Buyfag Thread

Please don't read the guide

>Bought her because my dick said so
Did I screw it up?

You have to exchange it at the bank, and then mail it in.

Post figures that would trigger average normalfags

>he doesn't do the wisdom wank

Paypal will automatically convert for you at a slight fee.

That's pretty much the majority of my figures.

Goofy face

>leaving them like that in the open
wew user, aren't you worried about dust all over your figs?

Looking at things, there's not really a lot of Fate Grand/Order posters/tapestries, is there? I'm not really finding really much of anything.

It's my closet. The air space is already fairly closed off.

I just got a genius idea: I'll actually use all those metal bookmarks I've bought.

>shiny lance sword things
>battle dress is sexy but not too skimpy
>effects don't look retarded
good in my book.

Have my approval, for all it's worth.

Oh, that makes sense.

Thanks, user

Glad I waited to order the black version, looks a lot better in my opinion. I neeeed my July order to come already.

Got myself a loli today.
As my first PLUM figure I'm really surprised on how well it looks.

I don't like the I gotta pee pose

Forgot the picture

I'm just fucking tired of bunny girls in general. It's just depressing when the character I like can only get bunny girl figures, yet can't even get one in her normal outfit.

Stop fucking posting this.

Sansei? Wing did a nice fig of her normal outfit.

I would take a 1/4 bunny of my waifu any day over the nothingness that I have to contend with now.

No it doesn't! Don't feed him lies!

I hope you get dust in your buttcrack, you fool!

No her, speaking of another character that I like and such.

we more cute porkchop figures

You may as well become a tripfag.

Was going to get this but her face looks derp as fuck

Get some taste.

>hating bunnies

Some of them can be really nice/sexy

Any good figures with horns besides ?

Is that a pen pen plush?

I have the white one. I really want the black one, but I don't know how I feel about having two.

That's a really big bunny.

your room is cute. I'm jealous

What's the best place for cheap shit if I don't give too many fucks about the quality?


is not me.

But I'm mainly speaking of characters that only get bunny girl figures and that's it.

This one's pretty cute.

The Seven Deadly Sins series of figs have a lot of good horned girls if you're into lewd.

>Stop fucking posting this.

Bunnies are garbage.

>cheap shit
>don't give too many fucks about the quality?

You don't have to cry just because anons are mean to you.

Got something fat in the mail. Only cost me 840yen, such a bargain.

I've just realised that the trips have stopped posting anywhere near as much as they used to.

Mine's still in Los Angeles. She's been there for 2 days despite EMS.

Are you from Canada?

>this is a no bully zone
you can always go to tumblr.

Please don't summon them. The threads have been somewhat better. There's like 3 posters emulating their blogshit posting though.

>impying Canada has a postal service

And no.


They all went away to the Skype club.

if you look at the file name, it's just some random person's pic from MFC

Asphyxiate yourself.

fuck off

>No fun allowed

I like the jiggles on those puffs

How do you get invited to the super sekret skype klub?

You can tell which posts were his even before he posted that picture. Whenever there was a post about hiding figures or whether or not to unbox them he always blogged about his collection.

What is the absolute best shelf/case for displaying?

Your closet

I pissed of this threads dedicated mod so I got an invite.

Oh God not this shit again.

No, that wasn't me. Why would I talk about unboxing figures and hiding figures when I already do that?

Wow, you are upset, aren't you?

See you in the next thread.

garters are inside out. Panties go over garters.

>having to comment
How autistic are you?

We don't need to have this argument again, either is acceptable.

The ones you build yourself. Don't fall for the cuckland furniture meme.

Stop being an attentionfag and you'll fit right in.

Is someone is butthurt they don't have an Ikea nearby?

Take the dicks out of your mouths and post the last thing you PO'd

Are you the guy who made his own hexagon shelves?

>also having to comment
I think we're all the same amount of autistic here.

Use a trip next time so I can filter your pathetic posts right away.

I ordered Saber Vortigern. I already have one, but I'm getting another.

Panties over garters = day to day wear because you want to be able to pee

garters over panties = modeling because you're trying to sell panties and garters so you want people to see what they're going to buy

Because most people's first exposure now days to garters is advertising it's no wonder many women choose to wear them that way for day to day wear.

>hey get a trip so I can filter you meme
Kill yourself.

Tail Red, if they know that it's actually a hot boy

>being an attentionfag

That's why I use a trip, right?

Seems there's a lot of people doing that, did you buy your first at a high price or are you hoping to sell this one off in the future?

A nice display case from a real furniture maker. It's going to be expensive though. Try searching for "glass curio"s online.

MFC tag search

FOTY 2017

What are the odds of either Alter or GSC making something for this cutie half elf?

Seriously, get a trip.

I bought my first one at 400+ USD. This is a spite buy.

Only 77 figures. Sad.

Learn to ignore posts asspie-kun.

>he doesn't have pee fetish

That's why you samefag and show off your closet in every thread.


You may as well get one.

Also Hajime. Glad both of them are getting re-releases.

I LOVE bunny girls!!

Please don't post my wife.

What's the point of "displaying" in your closet?

For the (You)'s.

The most bland shit ever.

Same as

There is no point, it's a fucking closet. It's for storing boxes. Only a retard would 'display' in a closet.

Why are these threads allowed to exist?

The amount of circlejerking and blogposting is enormous.

Fuck off to tumblr faggots
