Francisco Franco

Was he actually a good leader? Or does Sup Forums like him simply because he was fascist?

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José Antonio Primo de Rivera was ourguy

He was fine smashing the commies, but you have also to gave some credit to the italians, germans and portuguese that stood with him in the coup and in the war against the communists.

He literally saved Spain. Only libtards and aspies who considered he wasn't somehow redpilled hate him.

Then why didn't he join the axis?

I saw you in the Italian thread

>gives you french king

He knew you cannot win da juden

He saw that the war was going to be hard, wanted to get his time's worth, asked for the entirety of North Africa, including French Algeria, in return for entering the war, Hitler told him to get fucked.

German submarines still docked in our ports, and we sent the Blue Division, but yeah, lucky us.

Fascism is just another strand of collectivism along with marxism, so no, we don't like him.

Now fuck off.

>prefers a retarded ideology

We might have something to do with it.
In not actively pulling for any side in WW2 we kind of put Spain in a position where they couldn't safely commit to the Axis without immediate repercussions.

Well Franco would have won the battle of Gibraltar if he actually declared war, because he really wanted that port back

But there was no way they would have defeated the Soviet Union

What did Portugal have anything to do in ww2?!

Everyone that wasn't a degenerate* liked how he ruled. Degenerates* hate him because he stopped them from doing what they wanted to do.

* Degenerates include druggies, criminals, leftists, Jews, freemasons, Protestants, userers, immigrants (to include foreign workers), pornographers, separatists, anti-monarchists, big business that wanted to bring in cheap imports, foreign businesses that wanted access to the Spanish market at the expense of the Spanish worker, people that wanted a divorce, abortionists, etc.

This was related to me by family that lived in Spain during the early 1970s.

Because he wasn't an egomaniac like Hitler and Mussolini, who tripped in their dicks seeking world domination.

Franco wasn't really a fascist. That was Rivera. Franco was still WAY better than the alternative though.

Yes but he would have had his shit pushed in at a later date.

You War Plan Grey having fuck, you.

Was he? As a military he was not the strongest point of the nationals. He was good at suppressing revolts, but the other generals were on par if not better than him tactically speaking.
He was very lucky, bold and brave though. In battle it is said he just stood there, shooting. He made it unharmed except for a few occasions. However, as Hitler would discover later, he was an opportunist; a make believe man.
As the leader of a country he was unremarkable. He had no solid ideology and the real national thinkers and leaders had died, be it by coincidence or by ((coincidence)).
He did what he did not to improve the country but to stay in power. He dragged Spain through a long and painful post-war, which his own party members resented. He survived this period by giving them feudal-like privileges and creating a network of cronyism and repression which endured until the very end of his dictatorship.
Still, he was no nationalist. He survived by allowing technocrats in and by letting the US in so that they could use us for their cold war bullshittery. Luckily, for the next 25 years there would be prosperity in the west, and everything would improve dramatically at this point.

He named a successor loyal to the nationalist ideals, but it was taken out by guess who not just ETA. He was ok with that, if not pleased.
After his death, the semi-feudal corruption of the system he had created prevailed in democracy, creating the big fuckup of a country we have today, with some ((help)) from outside. It was fine at first, but it slowly devolved into something worse, as it drowns itself in even more corruption and bureaucracy.

Spain is a strange beast. We forgave and forgot and kept moving forward. We didn't have anything like the Nuremberg trials. Nowadays people long for Franco's times to come back forgetting the direst of truths: economy rules the world, leaders can only pretend.

he knew the jews were going to win, especially as the war progressed

although history might be different if he went in full support of hitler

>Being this brainwashed by the jews

This article kinda puts Salazar like some based 5d chessmaster. What was he like, really? How do Portuguese remember him?

>saved Spain from anarchists and communists
>kept his country out of WW2
>steadfast anti-communist during the Cold War

p cool guy

The Twenty-Six Point Program of the Falange


1. We believe in the supreme reality of Spain. The strengthening, elevating, and magnifying of this reality is the urgent collective goal of all Spaniards. Individual, group, and class interests must inexorably give way in order to achieve this goal.

2. Spain has a single destiny in the world. Every conspiracy against this common unity is
repulsive. Any kind of separatism is a crime which we shall not pardon. The existing
Constitution, to the degree that it encourages disintegration, weakens this common destiny of Spain. Therefore we demand its annulment in a thundering voice.

3. We have the determination to build an Empire. We affirm that Spain's historic fulfillment lies in Empire. We claim for Spain a pre-eminent position in Europe. We can tolerate neither international isolation nor foreign interference. As regards the countries of Hispanic America, we favour unification of their culture, economic interests and power. Spain will continue to act as the spiritual axis of the Hispanic world as a sign of her pre-eminence in worldwide enterprises.

4. Our armed forces- on land, sea, and in the air- must be kept trained and sufficiently large to assure to Spain at all times its complete independence and a status in the world that befits it. We shall bestow upon our Armed Forces of land, sea, and air all the dignity they merit, and we shall cause their military conception of life to infuse every aspect of Spanish life.

5. Spain shall once more seek her glory and her wealth on the sea lanes. Spain must aspire to become a great maritime power, for reasons of both defence and commerce. We demand for the fatherland equal status with others in maritime power and aerial routes.

Falangismo is utopia. We need neofalangismo hermanos!!

He Could have take Gibraltar back

He's something a lot of countries that are trying not to be swallowed up globalism these days need.

Not a politician, but a statesman.

Everything he did, he did to benefit the nation, and, optimally, the people.

Was it authoritarian? Yes. Were people repressed and even killed under his leadership? Yes. He is very often viewed as the tamest of dictators from his age, which is true.

To him, Portugal wasn't just the mainland and isles, it was every colony we still held.

There was even an incident during WW2 where he was furious at the Allies for landing troops on East Timor and therefore ensuring that the Axis forces would also invade Portuguese territory.

We were willing to sell Wolfram to any side of the conflict, until the Allies threatened sanctions.

One of his speeches says it all: "I can't make sure you will not go hungry, but I can make sure you will not suffer from this war", or something along those lines.

SOME older people remember him fondly, but most younger generation were only exposed to the bad he did.

Our motto then was "Proudly alone", and he stood by it to the fullest.

... Then fucking America and Israel decided to fund the rebels during the colonial wars to make sure they didn't embrace communism.

Which they still did.

Great post, Sup Forums will not be able to refute it.

That sounds really nice. It's a shame he's mostly overlooked in Spain.
I'm definitely going to read more about the guy.

This. The man gave every waking second to serving his country, and his country alone. It pains me to think that there will never be another like him.

If I were Spanish I just would not like him because after the war he thought that corporatism would work, but overall he was good for Spain

Probably the greatest Portuguese of all time

>5. Spain shall once more seek her glory and her wealth on the sea lanes.
Germany told us to pack our things because it was not profitable. Meanwhile, South Korea did the opposite. Guess which one has a great shipping industry today and isn't a shithole.
Protip: former is also a corrupt proxy US theocracy.

>To him, Portugal wasn't just the mainland and isles, it was every colony we still held.

Big mistake, that's why now you and the french and the britbongs have to deal with the reverse colonization of your homelands. You should have give up of those lands sooner.

>lose the war and the countries are now liberal shitholes

>Franco Spain
>Not join the Axis and stay in power until he died making possible the Spanish Miracle and stoping the liberals wave.

Entering the axis would be stupid, then a civil war would be suicide then

Salazar should have created a government with franco. United Iberia. Salazar the Prime minister and franco the Commander and chief.

>he was fascist
Hmmm no sweetie, he destroyed falangist scum one in power. Degenerate fascists aren't good enough to lick Franco's boots

noice kikery m8

Yes, but since his death there has been a liberal backlash.
And the economic crisis didn't make it any better. Take a look at Unidos Podemos' role recently in Spanish politics

God gave us Franco and the King

Francisco Franco, Caudillo de España por la gracia de Dios

You cheeky cunt. I'm sure you'll be happy about Franco's legacy, since you niggers got 1/4 of it.

Yeah but that's not Franco fault.

He still did the right thing

>Spain isn't liberal

He was just another puppet as every remembered leader who has not "ceased in charge" or erased from history. Franco stopped the 3rd Republic and crushed another idea of change. This country is rightwing by will or by force, but never lasted as republic or commie by sabotage or incompetence of leaders.

When some good left idea had could reach the power they just blow up everything and create another division. We fuck the shit out eachother and end without nothing and ruled by who created the conflict.

It is a common cicle on Spanish kingdom, and when a generation begins to understand what is happening, they throw the violence on the street and break the idea by sabotage.

If you read something about the history of this country, you will see that when we have fighted together, we always win, even against Napoleon. (((Someone))) noticed this, someone give us a perpetual fight since then. And all the attempts to let this sentiment behind have been beated in time and reshaped again.

We have a difficult history, a lot of people can't remember or even understand that some parties have been moving this land for centuries. We had a bipartidistic movement selled as (((DEMOCRACY))) 100 years before now and ended by revolt when people discovered that 20 years of their life and desitions were a fraud and later, a war came. Nobody remember that confusing moment of our history and now is just being repeated. They can't imagine that, is something out of the blue for them. They call you liar and antipatriotic.

The same old story as everywhere. And catalonians are the bads beocuse always push the shit. This is just another movement to recall the stupid masses and make them kill eachother.

It isn't. Its socialist

It wasn't a mistake because this was the nature of Portuguese colonisation.

The problem was that the Anglo-American empire and the Soviets made a concerted effort to arm, fund, and propagandise on the behalf of the revolutionaries in the colonies. This subversion was held at bay while Salazar still lived, but when he died it succeeded because you had revolutionary agents like Mario Soares arriving on the scene (also working for the CIA and most probably the KGB too) to oversee the de-Catholicisation and the liberalisation of Portugal while scumbags like the American ambassador to Portugal, Frank Carlucci, flooded the country with pornography.

That was the problem and that's why Portugal has gone into such a rapid state of decline. The immigration issue has little at all to do with colonies and everything to do with this.

I only want to add that he was exactly what Castilla asked for in that moment. Not more, not less: the big cacique, el caudillo. At the end of the day, anything else does not matter.

We are seeing a Franco revival nowadays like never before.
But Franco manners do not work in 2017. So this will end with another lose of territory for the Empire.

With Salazar you do not need Franco. Actually, Franco will end up killing Salazar in some way.

Socialist is by definition liberal

You are wrong, the biggest immigrant communities in Portugal, France or Britain are from people of their old ancient empires.
Portugal will fall demograpically -- the native-whites will be replaced by people from their former colonies(from angola, or whatever) that tends to migrate there

I agree. Also with the Salazar part.

>US supporting nigger gangs along with literal commies
I'm sorry Portugal... we failed you.

Again, colonialism is not the problem. How do you explain Germany? Where was the great German colony in Turkey? What of the long-lost Swedish colony in Somalia?

The issue is liberalisation, and in the case of Portugal that liberalisation was chiefly the product of American moral and cultural subversion - intentional subversion. That is what is at the heart of the matter and you find this consistently across the board in Western Europe.

How do you explain then that Britain, France and Portugal biggest non european migrant communities there are from their old former colonies?

JFK's fault.
And CIA's, I think the files were disclosed not too long ago, or are about to?

Because liberals from said governments let them in

Because they speak the same language as former Metropolitan country, meme flag. Low class has dificulty learning other languages except native tongues. That' s how we get the low class and middle low class of Brazilians (despite what some luso-brazilian says - that bc we are suffering a different wave of immigration) and Cape Verdians - (the true Alberto Barbosa).

By Angolan e Mozambique is fucking low. Explain the Romanians - that in fact are gipsies mostly Roma people coming from Romania and Moldova. They are more numerous that angola and MZ.

Fuck JFK.

Btw it was leftists that let them in. At least AD - PSD - right centre party changed the nationality law. Estado Novo literally had a colonial act and IDs with ethnicity that would reject every black and mullato coming here.


Britain is the home of Whiggery and France is the home of the Masonic Revolution. Apart from the United States, no two countries on the planet have played a bigger role in championing and exporting liberal values like secularism, individualism unfettered sexual licence/liberation, the neutering of the Church, usury, etc.

None of these things were problems in Portugal before Salazar's death in spite of the fact that colonies and been possessed by the Portuguese for over half a millennium. So what changed? What changed is that these ideas which were alien in Portugal and especially in the Estado Novo were forced upon the Portuguese by the Carnation Revolution. 1974 is the point at which immigration (which, frankly, is only one problem among many) began to be an issue.

How many more years till you became a minority in your own land? 20? 30?
You are already lost, and the french and brits too.
south africa 2.0

official ranking of fascist leaders

Mosley > Codreanu > Mussolini > Franco > De Rivera > H*tler

Not even Muslims want to stay here, man.
Portuguese people are the only ones pessimistic enough to stay.

He was a dumbass.

Does someone have that Europe map to show the meme flag - disgrace prophet - user about native-born %? That one the Poland is 99% or something

Also we use Schengen Zone to get rid of the Cape Verdians (mostly mullatos bc they are descendants of Portuguese slavers and nigressses) and Blacks - they go to UK and France. One Black New Portuguese got killed in UK and they did some protest or something

>join a losing side of a war


Spain was also literally destroyed right after the Spanish civil war.

>all on the same side

U wot m8?

Fuck portugal and fuck portuguese people

US / JFK financed a movement diferent than other two UPA/FNLA that was not commie. It was all planned by USA. The leader went to UN I think to give a speech and told to his followers to make an uprising.

The problem is that those guys literally massacred 4000 blacks and white farmers. and it fucked up. Fucking terrorists and the leader was perplexed I think but it still tried to defend it. Literally thorugh its proxy USA fucked more than the commie ones.

Soviets were pursuing the expansion of their Marxist-Leninist ideology and trying to accrue more vassal states for Moscow as they had always done. The Chinese were working towards similar goals.

The Americans wanted to be rid of far-right governments who wouldn't be willing to capitulate to their every demand or play ball with their globalist aims. The removal of Portuguese influence in Africa was part of the package that Kissinger dropped on Southern Africa generally and which ultimately resulted in the deconstruction of the Portuguese colonies, Rhodesia, and South Africa's apartheid state. They'd rather install puppet governments who would be more compliant to Americanism.

That would be bad enough but, as I said, the yanks went even further when they desecrated Salazar's legacy with the Carnation Revolution. This effectively destroyed Portugal, turning it into another post-modern secularist dump parroting the usual pro-sodomy, pro-usury, pro-multiculturalism BS that you find pretty much everywhere in the "west".

I frankly despise Muslims but they are absolutely on the money when they refer to the United States as the Great Satan.

And that day - 15th March the Colonial War starts

Afterwards it comes the failed coup orchestrated by USA led by Salazar Defense Minister. Salazar dismisses him and take over Defense Minister at the same time and declares it to the media and literally sends more mainland reinforcements to quell with the massacres - and literally says a known sentence - [Troops] [To Angola] Move quickly and in strength.

In april 1961 -

No it's not, "liberal" was right wing until it got hijacked by proto-leftists.

Salazar is easily the top tier dictator of the 20th century. Whether you agree with his politics like the adoption of Lusotropicalism, or helping out the allies during the war you have to recognize that he essentially rebuilt a failed state and left it with one of the fastest growing economies in the world when he was hospitalized. He was a domestic and foreign policy master and a god tier economics minister.

You are a literal retard.

he wasnt a fascist and primo de rivera was better