How are they killing all these people while claiming to be christian? I though the bible said thou shalt not kill...

How are they killing all these people while claiming to be christian? I though the bible said thou shalt not kill. Whats the point of belonging to the religion if you don't follow its rules?

quality thread

>How are they killing all these people while claiming to be christian

Catholic, my dear user. Catholic.
Even today, the inquisition is alive in countries such as spain and portugal, under the pretense of opus dei or other religious sects.

>religious people being hypocrites

didn't see that one coming

It's neither since this is Berserk.

Berserk isn't a historical reenactment you fucking retard. The Holy See isn't Christian, it's fiction, because you're watching anime. Please lurk more before making threads, newfriend.

>I though the bible said thou shalt not kill.
lol, maybe you should actually read it


In the christian faith it is a sin for an individual to kill, but if it is done at the behest of God then it is acceptable. God's will takes precedence over the commandments. The problem is how do you prove (or disprove) God's will?

> but if it is done at the behest of God then it is acceptable
Well, isn't that fucking convenient!

No, the original Hebrew is "thou shalt not murder", i.e. kill without good cause.