RIP Porno?

>The Sun - Porn stars say rise of sex robots is putting them out of work because randy fans prefer perving on robots to humans

What say you, user? Do you think Carl will stop downloading/jacking off to Ela's videos and start jizzing inside an Alicia 9000?

The future will be perfect.

what idiot did this shop. It makes me sad.

How the fuck would they know? The robots aren't out yet, retards.

>kike industry dies
>we're left with maybe small productions and amateur stuff like the 70s and early 80s

I feel like these things will never go mainstream not because of any morals but because where would you store it without your friends/girlfriend/family finding out

that's all so last century... fuck off sweden.

Does anyone actually feel aroused when they look at that picture?

Those things have a long way to go to replace real people.

>>we're left with maybe small productions and amateur stuff like the 70s and early 80s

>implying they're not kike industries still

user, it will be the kike industry building these. they cannot be stopped, if everything else fails they'll just buy the whole industry

no. even the better ones all look like porn stars that went through ten surgeries at least.
guess that's easier to copy than natural beauty

They fail to mention robots don't expect you to have a mega-thick 9 inch cock to be adequate!

t. 6 incher

Custom built robot pussy is better than primate pussy.

I dont feel that dolls will become a thin until the exterior looks like real living flesh. until then augmented reality is your best bet. put on a pair of glasses and a stripper shows up in your living room.

>when your sex doll starts changing locations by itself
>when you see your sex doll stare at you in the dark

Just look up WM dolls they aren't even that expensive

pretty sure whores and porn stars do not care about your dick size.

>wake up in the middle of the night because you heard something
>curtains aren't completely closed so some rays of moonlight are falling into the room
>you see two blinking orbs in the middle of the room
>it's the moonlight reflecting on her eyes

There is a problem with robots: It will lower white pop growth even more.

Doubt it honestly. The lower class will not be able to afford them and they are the ones shitting out the most kids.
The middle and higher class have children as a conscious choice (because they just abort everything else).

A more complex fleshlight isn't going to change anything about that.

Holy fuck

Right? But where would you store this thing....

Guess again. Who will run the industry..

> Sweden
> Any morals

Pick one

Best time line ever. Prostitutes lose power over betas the movie.

Nips and chinks most likely

Days of the Biocunt are finally over.

I'm gonna assume that most people who consider buying something like this live alone. They could just put it in a chair or leave it on the bed. Shove it under the bed or in a closet when you have people over.

Ive seen too many variations of this pic

Dated a stripper once. She wasn't satisfied with the 8"x1.5" I'm rocking.

Japan is just kinda take over the planet through monopolization of a generations sexual fetishes isn't it.