Do you believe it, Sup Forums?
Vegas Shooter's Note
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That would only make sense if he had a sniper rifle and was targeting a single individual's head in the crowd for assassination. But still, not even Marine sniper teams write down anything like distance, wind speed/direction, bullet drop.
Honestly senpai, if anything was written down, it was probably a bank account number or a contact number/email, assuming the gun-runner theories hold up.
not without seeing the note, no. he really wasn't that far, especially considering the size of the crowd and the fact he was elevated, and was firing with a bump stock.
clearly he was a bit of an autist, but that pink paper was deliberately-placed and held down with a paperweight right in the middle of the scene
He didn't have a mortar in there for fuck's sake
Why don't they release the fucking note? Why did it take them so long for them to get even this level of detail?
Exactly my thoughts. If im calculating shit like bullet drop, distance, wind etc I'm getting my answer and i dont give a fuck about the piece of paper i used for the calculations.
Besides, like that other user said, hes not going for accuracy if he's using bump stocks to fire into a crowd of 22k.
I dont know why theyre coming out with this bullshit story. Maybe the masses will believe it, I dont know.
>There is no note
>I dont know what was on the note
>The note had calculations on it
>We wont show you the note
Regardless, why would you need a physical note with calculations on it? Surely you would take the time to know where to aim, then just aim at that point. Are they insinuating he stopped shooting at one point to take notes?
It might have been bullet drop calculations for trying to shoot the fuel tanks. At this point I'm with you however, anything that doesn't get released for public inspection after being certified by the local cops as something they found in the room is suspect. The FBI really fucked this one up.
the reason they wont show the note is because it had calculations from other firing positions.
It is called a DOPE sheet. Data On Previous Engagements.
You learn how a particular gun shoots and use that info to calculate the trajectory of your next shot.
Stop asking questions. Didn't you hear he had an undiagnosed mental illness?
Case. Closed.
man they sure are fishing for some bullshit aint they
Ban assault pen and paper.
>needing complicated calculations
>using a by default zeroed in for 300m straight line shooting rifle
>shooting distance about 350m
>shooting down so the trajectory is even less of a issue
>target area is as large as 2 fucking football fields
>spray and pray style
>you would even hit targets by just pointing the rifle into the general direction and pulling the trigger
yeah I totally believe it
So, he was trying to be precise but also do automatic fire at the same time.
>No source for preposterous claim
No. I don't believe the photographed paper on the desk which was said to not exist by the sheriff said anything they will tell us.
unless you are well trained & experienced in shooting such a scenario (he wasn't, AFAWK) you would wrote them down...
even with an area target like he had, it could only help, at least from his/their POV.
>My brother was an arm-
Steve was a textbook bored retired boomer, turned armadillo (illegal legal gunwalker) for the thrill of illegal legal hotel weapons sales. While he was an almost weekly "diller" (slang for armadillo while dealing), what most people don't realize is that Stefan was there to BUY, not sell. He needed to re-up his legal weapons stock, so he delt with another diller. And the dill (a deal with an armadillo) obviously went south. His brother all but spelled it out in the interview. Case closed. His brother explicitly stated the first syllable in the interview, but stopped himself because he knew he'd be dillo roadkill.
Yeah everyone uses DOPE sheets when using a fucking bump stock
absolutely not, at that range and his target being ANYONE, bullet drop wouldntt play any factor at all.
the only reason to calculate for windage and bullet drop would be because you got 1 shot before the vip youre trying to kill starts running.
You don't need to complex calculations to work out how to shoot at a giant crowd containing thousands of people
>Point gun at crowd
>Pull trigger
You don't need notes for that.
You do it in advance on a PC / laptop / other electronical device.
>Yeah everyone uses DOPE sheets when using a fucking bump stock
Well, he did have one AR-15 setup for precision fire, or several dozen.
I don't even see the point in looking at the "leaked" photos or anything that happened post shooting aside from the interview with the brother, even there I'm skeptical. The valid information would be the crap that can be found from before the shooting.
>Kamehameha graduate
Hmm... My scouter is picking up some unusual readings from this jpg
>rich white guy
>got rich gambling
>killed 60 people
>and he did it all mathematically
This tragedy wouldn't have happened with common core. Just one more proof how racist the american education system is.
Spinning a web of lies takes time, especially if you're doing it dynamically like the SS are forced to do now that the original narrative made no sense to the public
>"Now... if I aim at the crowed at this angle... and then use my index finger to pull down the trigger... I should be able to kill people..."
Yea it's bullshit mate.
>-y of one
Why won't they show it to us?
I laughed way too hard at this.
You don't need calculations for 300 meter shots with a bump stock. Compete bullshit.
I almost guarantee it was some type of directions from ISIS.
They probably stopped going digital so feds can't track them
I'm not sure who's leafing who anymore!
Well colour me brown and call me a nigger...
Let me ask you this, how would you take out a crowd
>buy multiple guns and large quantities of ammunition from an underground source, forcing you to fire from a fixed location that can be ascertained by the police, shooting at moving targets that eventually will find cover exponentially reducing your kill count to the tens
>renting a 50 dollar U-Haul under a fake ID, packing it with fertilizer and detonating it nearby killing hundreds and destroying buildings while you're safely far away and unfindable.
>I can kill 60 people
Why is this Rick & Morty bullshit suddenly so pervasive in the social atmosphere? Like, out of the blue there's a bunch of faggots fighting over bbq sauce and quoting bullshit.
>calculations from other firing positions
this is the only way I buy that the note was calculations
Definitely bullshit. I dont suppose you saw the news story a few days ago from like that insinuated the note had something to do with prostitues? In fact it seems like the narrative changes every day in the aussie media, its pretty interesting to watch.
Now we are at the stage where random starbucks employees can go into detail and his relationship with the gook or some guy who dealt him a hand at a blackjack table can give an indepth analysis of his personality and claim he had a "god complex".
> doesn't release note
> waits three days before saying some stupid shit about it
No, I don't believe it
I'm as baffled as you.
It was a machine learning probabilistic algorithm.
Why have none of the Reporters asked about eharing protection? Was the shooter wearing hearing protection when found dead? was there even hearing protection found inside the room? Surely a Guy as methodical as comped sushi, would have worn his ears.
>calculations for targeting the crowd
>faggot tried to shoot the fucking fuel tanks twice as far away
yeah no, if this faggot actually had planned it out we would have been fucked because he would have brought something that could have penetrated those things
probably decrypting a message.
he got the confirmation code to proceed?
combination to a safe?
why would he take calculations for a precision shot and then just start dumping bullets down into the crowd?
worst cover up ever.
Why hasn’t anyone talked to the mother?
Insider here
Here is what happened
This was going to be a large gun sale to a man in the philipines. The hotel was a showcase for all of the available weapons. Mr Paddock has been selling arms to the east for decades. FBI was tipped off and showed up in place of the orignal buyer. Paddock goes ape shit and starts shooting in the hotel. Decides fuck it and starts shooting out of the windows at the random people below. Police come as the feds exit the 32nd floor. Shots at people below still raining down as is shots at the suites door. Not is a a quick and dirty farwell note he wrote down just before killing himself.
The tannerite and ammo just happened to be in his car because he is an arms dealer has no real relevance.
FBI pulls operation guys from Tropicana 30 mins after the botched sting. Hence why you see two plain clothes being escorted out of that hotel which is not really near the Mandalay.
Man was an arms dealer and a FBI sting went bad.
They will never tell you the true spiciness of what happened.
Why didn't he just fill his plane full of fuel and crash it into the crowd?
If this was a high score thing, there would be more than 60 dead
Maybe it was actually an assassination which he covered up by random firing after the first, targeted shot, but then he missed the first shot so ended up having to suicide so he can't be questioned. That still leaves too many questions, though. Why not burn the note, why keep so much ammo at the time of suicide, why not bombing the room he's in, why did the cops take so long to enter, etc.
you know, the more information that gets released the more suspicious people get. why is that? we don't even have a clear series of events from the feds yet... they're usually slicker with these coverups. seems someone fucked up that up too because nobody -- even the npcs -- are buying the official story.
>calculating the bullet drop
This is toptier autism, coming from an aerospace engineer/avid shooter/autist.
Generally speaking there are 4 ways to calculate bullet drop. There's a 6-dof method, point mass, Siacci flatfire and your typical physics 101 method.
Solving the 6-dof problem isn't used for flat fire trajectories and requires a lot of information that isn't readily available. Point mass (and 6-dof) require you to solve non-linear differential equations that you're not going to be able to do by hand. Siacci method requires iterating velocity drop with 4 drag functions that are functions of velocity. This requires a few iterations to converge and also requires a table to look up the primary function values (they're a best fit off of experimental data). It's not convenient to do by hand. Finally the physics 101 version isn't going to yield you an accurate answer because drag isn't factored in.
This all all besides the point because he could have just looked up his fucking ballistics table by googling ".223 bullet drop graph". Why would you calculate the drop when you could look it up and also, you're spraying into a crowd.
Perhaps he was adding up savings from all his comped sushi.
>It was a team of shooters from Turkey. Paddock has no motive since he doesn't exist.
Can anyone elaborate on this little gem (the Turkey part) ?
>That would only make sense if he had a sniper rifle and was targeting a single individual's head in the crowd for assassination.
So maybe the mass shooting was cover for a hit. They made a movie about that with Tom Cruise, remember? The difference is, in the movie the patsy was alive; in real life they find a dead patsy and nobody has any incentive to question shit.
That is such a load of horseshit. Why the fuck would he need to calculate trajectory if he was just going to spray and pray anyways?
Where there any VIPs at that festival
They was multiples shooter it was an orchestrated on the american public and our rights they now we now the truth but it doesnt matter because they want to kill us all. We are surrounded by the enemy they have us trapped. Just think why so many other countries/groups want to destroy the u.s. government/people because they now how truly evil they are and how they leed us like blind sheep to the slaughterhouse.
yall aerodynamics. He worked for lockheed martin, flew planes and played faggy disc golf. I'm sure he wrote down stupid shit like that when he hunted lesser game too.
The police killed one of the shooters on the ground its now confirmed multiple shooter possible 7 on the ground in casinos and on the roofs
Well, if he's as rich as they say he is, then his scopes would easily have had bullet drop compensators and he wouldn't have needed a note. Alternatively, the crowd was a huge target and he was bumpfiring anyway, making aiming pretty much impossible. He was most likely sort of pointing at the crowd and walking his tracers into targets.
But none of that means he couldn't have written a note about bullet drop. It is possible.
We know the pain of dealing with cancerous leafs better than you burgers ever will. To be associated with these leafs is beyond embarassing.
yeah i believe it like i believe the casino is never going to release unedited video of this guy walking around the casino before hand.
it's been a week..
only cellphone vids.. police cams..leaked photo of the room.
0 casino footage.
makes 100% sense.
All we need to do is prove it's impossible to transport all that shit he had in his hotel room in a shitty Chrysler minivan.
That many guns? The platforms? The explosives? The ammo? Along with suitcases? Etc
No fucking way.
It's a funny show, if you don't like it your probably a grumpy cunt who doesn't like anything
For comparison
>The killer's note had calculations for how much money he saved from comped sushi that week.
>It was less than $1000.
>sources speculate that this lack of savings was his motive for the shooting
Brother said 13 cases, presumably that was just the guns.
Straight fucking bullshit. If he even wrote a note. I think he was murdered before the attack
If it was true. How would he take those 'calculations'?
shouldn't the weight have bottomed out the suspension?
Right, I've handled a lot of luggage in my day being an ex ramp rat. There's no way all that shit fit in a mini van
Multiple trips from hotel to home is possible, but unlikely due to reports saying he didn't leave his room for 3days.
I am tired of reading stupid comments about Steven on the internet. When Steven did this he had his thinking brain on. He didn't need a "note" with "calculations". Steve was an evil genius he was the kind of guy that could do those calculations mentally, not everyone works at Taco Bell.
I mean put yourself in his shoes, imagine one trip to Vegas loading all of that shit, no one seent him load his van up .
If the shit don't fit, you must acquit.
Pic related, soon, hopefully,
I'd like to know dimensions. Most large gun cases are pretty flat. Or did he dismantle everything? Plus ammo.
Why can't the police and government release these details to the public? What damage does transparency do? Maybe it could lead to quicker solutions and more trust in the government.
I believe it. Within the first 24 hours of the shooting, amidst all the other leaks we were receiving, there was a post claiming the 'note' was just this sort of information (weather report, elevation, etc).
It's mostly interagency politics I think. Of course they want to keep lying to the public as much as possible as well: "how would you survive without us goyim? This case is oh so complicated see, you could never solve it yourself!" kind of deal even though nobody cares for it in that way.
>librals want to ban the maths!
Dark ages, all over again. And the Muslims will invade.
It's almost like (((((they))))) planned it this way.
Speaking of calculations, can we get an audio analysis on some of the videos where you can hear both some initial shots fired followed by the sound of the ricochet? You can get a "time in flight" for the rounds, which could give us a distance (depending on caliber of weapon) for shooter to impact spot. Helping to learn if shots could of been fired from the mandalay bay or elsewhere.
You're right, the pelican cases are flat, usually about 4ft long and 1.5 ft wide, but he sure as hell didn't carry 20+pelican cases up to his room, he had to have maybe used golf bags or something else. And you can't just put those guns in a regular suitcase. It don't fit.
The point I'm trying to represent is there's no way hotel staff or someone else didn't have a part in getting those guns there. There's no way he drove there with all that in his car.
>powerpuff girls in the background
men of taste
Well you do need a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.
Sushi gourmet's last meal was a burger and a bagel
Makes sense.