Quebecois master race


Get the fuck in here osti dcaliss

we discuss french canadian news and politics

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quebec seems like a nice place, but desu you should move back to france, canada is far too liberal and tolerant to allow you to be free, give them the finger by mass exodusing

Pas de panique tabarnak

Et-tu un osti de cave? Qu'un attardé dirait que les québecois devraint s'en aller en france criss de pd

Quebec is the most based province of canada, we were still 92 percent white in 2006, and since the recent waves of immigration, loads of anti-immigration protests have occured with most quebecois supporting them. Yet butthurt anglos still think we are somehow cucks for defending our culture and language? you fucks are drowning in ching chongs and arabic languages while we have litteral laws stopping that from happening. who are the real cucks now?

Half-French Canadian in Los Angeles here. I feel out of place. No one can even pronounce my surname properly.

what? we have been here way before the anglos lol, they should go back and bring their liberal cuckoldry with them

Vive le Québec et le Canada français! Une langue, une nation, un pays!

what is it? my father was born in LA but was french canadian, people couldnt pronounce boudreau correctly lol

based russian

Stop breeding and electing the fucking worst prime ministers in history, fucking frogs

montrealer here
planning to move out to rimouski to go to school next year

Yes, and Justin is a great example of your master race

we should nuke montreal, that shitty place isnt even quebecois anymore. i go to cegep in lassomption and already theres like 5 muslims girls and plenty of blacks and sandniggers

Montreal will never let us separate.

Fuck off, you're nothing.

Descendants peasants of prostitutes added to 3 century of consanguinity.

We should've genocided all of you.

Quebec is rightfully our, France gave you away for rum, you fucking useless scum.

Yep, it's pretty bad that we lost our francophonie. I don't speak French, but understand some words while listening songs.

Maybe I should learn it again

Some elite Russians even didn't know our alphabet and spoke only French

fuck off haha, yes you should have genocided us but you were too busy being loyalist to the cucked english crown. now were gonna bite you in the ass fucking ching chong nigger

i didnt know about that :O

But since you're a bunch of cucks, you'll just let us rape your country with our Trudeau while we laugh you fucking faggot.


what do you guys think about la meute?

Sup mtlfag here

revolution tranquille was the worst mistake in quebec history
duplessis was /ourguy/

You guys are technically my Latino Brothers!
Care to send some money for a brotha?

>cleaning old stuff from my grandfather
>it's all tucked away in a fucking iron chest like some kind of pirate treasure
>all those membership cards to secret societies
>a goddamn sword from les chevaliers de colomb
it was a different time

Quebec is welfare sucking trash and always will be. Saged.

except we are white...

I ain't moving from these lands.
It's about the lands.

We give them the finger by staying here and never leaving.

It feels like 4D Chess in our favor.
Thanks Trudeau.

>chevaliers de colomb

My grand-Parents are in that, along with Les filles d'isabelle. I never took a interest because they were blatant help societies which i can't give a fuck because >Working for free

>for now
French genes love the black racemixing my negroe. We at most will look like southern Europeans for ever.

French-Canadian-'Murrican masterrace reporting in.

I thought he was the son of Castro ^

no one cares fuck off

osti dcriss de tabarnak

Anyone worried about the hundreds of refugees that's traveled to Quebec from the USA? What happened to them? Why haven't they started raping or killing us yet? No truck of peace? No murders? Are they integrating?
I saw an image from the news that they were gathered up near a welfare center. Where are they now?

They're still being processed at the border. They won't bring any trucks of peace or explosion, only americanized haitian "culture" to ruin our pristine land.


"whats in it for quebec?" t. montreal mayor

>how about more federal equalization you stupid faggots

Quebecois friends, will you be voting BQ or conservative next election? I ask because I know no one with a brain will be voting Liberal or NDP ever again.

BQ because the tories are uncompetitive in my county

Bonsoir mes enfants

A bunch of boomers fearing muslims. Useless.

Take a wild guess. A relatively common name in Quebec but sounds so ducked up in English

Hey Pa, sa va?


You guys sort of gave them up for adoption in exchange for your half black kids from the south.

Quebec is still pretty master race though. Just visited Quebec 4 months ago. Drove from the Maritimes. Beautiful province and fairly decent people. Would visit/retire.

Suicide toi, osti d'illettré.

tabarnagg :DDD

lol that reminded me of the ultimate argument against learning french
>durrr why should i learn french when i can learn mandarin
then we find out that it's almost impossible to live in english in certain areas of BC and now they're bitching about having to learn mandarin


it's incredible how no one realizes that the media keep giving them attention so their bogeyman becomes bigger

On dit un HOSTIE.

>imblying im not a métis

i like the BQ but a party that has "québécois" in its name will never win at the federal level

Born in Montreal but currently live in Ontario. I'm an Anglophone. Irish descent. AMA


I understand why French traded you for rum.

Your ancestors were peasants and prostitutes added to 3 century of consanguinity which explain your low IQ.

eternal anglos sure love this prostitute myth

Je peux avoir un rapide résumé?

sur les bogdanoffs ou sur les filles du roi

Les filles. Pourquoi les rosbifs disent que c'était des putes?

what do Québecois think about this guy

He is the leader of ''La meute''

Wonder if that guy is fluent in French. Most PMs are. Something tells me this guy isnt though. Which means he'll get practically no votes from Quebec.

Yes he is even better than Trudeau

car un des rois voulait coloniser le québec donc il a envoyé des orphelines qui venait surtout de paris à québec, c'était les filles du roi

une d'entre-elles était une pute

fuck him

Or the peasant myth. Agriculture was kept to a bare minimum to sustain civilisation when the French were colonizing the land. Most of the people that were brought in from France hunted for the fur trade instead. It's only when the Anglo took control that farming became widespread.


it's not like you'd attract more frenchmen to québec if you made them do the exact same shit under worse conditions

But he seem so nice...

any Gatineaufags?
For all the time I spend watching burger and yuro politics I don't know anything about my local situation other than the mayor looks like a Marxist and he's running for re-election soon

>Educated in political science at the University of Ottawa, where he was president of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa in 1990-91, and at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, Pedneaud-Jobin has worked primarily in health administration and as a columnist and commentator for various media in the Gatineau region.

technically not from gatineau but i'm literally right next to it thanks to living in a rural area

i couldn't care less about local politics

Pas en quebecois
Asti pis osti
That's it

Quebecers are faguettes. But yea, the province is pretty based. I wish I lived there and spoke French


No chances
Unless people vote out of white guilt which I highly fucking doubt.


This shit is hella gay

Dis moi pas quoi faire tabarnac.... Tous les non-Blancs, hors du Québec! Non-Whites out!!

You mean we should kick their asses back to UK?

Albertafag here. I want to move to Quebec. How will I fare if my French sucks?

Les pires sont les crisses de nègres d'Haiti. Fucking Haitian nigger trash, sub-80 IQ maggots

that's preferable too, send all canadians back to where they belong, let the indians salvage the liberal wasteland their invaders created

Québec is the Poland of Americas

>everyone wants to partition us
true i guess

Fuck him, not White, my vote goes to Bloc Québécois once again, only once I voted NPD and that was for Jack Layton

I have a b1 in french but all my teachers have been from france, will i get by in quebec or do i need to learn your own thing?

Tout le monde était gagnant, les femmes avaient un mari qui fournissait la famille et la femme s'occuppait des enfants et leur éducation avec les valeurs Européennes. Mon ancêtre Norvégien a marié une Amérindienne en arrivant, y'a pogné la plus belle, j'ai vu la photo, il a eu le jackpot

No problem, can't be worst than niggers, spics and arabs

Learn how to swear properly in hockey puck, you pseudo-bohemian Mile End frog wannabe cunt.

Cucked by Ovetchkin. Price lets in 3 in the he first. Habs BTFO. More proof Quebec is the Alabama of Canada; losers who celebrate their poverty and culture while living in a second rate, third world “nation”. You’ll never be separate and dual, because Quebec will never be equal to ROC.

>caring about hockey

CSL Jewess reporting in.

Le problème avec les amérindiennes c'est qu'elles sont vraiment cute jusqu'à 25. Apprès ça elles se mettent à gonfler comme des bonhomme Michelin.

You mean the Era around WWI?

Yeah. Who in Canada cares about hockey?

i don't

Dans ce temps la tu la crisse la en disant que tu veux pas de grosses, that's it

c'est plutôt 67 leurs Qi moyen

shit ça varge
