what shows are undeniably shit?
What shows are undeniably shit?
>inb4 SAO
you're favorite show
Boku no Pico. I'm serious.
Anything by kyoani
>Thinly veiled rec thread
Wrong. What are you, gay?
Anything with octahedrons in it.
all kyoani stuff
oregairu season 2
Comet Lucifer
Anything with moe.
any cute girls doing cute things
ramiel a shit. a SHIT.
whatever comes out of kyoanus
>one piece
>fairy tail
>any other mainstream Shonen
Your favorite show :^)
Dragonball Super, and I didn't enjoy Konosuba personally.
Pic related
Also Kantai.
Oh ok.
fuck you I like ramiel
Holy shit dude just got this crap out of my backlog, they couldn't even stick to one case throughout the series it was shit.
Nobody remembers this one but Triage X, it aired a few seasons ago.
Although I do dislike many of those shows as well, please explain what makes them objectively bad other than being "mainstream shounen"
>too much filler
>too overhyped
>horrible plots pandering to anime noobs
>not a single decent waifu
>the power of friendship will win this battle for me
Say that to my face fucker and not online and see what happens
overman king gainer
the robot looks cool though
Sora no Method
Fuck that trash, it was just absurd amounts of unjustified abuse. Worst show I've watched, and the only one I consider myself to have dropped.