Mayushii is best girl

mayushii is best girl

Ew no.

If a retard has big boobs is it okay to rape them?

yes! kawaii is justice

>doing lewd things to a maiden as pure as Mayuri

Who else here ready for /suffering/?

I am ready to get really sad.

Fuck I posted the wrong one

Between S;G0 and DR3 I think I've got enough suffering and despair to last me all year.


Time for PTSD and horrible panic attacks.

My body is ready.

My heart is not.


Truth be told I lost it even before that bit of despair.

I hope 0 ramps up the pain even more.

for bloody murdering like a squealing pig!



"Rintarou, my watch fell..."

who are you quoting?

Mayuri should have won Okabe, but Kurisutina was overall a better girl.

Maybe she was best.

Best girl no.
Best at dying yes

>Best at dying
the only reason Okabe is suffering is because Kurisu died in the first place.

>Tfw you know the plot

Don't worry guys, the plot goes wierd by the end. The only scene that matters is Suzuha dropping Okabe for being a whiny little shit.

Living on a worldline where Mayuri is dead would fuck him up just as much, if not more so. You don't even need to see S;G0 to know that, Phenogram has entire routes dedicated to 'HououinKyoma.tuturu has stopped responding.'

No shit, sherlock. What was the entire point of Mayuri dying in Steins;Gate? It was to demonstrate how merciless the attractor field is. It didn't even have to be Mayuri, it could have been any other girl, but Mayuri left the most impact due to her innocence to the experiments. Sure that makes her the best candidate for dying, but that doesn't make her any better than, say, Kurisu at the actual act of dying.

If it were Faris for example, would he crumple to the lab floor madly gibbering apologies for a week? Depend on pill bottles and hypnotherapy to carry him on? Destroy Hououin Kyoma and shoehorn himself into being a normie, lying about tennis clubs and refusing to visit the lab to seem more generic? Start hallucinating and chasing shadows? Talk jovially to ghosts and swear fealty to drawings of animals? Teach himself sowing and make costumes of his own?Become a vigilante abusing time with his whim?

It's because it's an old childhood friend that has been for a lifetime, carrying him through his pains and relying on his support. Her being a sister figure that's glued to his side, trying to comfort his pains, acknowledge his troubles and share his burdens, even as she is dying. Until Operating Verthandi begins he doesn't even care about Kurisu's death aside from 'oh shit it's a zombie', and even then her being a lover and confident doesn't compare to Mayuri. Hell, by that point he's already let Suzuha and Yukitaka die for the sake of saving Mayuri. Mayuri's the best at dying by the virtue of her deaths causing 'well fuk, d mail time i guess :/' alone.