Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

>Throwing his arms out he wrapped around Subaru’s neck and snuggled up next to him.

>“Uh, eh, eeeh!?”

>“Don’t move. I’m checking something out right now.”

>Since they were about the same height, his face was now right next to Subaru’s. His voice whispering directly into Subaru’s ear, his whole body felt like it was being tickled. Subaru's face turned red from the sensation. He looked to his surroundings for help, finding Rem loitering near the mansion’s entrance he instantly turned pale.

>She had on a blank face, one could see from afar she was unconcerned with what was happening. Towards the now gasping Subaru, Rem gestured her hands in a small mincing motion. It wasn’t like this gesture had any meaning in particular, but the intent was clearly conveyed to Subaru.

>“I’m going to tell Emilia”

Other urls found in this thread:

>look mom i posted it again xD

You're not disgusted by catboys are you?

Felix a cute

>posting the exact same OP

I hope you disemboweled



Under 12 hours

Emilia is shit

mfw the cat fuccboi dies

Crusch loses her memories so he dies inside

>lets stuff it with tons of dramatic deaths because deaths are meaningless with MC's ability

Are any of the supporting characters going to stay dead permanently or should I just stop watching?

It's not a problem mate. All of you are welcome to make 100 thread about rezero every minute

Yeah permanent things do happen

Someone post the white whale please

Anyone know know where I can get the light novels in an e format so I can start translating these things?

Angry rem is pretty cute

Not the light novels, translate the Web Novels.

fuck you hayate from ice

If the checkpoint moves to after someone is dead or injured, it'll be permanent.

Then again, Satella could just be transferring Subaru's consciousness from one timeline to another.


Someone already finish tl volume 1.

Can you stop posting this on every thread and giving this guy publicity?

That user is the guy posting same vid.

Pitiful Emiliafag

appreciate it.


see If you're legit then start from this chapter

Oh yeah, you're probably right because the last time he posted that video he got mad at everyone for not knowing who melonpan was and started calling everyone newfags for it.

>yfw Crusch didn't get Felix as her knight because he's the most powerful water magic user in the kingdom, but because of his giant spiked cat dick
Truly a dicktator

Thanks guys. I'mgoing to start on this today. I need some sleep now though. Just got off work.

And now she doesn't remember who the fuck he is. And Felix just suffers on the corner.

melonpan is not even that old, even newfags know him

I hope you're legit

>even newfags know him
Just you

yeah yen press

That's not the point. Only newfags would watch cringey anime shit on youtube.

>anime reviewer
i bet you like chibi or foreverworld too

I love sauronfags!

>anime reviewer
at least watch the video if you're gonna reply, oh nevermind this is Sup Forums, it's better reply with nonsense, keep the shitpost user


Blue pill me

Can I have both?

That sounds dangerous.



You know Yen Press is going to take like a fucking decade to finish the TL for Re:Zero.

I have no idea why people support this piece of shit company. To support the author? Well I'm not really sure whether taking a fucking decade to TL material that fantranslators take a single year to TL is supporting the author that much. People lose interest in LN quickly after the first binge. They won't fucking check every 2 years for that one isekai harem bullshit that Yen Press is lazily working on.

No danger will stop me.



So which one is better to translate, LN or WN?

What the hell is that,web novel? Isnt Rezero LN only?

Also why doesnt subaru learn from his mistakes? What the fuck is this writing

It seems strange that he didn't post a couple sentences of Japanese to prove he was legit though.

Web Novel is the source material published by the author online. The LN is an adaptation of that.

Okay maybe your should translate the LN instead of WN, because the LN are the finished versions. So starting from Volume 7 would be the way to go.

translating the LN is faster/easier (less words). Volume 9 comes out in September. join hayate, etc

join kaguro, rilakkulina, etc if you want to translate the WN (more details)

Okay faggot you better be the real deal and translate the LN not the WN.

what if we want more words

but the LN is already being translated on a lot of sites, sincerely I prefer the WN

>on a lot of sites

Which sites? How many volumes were released? Yeah, thought so.

Are you fucks insane?

Who the hell wants to read material they watched already?

TLing the parts of the WN that comes after the anime would be better.

The only way I can justify his behavior is that he went into a frenzy. Subaru needs to take a break and calm down first if he wants to accomplish anything. Right now it's just painful to watch how pathetic he is.

only LN vol 1 desu

I didn't even think about that. Someone should start from Volume 7 and someone from the WN from the part where the anime ends.

Not the same guy but we've watched those types of videos before and they're all cancer. It's even worse when it's a "reviewer" since none of them actually know how to review something properly and just spout nonsense so they seem like they know what they're talking about. There's a good reason to why people hate anime reviewers and people who score anime.

The people who are interested in source material. Starting translation where anime ends is cancer.

only underage and casuals watch those kind of videos unironically for reference because they have actually watched few anime, all of those reviewer are retarded and cringe the only decent Demolition D imo

translate the wn

they always skip a lot of things, also in a novel normally the story is narrated from the POV of the MC so you always know what he thinks or view the things that keep happening. In the anime they can show you his angry face, in the novel they will explain you how does he feel exactly

Yes, because suffering through that absolutely cancerous way of writing that comes when you TL Jap to English for 7 volumes for shit you already know is such a good thing to do.


Is the preview for sunday up yet? It always comes out on friday.

in 5 min

Death is our only salvation.

and my wife Emilia.

Is this anime any good? I'm not into all that cute girl moe shit, nor am I in it for the girls - but I ask if this show is good? Compare it to another show if you can pls.

No, fuck off. There are plenty of reviews already available

but no one is supporting yen press here

Memes are great

And it's pretty great without memes too.

I thought it would be shit because it looked like simple waifu-bait and a self-insert power fantasy, but turns out it's my favorite show of the season. Go figure.

If I had to explain the show in one word, it would be "cathartic"

LN has better pacing, writing and character developpement. go help hayatetl

Alright thanks. I think I will give it a shot

Where is my edgey witch super-powered Toyota?

preview is out

We'll save you Emilia !!

I love the art that the guy of your pic related does

Have you watched Steins;Gate? well it's like that arc were the MC does some thousand of time loops in order to have his friend, but the MC here is useless, edgy and an autistic NEET who act like... he is the MC of some fantasy wish fulfillment anime

I want to ram Rem!

Rewatched episode 1 and:
>keeps flashing to the part where Subaru and Emilia first die
>Subaru gets pulled through when he touches her hand in the "flashforward"
>same sound as when he respawns as he opens his eyes in the new world

On the other hand he seems to not have memories of it so obviously it wasn't a normal respawn, nor transferring consciousness across parallel universes.

I'm going to protect Rem and kiss Emilia's hand.

Emilia is back
Betty is back
White While is no CGI
This fucking scene !!!!!

Oh dear god is IT finally about to happen?

They won't end this before Betelgeuse right?


It's shit

What does Priscilla talk about?

next ep is "from zero" so they probably gonna end it with puck killing him

>the MC here is useless, edgy and an autistic NEET
I don't get this meme


I hope so


Me and one of my housemates agree, that Rem is best girl, she cares so much plus she super cute and we haven't even seen Emilia for like 3 episodes.

Felix is best catboy