
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES (fuck poo in the loos too)

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump arriving in NC for RNC fundraiser 10/7/17
>Pres Trump interview on Mike Huckabee new show 10/7/17
>Pres Trump talking to press b4 leaving DC 10/7/17
>VP Pence @Unity Walk event in LV 10/7/17
>VP Pence meet&greets in LV 10/7/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #35 10/6/17
>Pres Trump signs Nat Mfcting Day Proclamation 10/6/17
>Pres Trump hosts Spic Heritage Month 10/6/17
>VP Pence roundtable in PR 10/6/17
>VP Pence presser in PR 10/6/17
>SoS T-Rex @swearing in ceremony of 146th Foreign Srv Class 10/6/17
>This Week @State 10/6/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/6/17
>WH Video: VP hosts Natl Space Council 10/6/17
>WH Video: VP meets Rican families in FL 10/6/17
>Pres Trump: "This is the calm before the storm" 10/5/17

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Has Gorsuch written any spicy Scalia-like opinions yet to read and laff with?

makes u think

Give me the quick rundown on the 8pm thing yesterday

Nate Sodium wants to show his wrath to all the people who voted for drumph, so he turns into Hurricane Nate and will bring chaos and destruction to all rural and suburban retards.


Trump met with Sheldon adelson the day after the shooting, really makes you think.
Also wish we could bring back /cfg/ threads


LMAO who looks like the child now? President Trump just politely brushes him away while Corker throws a tantrum.

That's one of those Open Society/CTR shill groups that just appeared out of nowhere and the lib blogosphere pretends has existed forever and has a sterling reputation yeah?


He's not the writer Scalia was, but he might be with more experience. However, his opinions so far have been pretty bombastic and in your face. They're all pretty good reads if you're interested in that sort of thing.

If you bought it on the street, I guess.

so he's bought neither?

In case you missed it, Trump was the first guest on Hukabee's new show that started last night


for Shadow-chan!

>Nate Lithium becomes Nate Storm
The most shocking plot twist of the series!

Ch-ch-checked, I guess?

>One Vote McCuck

Who else among the RINOs is on the chopping-block in 2018? (McCuck is on the tumor-block, of course)

Thoughts on idubbbz?

Probably the best decision Trump's made thus far


Can someone provide me with some statistics on black people? I need to btfo someone.

He did one that really shit on Roberts when it came to the Travel Ban case.

Ree Reee Ree

>mfw that "Fascism Forever" club wasn't actually a joke

Need to find a way to make it 10 times that many people.

well they have "documents" about them now...

>That Get
These guys are done also add Ryan to the list. Fucking snake has to go

>Rick & Morty watching tentacle loving liberal Jew

I guess youll get a (you) for quad doubles

I think you should take that somewhere else.

Sasse might be in trouble. Any of these RINOs that pretend to be conservative while blocking everything Trump ran on are in trouble. Hell, even if we get rid of those 4, that's a huge improvement, especially when you add in the Democrat seats that will be taken.

Kurt sure knows his Chinese cartoons.

>strong conservative views
>is the sole reason NiggerCare exists and the federal government now has the unlimited power to make you buy whatever it tells you to buy as a condition for living in the country
I'm guessing a libshit is writing this? That's fundamentally an expansion of power for the government so large that's possibly only rivaled by when FDR's cuck court said the Interstate Commerce Clause means the federal government can tell you what you can and cannot grow on your own land whenever it pleases.

Tit for tat


he's not wrong. it's also very rude when you're buying cough medicine in the grocery store. you have to sign all those papers, show ID all while the line of people behind you continues to grow. and you don't even get your medicine that day, you have to wait a month just to receive it. such a pain in the ass

>oh no

Why is this whore wasting a perfectly good soda? Starving African kids could've needed that soda.

No you, weeb

Did the whole bump fire thing tire itself out?

FUCK!!! NOW I have to cancel my trip to TURKEY.


>Did the whole bump fire thing tire itself out?

Give it a week, I bet we never hear about it again.




>breaking news: cockroach population nationwide on the decline

Nothing like thinking you are intelligent for watching a show while it endorses McDonalds and pushes you into mindless consumerism.

What a bunch of useful idiots. No wonder the world elites want a plant full of sub 90 IQ people.

Pretty much. Its fizzling now. We will still have to wait until 2018 at the earliest for the share act unfortunately

Its still lingering a bit, but certainly not as big as it were. Depends on what the Republican congressman say or do

It's getting there. It's as I figured, by the time Congress actually gets a bump stock bill through, everyone will have forgotten and not give a fuck. It could be next year before such a bill lands on Trump's desk, and by then it will be a minor news story when he vetoes it. That's IF a bill makes it through, which I highly doubt.

There's no gun show in October in my area so I can't tell

This NFL shitstorm is very much like gamergate.

nerds: They shouldn't have come after our vidya

normalfags: They shouldn't have come after our football, beer and hotwings.

Awoo or something

This is the stupidest fucking shit. I vow to never watch that cancerous cartoon if THAT'S what it does to people.

Sean is just the right wing Rachel Maddow.

>the kids is scared of her

It's like gamegate but this time the good side has the support of the President.


They absolute state of America

Oh yeah, fuck Sasse, also I think I just remembered reading that some Mississippi GOPe type is facing a difficult primary. Safe red states are places where a Corker or a Graham has no business being in office, because an actual conservative would easily win. Im keeping an eye on my own senators, Isaakson went out of his way to hitch his wagon to Trump so I voted for him last year, but Georgia GOP tends to be pretty iffy.

Nice image for formicidae

This is correct.


they really know how to push my buttons with that shit

Millennials were a mistake.


>saving a thumbnail
if this is an elaborate scheme to have me intrigued, I'm waiting

Honestly, so far he's not been able to predict any nukes despite all his talk.

How fucking stupid...

O nooooooooooooo now I can't go to roachistan and visit its many world-famous bathhouses


The daycare already said it wasn't a parent of any of their kids. It's been debunked.

McD's isn't that bad, as a restaurant. But as a corporation, they're mutually masturbating with a show that shilled them for a goddamned meme sauce which caused what could nearly be called riots. A fucking police chopper, Ronald. What's wrong with this picture?

How far is the day of the rope?

Ah yes, jokerman, the knockoff of comic sans. The pinnacle of passive aggressive fonts.

When has he predicted nukes? Tick Tock could mean something related to the Awan scandal or something.


The primaries are hard to predict, but the actual midterms are going to be a slaughter for the Dems. Even if we don't get a super majority, replacing 5 or more Democrats and a few neocons would be so good. If we can reliably get over 50 votes, then we can pass tax reform, the first phase of Obamacare repeal, and change Senate rules to remove the filibuster.

Thoughts on Heat?

Literally what?
Just go get any other of the generic brands, you methhead drumpftard

How long has he been saying tick tock for now? Either fucking spill the beans on what's going on with Assange/Russia/Seth Rich or shut up at this point.

sara carter is going to come on air again
make some wild story
people will gasp
nothing will happen

Found it in the Archive.

As if i needed one more reason to not watch. Anyone else remember one of the creators going full stalin and demanding everyone prepping for a race war against all nonjew white male trump voters?
I do.

Whats wrong is how easy it is to fucking trick these people into buying fucking sauce.

Its schezuan sauce, and it isn't that good. You can buy this sauce from any retailer and its practically identical.

DeNiro is a cuck.

Fucking A. Now (((they))) are false flagging day care centers? What the actual fuck?

Great fucking movie. I can't tolerate Robert De Niro anymore but this had Al Pacino and Val Kilmer doing some great things. Also, great GOAT bank heist scene.

To be fair, if I had the opportunity to make $300+ for standing in line at McDonald's, I probably would. In a year's time you could probably sell it to some gullible leftist for over $1000.

operator kino


Nice to see pence get down with the culture war. Was obviously planned, they knew the 9ers would kneel. Team player for sure.

Great movie, from the time before De Niro became a cuck.

Hey mom whatcha doin?

Already confirmed false flag by the daycare. And probably written by a nigger considering the syntax and grammatical mistakes.

Well fuck it I'm ready.
Bring it on