What is it with Sweden and being the most antiwhite place on earth?
Why do you Swedes want to die so desperately?
You weren't even in the war to warrant the white guilt that you are having.
Please tell me what is going on in your head.
What is it with Sweden and being the most antiwhite place on earth?
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David Schwartz
Swedish media hegemony is totally and completely owned by one family, Jewish family named bonnier. It's not even a joke.
Some normie Swedish politician was shocked when she found out, said media shouldn't be in such a monopoly and she got branded a nazi and was banished from politics. This is real.
America produces all of the anti-white stuff.
Sweden may appropriate it or whatever and seem like its the place where it has the greatest magnitude of expression, but never forget that the source, the wellspring of it all is America and Judaism, but I repeat myself.
Simplified but correct answer.
It's the thanks we got from being nice and saving jews in WW2.
What the fuck is that image of the brunhilda getting fucked by the black guy? What fucking context is that? Why is that in the game?
They lost god, and in turn, lost their tradition.
I was non-religious and thought anyone who believed in god was an idiot. All the European countries that are the most degenerate and lost are the countries where the indigenous population is extremely non-religious/atheist. That was enough of a redpill for me, believe in god if you want or don't, but there is undoubtedly a strong causal relation between Atheism and all this kind of bullshit we're seeing today.
We also "lowkey" helped Germany quite a lot. And after WW2 we were striving to become an idealistic, monolithic society, even had a eugenics program going.
They couldn't let that happen.
Fun fact, the fags at
have all been bullied when they were kids by non whites
Thanks for this, I didn't even know they had this much of a grip on the media in Sweden.
This explains a lot actually:
How big is the Jewish grip on Sweden generally?
We all know of Barbara Spectre, but there seem to be many more forces active in subversion of the Swedes.
I also feel like "most cucked place on earth" is too simplified. Sweden is a land of extreme opposites.
They still practiced eugenics in the 1960s. Nowadays they have the worst SJWs and Muslim apologists, but also have one of the most active and largest far-rights in the world
In 1960s the Swedish PM also said it was a good thing in a speech that Sweden was completely homogeneous "not just regarding race but culturally as well", when he was talking about race riots in USA. Tage Erlander. This was the PM before the Olof Palme, who opened the floodgates because of the Jew behind him named David Schwartz.
There really isn't any context. Just a little "comedic" snippet in the trailer.
Btw, it's somewhat ironic that they make the "nazis" look awesome. Do they WANT people to join us?
Jews dominate all aspects of not just the media in Sweden but the their main industry as well, particularly the weapons industry. Which kikes with their chutzpah are guilting Swedes over!
Sweden is CUTE.
It's always a blonde woman. Always. Everytime.
That reminds me so much of our Chancellor Willy Brandt (famous for falling on his knees, coining eternal German guilt in Warsaw), who also had a Jew advisor by the name of Egon Bahr.
Under Brandts rule Germany for the first time became swept enmasse by Turks ... also Bahr told Brandt to go easy on the communists.
Its stunning how its (((them))) every time.
What a strange cohencidence indeed
Sweden sold iron for manufactering german weapons. Hitler admired swedens eugenics program and their nordic heritage. Sweden came up with the idea of marking german jews passport with a "J" so they couldnt flee. Some say göring first saw national socialism and the swastika in Sweden.
Up until the 1970s the ruling ideology in Sweden was bismarckian natsoc "folk home"
>Sometimes referred to as "the Swedish Middle Way", folkhemmet was viewed as midway between capitalism and socialism. The base of the Folkhem vision is that the entire society ought to be like a small family, where everybody contributes
>The term is thought to have its roots in Rudolf Kjellén's vision of a corporatist-styled society based on class collaboration in the national interest, largely based on Otto von Bismarck's juxtaposing of conservative stability and continuity to social reforms otherwise associated with socialist parties, such as universal healthcare and unemployment benefits.
Yeah, its always blonde women on black men.
And blonde men are always either gay or nazis.
(((Pure coincidence.)))
Not even once. I'm glad I live in the north. Very undesirable to ooga boogas.
Europe is dead, its time to BLANDA UPP if you want your genes to survive
How many adverts in Germany feature Black women with white men exactly?
I'd say every 3rd advert has black people in it.
Deutsche Telekom (biggest internet and phone provider in Germany) has an ad that is very disgusting in general:
The song that plays has weird englishgerman mixed lyrics that go "I have my pussy with me and it goes bang bang bang" ...
Theres also a song currently popular that plays almost 24/7 on the radio:
The lyrics literally are antiwhite and condemn "people that are shut behind walls" and "scared people that are full of hate" all to images of smiling niglets and animals while he says "come on reach out your hand one home one world". You can guess the message intended with this.
Many blonde women and cucks love this artist btw.
Theres literally tons of degenerate German ads I could link.
When will it end ...
>tfw you only feel hate towards your own people because of how pathetic they are