Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Mudsharks can spew whatever drivel they like the kids will realize on an instinctual level how she's debasing herself
"It's ok, I walked into the door.."
>when you have to explain your toll status to your child
Can we stop using the word "woke"
Is this "journalism"?
winner winner chicken dinner
The absolute state of the english language.
Who is the boyfriend in this sentence? Is it the mother's black boyfriend, or the daughters black boyfriend, there's a world of difference depending on who is the subject of that sentence.
On the day of the rope, all employees of Twitter should be summarily executed.
It's a pretty good substitute for "ignorant" I think. Using it unironically is a good way of outing yourself as a redditor, though.
Checks out, just make sure she's a single mother tho
"mommy got subverted by the 99% jewish media that promotes race-mixing and subsequently fell for it"
>Clickbaiting intensifies
>nigger boyfriend(((s)))
>more than one nigger boyfriend
already confirmed famalama
>going to college and getting a 4 year degree in journalism for this.
Tbh when white women breed with black dudes at least they're permanently ruining their genetic line ensuring that we'll never mistake them for "white" again, but rather the niggers that they truly are. White niggers.
from the grave
the daughter or the mom's boyfriend?
this article written by a thirsty black?
Underrated jek
are female athletes more likely to be coalburner?
"Come back from college with a black eye and a mix bred baby, just keep on driving to the ghetto. Where you will spend the rest of your short, unsuccessful days.'
>not even a racist
>still triggered by how retarded this is
Fucks sake, this is the worst
Best post yet....because it is the truest.
"Sorry mommy will get you killed because I fell for the medias BBC memes but my happiness is more important than your safety."