, who didn't fall for the "holy trinity" semi-pagan bullshit and kind loving God. Both Muslims and Jews know God is an asshole and Jesus is just a man.

>Because the bible has been predicted true


>perfect world
>ottomans exist

thx germany for ruining it as always

>algeria fucked
hell yeah
>saudia arabia fucked
hell yeah
>moroccan sovereignity
you're doing good
>finland isn't sovereign or swedish
>ireland isn't a wasteland
>western sahara is spanish
hol up
>belgium isn't dutch
turn back

My bad, the bibles predictions came true

Fuck off, degenerate Christcuck.


first the trees then the Fryse

4th crusade

If Talmudist are "Jews" or not, it's irrelevant. Jews do not follow Christ either way. Hence the distinction between Jews and Christians.

He/They... what is the difference? Yahweh and Allah are only 2 of the 666 different names that "Satan" goes by.

> Satan
What kind of drug are you on?

Why the fuck are we German again? Sees Leaf. Oh, right, that explains it.

Why is Korea gone?

That's not the Empire of Liberty

Haha, ok.
Any God that commands you to have to other Gods before "Him" is clearly "Satan".

Except "In the name of Allah" is "بسم الله"
> Any God that commands you to have to other Gods before "Him" is clearly "Satan".
You mean like the Christian God?
>You mean like the Christian God?
And the Islamic one, bucko. Same shit, different pile. Like you said, they are the same thing.Muslims kill believers of other Gods and/or polytheists.
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"
So it's obvious now. You have revealed yourself to be a filthy musrat.
btw, Mohhamad was a crossdressing faggot and a rapist pedophile who like to mash tongues with young boys.

>You have revealed yourself to be a filthy musrat.
I'm a fedora tipper, actually.

huh... Well at least you're better then a Muslim or stupid Christcuck sheep then.

So are you LARPagan or what?

Agnostic, actually. But I suppose "Pagan" works.
There is a higher power. There is more than your waking life. I know this for a fact, but desert Gods drawn up by delusional heat stroke sufferers is not the way. Pay attention to your dreams.

>ideal world


>There is a higher power. There is more than your waking life. I know this for a fact
> I know
Which means you're not agnostic. It literally means "without knowledge". Agnostics deny the possibility of ever knowing whether or not there is a god.

>Agnostics deny the possibility of ever knowing whether or not there is a god.
>whether or not there is a god.
>a god
This right here. This is the key. I don't know there if there is a God or not. The higher power does not have to be a "God". But there is a "higher power".

Huh, try again, sweetie...

Look for the ''Sack of 1204/1205''. Learn some shit. Behold the betrayals. Acknowledge the double cross. Witness the intrigue and envy. Ignorant retard.
So then you may channel your hatred with empathy. And fathom what you really are.
What we ever were.