


I'm sorry I don't pay attention to studios.

Kill yourself


That just makes you a pleb

Nah. Literally any studio could have made Konosuba work.

Apologize to them or for them to apologize to us? I'm more for the latter.

They made Rakugo, the (as of now) AOTY. Rehashed tripe like Konosuba need not apply.

rakugo was good, i'll give them that

Still scarred after the Umineko anime tbqh


Umineko never had an anime, you are called the lord of lies for a reason Satan.

Deen is still shit though, one or two flukes still doesn't mean that they are offesetting their previous dogshit.

Deen releases a good anime about as often as Kyoani does though.

So they would have come up with the same casting and direction? Horseshit. Shaft would have taken half the humor away with their usual meddling of aesthetic while KyoAni focuses on the animation and nothing else.

Did they apologize for any of their shows after 2000 yet?

Studio Peen.

Every drama they ever did was shit

Sorry Konosuba is better than Rakugo and Sup Forums agrees.

>Shouwa Rakugo

Are they redeeming themselves? Good for them

>last good kyoani anime was 2011 with nichijou
so that means koe no katchi will be good?

Sup Forums is retarded and dismissed rakugo as fujoshit because it had 2 male MCs

that's why it's never good to trust the consensus

After they apologize to the customers.


get off Sup Forums crossboarder

I watched Rakugo and liked it but not more than Konosuba.

KonoSuba saved me from killing myself, I hate deen.

I'm sorry for ever doubting you, DEEN. You always find a way.