Code Geass

Just finished this and I'm always down for second opinions. What did Sup Forums think?

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Loved it. One of my favorites.

It was dumb. Which was nice when it didn't take itself seriously but came out utterly retarded when it did.

season one's pretty good.
started getting super dumb with Mao tho.

second season continues the trend of mao levels of stupid but gets even worse at times.

which isn't to say it's not a fun watch, and i'd definitely watch it again. probably with a drinking game of some sort worked out.

I do love me some Pizza Butt.

Oghi should have died.

He got away with everything. The true fucking antagonists

It's one of the best stories in the history of anime.
Just don't watch Akito the Exiled.

loved the memes we made back then, it was a fun time

Pizza butt is pure heaven

It was all extremely hammy, but the 1st season was hammy in a fun way. The second... not so much.

My primary memories are memes and table fucking. And I wasn't even here when it aired.