How do you feel about the situation the SL was faced with last chapter? What do you think the outcome will be?
Shingeki no Kyojin Halftime
Bert regains consciousness and runs away. We learn nothing yet again.
I can't not think of Firing Pin 2/3 when I see this
Levi pls save him.
>That Dj
How can someone run away without any legs?
I hope this happens. Then Armong and Erwong would die like they should.
No, they survive too. Also, the basement points to another place outside the walls they need to get.
I like Erwin and want him to live as unlikely as that is, however I could see the narrative benefit of killing both characters off. They still have Hanji and she can easily fill both of their roles. It would be an interesting development, but I highly doubt that will happen.Isayama will come up with some disappointing asspull to save all three of them, I bet.
Levi needs to look after his kind, beautiful, brave and so very intelligent Commander!
>planned as one of the first to be killed off in the original draft
>instead gets to live like a cockroach and survive every deathflag he receives
Bort should die as well.
I only care about what's in the ____letter
Seeing her (Ymir) in person and not via flashbacks would be preferable
Why would you want to see a decomposed corpse?
Funny how no one calls this cancer when the OP itself literally has a page from a LM doujin. Oh 'cancer' comments are only reserved for AA, nothing else.
Fucking hypocrites.
>>planned as one of the first to be killed off in the original draft
Say something nice about your least favourite Shingeki.
She has a healthy appetite.
In the original draft Reiner died like Thomas at the beginning of the manga and there was no AT.
Oh so you mean a reaaaaaaaaaaally obsolete draft.
AT is isyama's favorite so no wonder he won't let him die.
He's smart I guess.
He should have died from the fall.
Save him.
Team Rico endorses Erwins survival.
I don't dislike any shingekis, is that weird? There's some characters I consider pointless or hard to relate to, like Sasha and Connie for example, but I can't bring myself to actually despise any of them like some anons do.
>Say something nice about your least favourite Shingeki.
Addendum - Say something nice about the most pointless Shingeki.
Moments later.
A lovely and well received sentiment. Blessed be!
Blessed be! Probably best to get this said early before the stalker/impersonator arrives!
He's about to be eaten.
I wonder if her letter is a love confession or a plea for help
It's gotta be something plot relevant or there would be no point in sending it. Unless she wanted to confess her feelings before she died.
I'm so tired of this shit. I really really want to read Mikasa raping and abusing Levi instead.
Good thing I won't need a doujin for that after 84.
someone post Venom Potion
Team Hitch can't betray Armin but wishes both of them could live.
He's alright in Chuugakkou.
I wish there was a doujin like that. Submissive Mikasa is okish, but I rather see her fuck that little manlet up.
Finally an excellent opinion by reddit.
inb4 samefag
I voted for Rico
Homecoming when?
Doesn't really matter desu, either the favourites EMA or the dark horse Annie is going to win in the end anyway.
The choice was obvious.
When they all crystallize separately.
Of course it is.
I voted Rico.
my nigger
Traute pls
I like Kenny too, but...
Reserve your disgusting fantasies for yourself. It is horrible how you portray Mikasa like that.
But Mikasa fantasizing about abusing Levi is literally canon.
No need to take your anger out on other anons because Mikasa will never dominate you.
You don't have to talk about your delusions. Disgusting LMfag.
No, really I'm being serious. Isayama actually said she does.
Mikasa and Levi are shit and I hope they die.
Levi is not shit!
I don't expect a delusional like you understand the manga or read Isayama's interviews. Manlet is gay or who knows.
I am a girl and everybody know LMfags are females with a dirty mind who consider manlet attractive for some reason I can't understand. Same with Jeanfags and their self inserting. So obvious.
What character isn't shit according to you? I'm not asking so I can bash them, just curious.
tfw just read from chapter 33 to 83 in one day
when do new chapters come out?
how long until next chapter?
#teamarmin here
Spoilers the 5th or 6th of each month. 8th in English.
>i'm a grill
Probably underage too. Levi being a fag or not has nothing to do with my argument. Isayama said Mikasa imagines herself getting back at Levi. Hate LM all you want but don't ignore canon evidence from the author and then accuse people of portraying Mikasa horribly when you yourself don't fully understand her character either.
That's because of her rivalry with Levi. There aren't proofs of anything between them, nothing romantic. Mikasa is one of my favorite characters and I am pretty sure I understand her better than you, she has 15 years old if you can't remember. Of course I will be against all the LM arts because they portray her in horrible way. I can't understand how someone who likes Mikasa can enjoy that. But whatever, shipperfags and their delusions.
No shit. I'm not saying the interview is proof of any romance. I'm saying Mikasa wants to punish Levi and you said that was a horrible portrayal of Mikasa even though that's literally canon. I know shipping is cancerous and I'm guilty of it but people like you take it way too seriously and think only canon-implied ships could be liked. Fans of other series hardly care about canon potential and just ship whatever appeals to them, but /snk/fags are so autistic and can't process the thought of people liking something they don't.
tldr; LM is just a crackship and obviously will never happen (most sane fags already know this) so stop getting butthurt about it in every thread.
>Manlet is gay
>I am a girl
There is literally an entire website that caters to your every need. Why don't you try going there or anywhere but here.
Yaoi is disgusting.
You used the interview in a different context because I was talking about how Mikasa is portrayed. Otherwise, I wouldn't even care.
This is true.
I was fucking around with another LMfag about doujins and you butted in and said I was portraying her horribly, even though I wasn't far from wrong because she does want to punish Levi. You're free to hate any ship you want but sometimes it's unnecessary to bring up irrelevant shit like how unlikely or how morally wrong a ship is like you often do when shippers are just joking or discussing among themselves. It just derails the thread more and keeps the topic on a ship you don't like.
Our opinions may differ, but we are united through The Wholy Trinity!
So grils never get angry because Mikasa won't ever dominate them?
The opposite. Girls get angry when Mikasa dominates them, Eren is proof of that.
You could blind someone with those noses.
Isnt this the only one where he fucks her?
I'm so ready for deer titan
This. So much this.
There's a few doujins where he does but Mikasa's always submissive. Except for that weird foot-fetish one but they didn't fuck.
And you have a serious case of shit taste.
You too.
Traute deserves more love
Gonna need more of this or a source
This is canon right?
Coming from the gay one with shit taste
BRA did nothing wrong.
>no one is allowed to hate my overrated boring Ackershit family
No, apparently Shitlet likes tall men.
Except the genocide.
But every man is tall for him.
This artist has a few doujins for sale. Can't find them online or translated unfortunately.
Except Connie.
His Mikasa looks like a druggie.
Isn't this the same artist that drew a literal rape LM doujin?
I like their art style and how Mikasa's eyes look on the cover. So does she just take it, and leave? Is she a fuck buddy? His load dump? I need that information, it's essential
Source on that too?
Same. I like this artist too even though it looks overly shojo sometimes.
This thread needs more Bert. Post all your rare Berts.
I really like Bort, and I don't think he'll die next chapter.