So did he get silver just by killing goblins?

So did he get silver just by killing goblins?

hmm? what manga is this? google is a piece of shit.

its not re-monster is it? that shit hasnt been updated in so long on batoto

I presume you have at least one eye. Use it.

eh, honestly was expecting it to be a reveal of something in a manga rather than one.
no offense to armoured dude, but goblins arent exactly the most threatning mythical creatures.

Update yourself to troll slayer at least

he can call himself nigger slayer and he'd still be well respected
You don't need to slay a dragon to know you're doing JUSTICE

Why the fuck he wears a full armor?
It's inconvenient and reduces mobility.
On top of that this noob uses a shield, shields are for fags, he should weild two swords.

He doesn't want to die.

When you know that gob niggers cover their bladed weapons with a mixture of their own shit, piss and a bunch of poisonous herbs so that even a slight cut may prove almost instantly debilitating and almost guaranteed to be fatal, you'd want to be covered head to toe in plate armor too.

Educate yourself nigger.

go back to sword art online you piece of shit.

>reduces mobility
No it doesn't.

put some points into your STR

This bait worked.

Does she get raped later on?

Its not full armor nigga, his thighs and biceps look like they are covered in leather not plates

this desu
armor is very important for not dying

So when does GS's osananajimi show up?

I need genki cow girls who only just dodged having her home raped and pillaged.

It doesn't makes sense if he s agile enough.

And that full helmet is stupidly useless if it reduces his vision.

alright, Ill give it a try

>He didn't raise Vigor
I bet you can't even use a Greatsword, Great Shield and Haval's

>It doesn't makes sense if he s agile enough.
yeah sure, he can just easily evade all attacks if he's fast enough
>And that full helmet is stupidly useless if it reduces his vision.
all helmets, even non-full helmets hamper one's line of sight; they were still used because they prevented you from getting killed by a lethal blow to the head

Blind archbishop shows up for threesome with bishop and Goblin Slayer.

>On top of that this noob uses a shield, shields are for fags, he should weild two swords.
*tips fedora*

cow girl isn't the blind priestess who double-team rapes GS with priestess to keep him from dying

Why do Sup Forums love this shit so much

>dual swords
>in a narrow cave

Spears are better in this case than dual swording, which is 4 times of half swording.

>full armor
>reduces mobility
> shields are for fags
>should weild two swords
The quality of your bait is shit.

just off the top of my head
>the edge
>fantasy without being isekai
>titular character seems like he's not just stupid strong, that he earned his rank through experience and dedication rather than any sort of stupid gary stu nonsense
>he also hides his face which is kinda neat

There are a lot of Soulsfags on Sup Forums.

>mobs smear cave floor with arrogant noobs in cha1
>rape with boots on
>competent non-OP MC
>vietkong tactics
>reaction goldmine picrelated
>audience is starved since isekai turned to shit
>crave low fantasy

>what are short swords and axes

I'm actually surprised he doesn't bring compact crossbow with him.
He can at least off first of charging gobs or take out centries silently.
I know he can throw knives just fine, crossbow seems like a must for a lone worker like he appears to be.


I don't think an axe would be a good weapon in this situation. Usually you want to swing it. It could have stabby bits, but it wouldn't be as good as short sword.

Silver is a low rank, stupid. It's the recommended rank for slaying weak goblins.

>short sword and axes
>not scimmy

>he should weild two swords

>calling someone faggot
Though I personally thing shield is very useful - he uses a small shield.
If I remember correctly - at some point of time he actually draws two swords simultaneously.
Only to throw one of them in gob head a moment later.
I think he can dual wield with small shield on since it seems to be attached on the upper wrist, not being held by left hand.

Are people actually taking time to fill out a name for everytime they post just to be a tripfag?

>Souls games

I think mobile app does this automatically if you ask nicely enough.

I like those games before normalfags got into them.


You don't know how it works.

Aren't you a special snowflake.

>calling others fags
Ah the irony

They already feast on your anime and manga like the maggots that they are, enjoy it while you can.

he called them with best girl though, so that's forgivable

Fuck off to

to be fair souls games are more anime than anime itself

>having good characters

"best" is an exclusively subjective term in this case though, so saying that Chitoge is best girl works, because even if every single character in Nisekoi is bad, she's the least worst of all and is thus by proxy best girl

When are we getting more chapters? Is this thing monthly? Really enjoyed it.

It isn't though. It's top 3.

Next Monday.

Silver is a top 3 rank.

But it's implied there's a huge difference between Silver and Gold. Gold are like the champions of nations.

I think the best way to think about it is:
>Silver = College football
>Gold = NFL football

Dude, he's fighting in cave tunnels. He is basically wearing a walking tank. Things like daggers, spikes and so on would bounce off him. The whole point is not getting killed and dying - embarrassingly - at the hands of evil midgets.

Could you use something internationally recognized as example?
It's hard to judge the difference if you're not from the land of the free.

>not being American

It's not my fault your world conquest is so slow paced.

I've never been to America and the analogy was pretty straightforward.

I can understand the NFL, this looks national.
The level is clear too: the highest can be.
Assuming no one else bothers playing "football" by the same rules - there is no team for international competition.
But what's college?
How old are the students attending college?
What is level of college competitions?
I'm asking cuz I was 15 y\o when I enrolled into my country "collede" IDK what is called college in US.

University level

>Silver: College Basketball
>Gold: NBA Basketball

Goblin slayer failed to do his job. He let the impregnated woman live without a hard punch to the gut.

He's just a Goblin Slayer.


Temple cleared captive women of "impurities" which I suspect what gob pregnancy considered in the setting
Okay, thanks for clarification.

>all these fags who don't know shit about history and recreational swordplay
YOU CHOP WITH A """SHORT""" (they were never called that to begin with) SWORD THE SAME WAY YOU CHOP WITH AN AXE

>chopping with a gladius
get out

Good luck stabbing enemy with an axe.


Care to tell me why it has a broader tip than the rest of the blade?
It was used to CHOP at the enemy from over their shield, the broader end brought the center of mass forward helping this motion while still allowing blocking, slicing and stabbing
What the fuck are you on about? You know people used axes due to how easy it was to get their hands on them (compared to swords, far cheaper due to rpoduction being easier).
Actual soldiers would use swords any day over axes because you can block with them more effectively

Something like this
>Silver: athlete known in your country
>Gold: Messi, CR7

>Sup Forums likes chuunishit games
What a shock

When will the next chapter come out?

5 minutes.

>why it has a broader tip
Because that's a shitty fucking replica of one type of gladius which didn't represent the majority at all.

user, swords are only good to beheading unarmored peasants so that you can rape their daughters.
When facing armored opponents they are close to useless.
Axes, clibs, maces, stilletos, spears, halbears and such were used in regular medieval armies much wider than a sword.
It's just a modern romanticized misconception about swords dominating warfare at that time.
Sure swords were popular cuz they are versatile, durable and good for shanking your shit-poor neighbors.
But once you face troops in say lorica segmentata - it's much easier to run the fuck away or get a mace or an axe.
Roman used a spear and a sword as standard equipment for exactly same reasons: they usually fought people in hide\leather armor or without any armor at all.
This is why sword was effective.


>literally covered in goblin jizz


The gladius was effective WITH the scutum and their tactics, not just in itself. It worked well enough even in battles where Romans fought each other.

>even mentioning the lorica segmementata when there's no proof of it ever being used

Sure, but they would switch to something better if their conquest were constantly met with lots of armored enemies
>no proof of it ever being used
IDK it's popular IRL armor name.
Sounds better than your generic full plate.
Point still stands: to fight a heavily armored opponent something like an axe or a mace is better than a sword.
Sword is good for fighting unarmored opponents.
Perfect for GS: I doubt many goblins wear full plate or even chainmail.

>swords are only good to beheading unarmored peasants
wtf are you talking about. Read about halfswording.

That shit need bastard or two-handed sword.
Not the gladius and "short" swords we are talking about.
Mihgt be usable with longswords but IDK.

I just came to say thank you for showing me this manga, I was getting sick of the usual harem/godly op stuff/slice of life material I've been reading, I needed something a touch...closer to reality.

You forget how things are real life if you keep drowning yourself in fantasy, and while this is far from real at least the reality of the situation is "closer" than what I've been reading previously, I'll be supporting this manga if it ever gets an english release.

Thank you

>user who's been sleep deprived due to a lack of mental stimulation from brain dead reading material

You could still cut the arms, legs and face of someone wearing only a lorica and a helmet. Not like plate armor or even full protection ever became prevalent. Better yet, just push him down with your shield and batter him unconscious. Even if you can only stab the armored parts, it'd still hurt and eventually they would topple or run away. It IS a hefty piece of metal after all.

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Gladiuses deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine gladius in Italy for 10,000 Euros (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my gladius.

Roman smiths spend years working on a single gladius and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Gladiuses are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a gladius can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a gladius could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why ancient Germania never bothered conquering Rome? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Legionaries and their gladiuses of destruction. Even in World War II, Allied soldiers targeted the men with the gladiuses first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Gladiuses are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Gladiuses:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Gladiuses in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Gladiuses need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

>Why the fuck he wears a full armor?
He usually have to fight in caves and dark places, easy to get ambushed or someone to sneak a attack, specially dangerous with those blades with poison

>On top of that this noob uses a shield, shields are for fags, he should weild two swords.
MODS we have a underaged here or a complete retard,

user this is not a bar fight.
In actual combat soldier always aims for a lethal strike.
Aiming for a legs, hands and face should be considered workaround, not the usual practice.
Even IRL when facing opponent with firearm - he'll pull the trigger and unload a mag at you even with both lungs pierced.
>push him down with your shield
>Even if you can only stab the armored parts
It's not like he will stay still and let you do this.
He's wearing full plate.
You're not.
He's heavier and most likely confident in his strength and stamina, if not skill (newbie can't afford it).

>In actual combat soldier always aims for a lethal strike.
If he can, and that's more of a modern thing because it's so much easier to kill nowadays. A hit to the enemy's sword arm is a big advantage for you, he cant just draw a revolver with his other hand and blast me off.

>He's wearing full plate.
>You're not.
>He's heavier
Whenever did we establish any of these

>two more days until the next chapter

>>he also hides his face which is kinda neat
which makes him the master chief of mangu self-inserts

I used lorica only as example to illustrate that "short" swords (e.g. gladius) is not the weapon of choice against armored opponent.
While GS armor doesn't seem to be full plate (his back and joints aren't armored) the thickness seems to be that of a heavy armor.
I'd say swords and medium armor\chestplate are a good combination against gobs.
They are usually unarmored - swords works fine, only hobs and stronger opponents can wield clubs, maces, warhammers etc bashing weapons that can seriously hurt GS behind armor.
Such opponents should be rare (remains to be seen).

it's been 2 chapters, not 6 games, i doubt he'll be the faceless hero for eternity

nah, he'll stay faceless and every opportunity given to show him unmasked will be obscured

Sup Forums likes dem men faceless...
>C90 when?

Reminder: These two sexually assaulted Goblin Slayer.

user, it's not assault if they're hot and you're healthy at the end of it.

It's ok, his like was at stake. It couldn't be helped.

>Gold: Messi, CR7
who the fuck are they?

It was A LOT of goblins