What the fuck is wrong with Americans ?
What the fuck is wrong with Americans ?
They are still living
Is it true you shit onto a shelf and then stand up and look at your shit with a dirty asshole, so that every german home is always 100% pervaded with the stench of shit?
What are you upset about?
Because they have frappucinos and technology in their hands?
Why do you have to look at one picture and create a ignorant thought process about an entire population based on a few?
I already ended the thread by questioning his india-level bathroom habits. Just go straight to that, they have no response.
are you offended that you can't afford an apple product?
my bad.
Not active like you Hans, constantly running from rapefugees
Unselective immigration policies ever since England ran out of pilgrims.
You krauts, however, have NO excuse!
>Implying Amerifats can run
>why is a white family doing white things? This is disgusting
t. Ahmed in germanistan
Germany doesn't have the right to insult any other country. You faggots elected the anti-Christ into office and killed Europe.
Not a single country in Eurostan can speak about the pastures of burgers and guns.
You are losing the right to eat bacon, you aren't even human.
>A whole nation built on hedonistic cosumerism and materialism
>Ameritards lack the self awareness to realise how this is wrong
This is why America is a joke
Don't be so insensitive, the somali immigrants liviing on welfare and sexually assault girls and women legally are just as German as OP.
In Europe families do things like pic related to bond with each other instead of going to fucking (((Starbucks))) and have pics taken with their tablets
Apple is pretty gud tho. The OS is tailored to the machine and there is no malware. Photoshop only shines on MacOS too, it's gud on Windows, but stellar on a real Mac and everybody walk the dinosaur.
Hans is right.
We're keeping the body alive
You have to Photoshop images to make anti-US banter. All i have to do is search "Somali Refugees in Germany" in images and i get endless pages of shit.
Bugers > legalized child rape
fuck off.
>in the Great Smoky Mountains
Economists don't think growth depends positively on consumption. They believe almost the opposite. Comic artists are dumb.
Read and weep
>USA has 4 times as many Somalis as Germany
>Soon to be minority white
>Already 45% non-white
>Burgers will defend this
>In Europe families do things
Which is worse?
>rampant consumerism
>willful self-destruction through importation of useless Muslim invaders
You decide.
Defend the legalized child rape of your country and what Warlord Merkel has pushed on innocents.
I remember that thread.
That was when I realized all memes are real. ALL OF THEM.
These people are ugly. Can you imagine loving someone not for their looks, but their personality?
Its despicable.
>Implying USA won't be majority non white in less than 20 years
At least they are having 2.1+ children per woman.
They are very good goys
lmao germini
that's disgusting
Weak parents breed/raise weak children who then go on to become weak parents and repeat the cycle.
That man reproduced three times. It's more than I have reason to hope for.
> A country full of niggers and the last president was a nigger
Compared to this germany isn't that bad
I'm Proud.