Best girl coming through
Best girl coming through
why is she always mad
She doesn't want to be close to people and she doesn't want to rely on others. It's explained in the manga. But she changes during the Illuminati arc
She's great.
Hard not to look mad all the time with eyebrows like that.
They're beautiful though.
Check 'em
Fuck those fingers look terrible. Didn't notice that before.
Best brows.
Jesus fuck she is adorable. I want to pet her.
Isn't this getting a new anime soon or something?
Yeah it's continuing the story from before the anime-only arc. It'll be the Impure King arc.
The only things I remembers from this series are eyebrows girl and READY READY READY FOR THE TAKE OFF.
I've never seen the anime. Only read the manga. I'm planning on watching the anime soon though.
With how the manga seems to be going, the anime-only might as well have been a preview to what's actually going to happen anyway.
I haven't seen the anime but right now in the manga Looks like Yukio is going to seek out Lucifer so he can awaken his powers and he will probably fight with Rin or something
>tfw best girl won't win the demonbowl
I hate it when a side character has better chemistry with the lead then the main love interest.
what beautiful brows she has
Does she win?
the rinbowl? I don't even think that's a thing right now.
Does the manga give you at least some false hope? Does she get a lot of facetime?
I refuse to give up hope until the bitter end.
No and no.
It's annoying, but I suppose I can't say I didn't see it coming. It's just so trite, though.
She had an entire arc but Rin and Shiemi have already basically become an item, sucks but it was never really a competition.
Man, the anime didn't even get that far? I keep forgetting how long Blue Exorcist has been going on for. Monthly Manga always screw up my sense of time.
Guess we'll get to see the Priest and his snake Waifu animated though.
fuck it if there's still stuff like this i'll be all right
>but Rin and Shiemi have already basically become an item
wew lad
why is hime cut hair with THICK eyebrows always best?
>wew lad
Well Rin did awkwardly confess to her and we all know she feels the same. I still hope Izumo wins, as ultimately she was the first non-relative to except Rin despite being the son of the devil
she gon die
The only thing that makes Ao no Exorcist worth reading.
>the Priest and his snake Waifu
If it weren't for them the arc would've been a real bore.
Ronery girl gets a friend after standing up for him
>nothing on the google, yandex, tineye, saucenao, or iqdb
>even with searching the full image
>no eyebrow tags on the panda
>nothing in the archives
Help an user out here
Shiemi a shit.
It's not Shiemi's fault she's a white bread shonen heroine. It's just Japan's shit taste at work again. I swear, I'm getting her and Ochako's appearances mixed up in my mind right now. Probably just been too long since I read Blue Exorcist, to be honest.
thats from hatsukoi zombie user
Given the interview she gave to ANN, I'm pretty sure Izumo is going to become Rin's friend and Yukio's lover.
All I can think of is Sailor Moon.
Doesn't that mean Shiemi will save Yukio?
Google stripped out most of the image search results because of copyright infringement.
Is the artist still on hiatus every other month?
Eyebrows will either have pink-haired brats or chicken-headed babies.
I don't normally go for the tsundere, but Izumo is really a great character. What the fuck is Shiemi aside from being kind and wanting to help out the Satan Bros.?
Shiemi is blonde, Ochako is brown.
Huh, isn't she dead already?
She will be once she sees Rin and Shiemi holding hands.
I swear i saw her stabbed through the chest by an enemy or something.
>not porn
Eh, I had a feeling. Thanks anyway, user.
Oh well. Life goes on.
I'm more of a manga person, and they're both drawn without any tone in their hair. So the image of them in my mind isn't really all that color coded.
That was Shima. He's her love interest.
That's my main issue with Shiemi, she's just really boring and really has no character outside of being friendly and cute. I'm not normally big on tsunderes, but Izumo is surprisingly well written once they started going into her past.
I hated that in the anime that they made Shiemi even more perfect by making her almost immediately accept Rin after learning he's part demon, somewhat stripping down Izumo's part of being the first in the class to be ok with Rin.
An Ao no Exorcist Izumo thread on my Sup Forums?? It's a Christmas miracle!
It's awful because Shima is worst boy.
I dunno, I thought he was a real shit until they pulled the double twist. Then I began to appreciate him as character doing his own thing in a story where he's never allowed to be the MC.
I simply don't appreciate the agonizing pain his double bluff put Izumo through. And then after all that she finally gets to see her little sister, and she doesn't even remember her.
Oh, he's a real asshole, no doubt about that. And he's also no doubt taking some pleasure in all his double quadruple agenting and seriously fucking with people. But I appreciate his character more now after all that. It was good as a reader, if not necessarily for any other character's mental health who have to deal with it.
Yukio should have happy end
this is the only manga i love side character than the main
Yukio is one of the main characters though.