on what device do you read manga, user?
On what device do you read manga, user?
do you buy your manga?
Laptop/PC/Kobo/Phone. Our goddess RSS thing is so handy.
I usually buy manga if I really like it.
I might shock you but, I'm using an ancient type of device, long forgotten in the flow of time.
They call them "books" from where I am.
ipad air
So you barely read manga at all, or are you some sort of moonspeaking millionaire?
Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70 and normal volumes
how are ereaders for manga?
optimal screen size?
My computer.
I'm approaching the latter.
Also I'm lucky enough to live in a country where a lot of shit is translated, that helps.
My phone. Sony Xperia Z3. Though I spend more time reading LN on it than manga.
vertical iiyama XUB2790HS-B1
Computer mainly but I sometimes buy a series if I enjoyed it.
Usually on my Iphone, and I squeeze in a volume before going to sleep
If I enjoy a manga enough, I buy it's first volume and add it to my shelf of favorites
I read Berserk in my tablet because it can't buy it in my country, same thing with Boku no Hero Academia (it's quite bad so i wouldn't buy it anyway)
And i just bought the first volume of Neon Genesis Evangelion, it was quite good .
And that's it
usually just on my monitor, sometimes i buy stuff too.
i have an old surface pro (a gift) that i could use, but fear that it's bad for my eyes. at least with the monitor i usually sit at a good distance.
how do these readers like kobo affect eyesight? and what about normal tablets? is it a good idea to read extensively on those?
I bought a Galaxy Tab S2 just for anime/manga as a spur of the moment thing knowing I would regret it, but it's the best purchase I've ever made.
Ancient iPad 3 that works alright for reading and manga. Great screen > all.
Same, except the aspect ratio isn't the best for anime.
Gorgeous display, though, and perfect for manga, light novels, and web browsing (or shitposting).
you can zoom in or zoom out as you please, user.
What's the manga called on his phone?
Who was phone?
If you set the view to 100% in MX Player, it does create black bars around the edges but the picture if flawless. I usually watch anime at night with the lights off where its pitch black anyway, so the bars don't bother me.
me too
it always amazes me how so many people don't use this basic device to do that.
Because some people like to read or watch anime while lying in bed.