Coal mining, redpilled?

I really hate this gay Earth, would coal mining/derrick work in West Virginia be a smart idea?
I'm 19, my ideawould be go mine/derrick work for two years, get residency, and apply for state police

>Also, Appalachia General
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>West Virginia
93% white
great fun laws
low standard of living
blue ridge mountains

Is it really heaven?


Why state police, as a career choice that is?

I think law enforcement is a good career, Idk I'm a young cunt, sorry for lack of explanation

coal ain't what it used to be in this state. natural gas is king. and hopefully our decent geothermal reserves will be taken advantage of.
west virginia is a pleasant place to live aside from the hellish weather.

>hellish weather
I actually kind of like it, /comfy/ in its own way
Is natural gas a booming industry atm? would it be as easy to get into as it was with oil in the midwest a few years ago?

>coal mining
PAnon here. I don’t know much about the industry but I do know that tons of miners got fucked

how so?

don't get into coal mining, this shit will fuck with your lungs.
seriously have you ever attended your chemics class? sure it might be fun, to work something that is associated with "work for men" but i wouldn't ever get into it. try to find a proper workplace. why are you not applying as a state policemen now?

Just testing if we are still banned

Wvfag here, its opening back up. Oil, gas and mining are all hiring. A limestone mine just started hiring people at 18 an hour with no requirements about 30 minutes from my house. Oil and gas is a industry where you either have to go company to company and apply or know someone. They don't advertise work but they are hiring. Being CLEAN and staying clean will get you a job. So many job openings from people failing a piss test.

All coal miners have full respirators or filtration masks. Its required by osha.

where do you live?
what if I only did it for 2 years?

No, but if you cross WV's nothern border you'll be in heaven.

into where? Maryland?

well i don't know shit about your local laws for coal mining, just take into account, that not everything s always working as it is supposed to.

here are a couple of implications that (((might))) occour
There are a number of negative health effects of coal that occur through its mining, preparation, combustion, waste storage, and transport. Negative health effects from coal use within the U.S. include:[1]

Reduction in life expectancy (particulates, sulfur dioxide, ozone, heavy metals, benzene, radionuclides, etc.)
Respiratory hospital admissions (particulates, ozone, sulfur dioxide)
Black lung from coal dust
Congestive heart failure (particulates and carbon monoxide)
Non-fatal cancer, osteroporosia, ataxia, renal dysfunction (benzene, radionuclides, heavy metals, etc.)
Chronic bronchitis, asthma attacks, etc. (particulates, ozone)
Loss of IQ from air and water pollution and nervous system damage (mercury)
Degradation and soiling of buildings that can effect human health (sulfur dioxide, acid deposition, particulates)

Global warming (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide)
Ecosystem loss and degradation, with negative effects on health and quality of life.

ofc i got these informations from the first search result on jewgle, but i eecommend you, to at least looking up the possible problems. you might even find some information in your local newspaper.

Near parkersburg wv. Sponsored Campaign CPC&iis=JobTarget&jtrfr=&_jtochash=lLzZXrILLY1BC1kJC4Qz4&_jtocprof=xnxj_pkB_Sp26FDjU15WZMHbmc0jSgMo&mobile=false&width=1160&height=500&bga=true&needsRedirect=false&jan1offset=-300&jun1offset=-240
This company has several locations.

those health problems come as a result of coal mining for decades

sorry for not providing you a proper link. im phoneposting.
i don't want to shittalk about possible problems of mining, just warning you, that not everything might be as you are expecting it to be.

i mean, you want to work there for about 2 years. do you have any other possibilities? is this the best paying job you could get in your area?

Im a college freshman, 2 weeks in realized I made a mistake.
I've never really liked education, it aint like I'm not good with school, I can maintain a solid 3.0 GPA
I just feel so useless. Being idle drives me mad. I want to actually do something tangible and have more freedom.
not indenting myself 100k is an added bonus
>other possibilities
I said in the OP that'd id like to go into law enforcement afterwards when I'm eligible

the initial boom happened years ago, but for the state it is still your best option if you want to make some good money quickly, with 1-2 years invested or so. but the need for workers come and go