91 Days

Ep 3 aired today.

why the fuck was the last thread deleted?

It's a conspiracy by the Vanetti.

It was?

91 copies sold

Fuck you. I posted the thread earlier than you.


At least thy did better than Nichijou.

Good EP there were no females.

The Orco family leader killed their chef for bad cooking. So edgy. And he even compared himself to a pig. More like... Porco am I right.

Mods are dumb faggots

Wasn't Nero about to pop Bruno in ep 2? After the credits? How did the body move so quickly?

Why is this faggot still alive?

That scene was the next day after the body was removed.

I hate how inconsistent the quality is. It's shit one moment, and the next the guns are in great detail.

He does the dirty job for the Orkos. I guess at some point they'll sell his ass.

Because he's my husbando

I couldn't tell what was going on for the first half of the episode. Not sure if it's me being retarded, the names I mix up or the show itself.

I'm really fucking bad at names, I need a character chart or something for this.

They should have the character's names flash on the screen when they show up LoGH style.

No way in hell people will remember who is who in probably 12 episodes.

Would anyone be interested if I made one?

I would worship you and your descendants.

I would lick your penis, if you know what I mean.

I would appreciate it.

Italian names are all the same to me.

Alright. I'll try to start working on it after I shower, If this thread or a 91 days thread is still up over the next few hours I'll post it there. I would love if this got more discussion.
So look forward to that.

Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but what happened to the body in the end?
They arrived at the place and then had standoff with the psychodad from Garo.
Was body transported while they were preparing?

>Was body transported while they were preparing?
I assumed as much.

The cop "confiscated" the corpse before anybody else arrived.

From his own hideout?
That's the scene I'm talking about.

I'm pretty sure there's a scene of the cop looking for it and then he realizes the bartender came and took it away.

This show is pretty bad. I just hope not as bad as joker game was.

Oh, and I think they should've showed at least a bit more clear that Serpent was shot from the front.
I forgot how scene was composed so was thinking that Angelo is still in a huge ass since after finding man's body Nero will be able to tell that he was shot in the back.
Had to rewatch scene just because nothing happened.

Yes please. I'm glad I'm not the only one getting a bit confused with the names. I don't even know how, it's not like there's a big cast so I feel retarded.

Joker game was enjoyable though.
Especially last episode

can't tell if serious

Is this supposed to be in italy or america? It doesn't feel like america.

Italians in an imaginary town in us, I think.

The last person shown with Serpente's body was Fango who was talking about using his death as an excuse for war. It should be pretty fucking obvious who took the body and why.

Sometimes I wonder if anime rots people's brains.

>bruno kills all of the people/most of the people on his list
>best friend is killed
>bruno/le mysterioso man sent into frenzy
>vows to wipe out mafia
>mafia gathers at the thing in 3 months
>uses the candle and alcohol trick to explode the meeting place

>with body
Was it in the scene?
I didn't pay much attention and just assumed that he now has an excuse because Nero was present.

Have you never heard of prohibition? That only ever happened in burgerland.

I don't even know who Fango is.


come the fuck on Sup Forums

You're husbando is a slut

when did literal retards populate Sup Forums so much? what unless its different flavors of little girls with bright and flashy hair you have no idea how to remember a name? your brains are fucked

You're just retarded. Watch the two first episodes again and it'll stick eventually.

I feel retarded now. So Fango is the guy with the gross haircut. Got it.

im glad to know im not the olny one. would sell out my black ass for you if you know what i mean.

I can't tell if this is a meme or not at this point.

>literal retards
I don't see any problems, user. Not noticing stuff isn't the worst that could happen.

The only part that left me confused is why Nero is to blame for Vanno taking revenge.

the psycho. co mon guy.

>canada, finland, russia
Welp, nevermind, I'm just more ignorant than I thought I was.

there is no problem its just that there are LITERAL retards.

Because Vanno is one of Nero's guys. If an employee fucks up then the company is partly responsible too.

So what happens next?
Angelo and Nero fight off the killer, Angelo finishes off Nero and gets a formal excuse to get back into town?

Eh. It's fair to call Prohibition a uniquely American phenomenon. Russia/Soviet bans were almost entirely economical and war-time measures. And Canada's measures were heavily influenced by America's.

There was some limited success in Nordic and Scandi countries, but that was also, in large part, an American export. But America really spearheaded temperance.

And obviously I'm not counting the Gulf states with their very clear bans.

Why the fuck was Nero kicked out of the city? I didn't get that.

So that other families can't demand his death.

He needs to go into hiding, because the Orco's will want him dead for Serpente.

He wasn't kicked out, it was for protection.

Vanno was under his command (he was the one who gave permission) and offed an Orco guy. So the Orco and Gallacia families are due to crack down on them for Nero's head if he doesn't disappear I guess.

Because his boy did bad things

Or maybe he doesn't kill him outside the city and the boss promotes him a bit after saving Nero.
But that would be too boring.

This anime is WORSE than Jokah Game

Such a forced meme.

How the fuck was it not clear he was shot from the front


Because some time passed from the last episode so scene of his execution kinda mixed in my mind with similar ones from mfaia movies.
And there were only several short frames of it this episode and I didn't pay much attention to that sort of flashback.

>is this faggot serious

sounds like you should get a better memory


just accept im better than you

This is why the mafia is shit. If it was yakuza they would only take a finger, payment (turf or money), and a dogeza for the misdeeds of one of his men. Italians just go straight to kill everybody dead.

Will think about it.

>implying yakuza don't kill
You know jackshit about yakuza.

All the edgy mafia shit is just killing this. Fango would have been killed 10 times over for what he did.

Shuka delivers on derpy faces.

I fucking hate this meme. Background characters =/= quality. Furthermore, there's not a single tv anime that didn't have some wonky looking frames. That shit gets cleaned up in the BDs.

what did fango do again

Really reminds me of the QUALITY episode in Psycho Pass.

Came to an official dinner and complained of hemorrhoids.


Jesus christ japan.

Yeah Sup Forums is just retarded
Fango has done nothing wrong

Let the newfags be newfags user.
Someone post that image

Fango took it to start a war you fuck.

There's not even anything wrong with a couple of those screenshots. Fuck me, ever since that madoka meme people have been grasping at straws to "catch" studios being "lazy".


Someone's going to edit this for 91 days when fango dies I hope

He will die, of course, if he stays as one of the important characters this season, I'll drop this shit.

I assumed the entire point of that scene is to show that he gets special treatment for some reason. Why else would they have the don absolutely chew out a chef then let an underling put his nasty feet on the table?

He didn't kill him, just laid him off.

I wonder what reason this may be.

Fictional version of Illinois

just watched the first 3 episodes, are these threads always this dead?

Sadly yes, I have no idea why either, this is really a great show. Is it because there's no waifu or shipping bait?

I prefer it this way. Keeps the autism to a minimum.

No waifus
Not colorful enough for fags
PseudoChicago is too off for jaded anons who avoid original anime and assumed this was just going to be tryhard garbage
Production values are inconsistent

And apparently the 6-7 relevant characters are too many for some to keep up with

But there's no discussion hardly at all, we get maybe one or two threads that barely get bumped then just die off, how is that any better?