There is nothing wrong with not being a patriot

There is nothing wrong with not being a patriot.

Being a patriot results in being an easily manipulated emotional slave to your government. In the case of America, it means being sent to die for Israeli interests. Patriotism is what authoritarian regimes use to keep the people in line. And the people fall for it.

Patriotism kills.

Of course, patriotism is just blind obedience to a state who's interests are not your own. Real men are nationalists, loyal to their family and people.

Germans are pathetic

You dont understand the first thing about being a patriot. I bet you don't even look at the german flag with pride.

Go back to getting plowed by Emir for some Sauerkraut

You can be a patriot while being against the ZOG. In fact, that's the reason I AM a patriot

Patriotism IS CANCER! Patriotism was invented by communists.

100% agreed, op is woke.

I think you're confusing patriotism (pride in your home land) with loyalty to the government that currently manages the home land.

Of course, those governments are desperate to make people believe that patriotism IS loyalty to the government because it makes people much easier to control.

Patriotism is the love of your country, not the love of your government.