/Qcpol/ French Québécois thread

This is a genreal about proving how Québéc is the best province in Canada and discussing about Québéc politics in general (Basically anything Québéc related). Also Québéc will become a country, mark my world
Facts to destroy Anglo:
>Quebec GDP is 358 billion US$.
>If Quebec were a country, its economy would be ranked the 44th largest in the world just behind Norway.
>The economy of Quebec represents 19.65% of the total GDP of Canada.
>Tourism plays an important role in the economy of Quebec.
> In 2011, Quebec welcomed 26 million foreign tourists
>Quebec is Canada's leader in hydroelectric energy production
>In 2010, Quebec was the largest producer of zinc in Canada and the second largest producer of gold and iron.
>Quebec is also the world's second largest producer of niobium[39] and the third of titanium dioxide.
Quebec has one of the world's largest reserves of fresh water, occupying 12% of its surface.
>It has 3% of the world's renewable fresh water, whereas it has only 0.1% of its population.
> Quebec occupies a territory nearly three times the size of France or Texas, most of which is very sparsely populated.
Say it with me VIVE LE QUÉBÉC LIBRE!

Other urls found in this thread:


Vive le Québec Catholique

>best province
>half the population doesn't want to become independent
>blame it on Anglos
>receive Anglobux
alright there b'y

face it faggot you're scared of having your country turn to a third world shithole Xi-yuan. The last referendum was sabotaged by your government faggot we won that time and we will win next time

>Thousand of Anglos prior to poll day goes down in the streets of Montreal.
>Anglos still blames Quebecers for loss.

Are you stupid or just from Ottawa ?

1. Vivre au centre ville de Montreal
2. Vivre dans un des quartiers riche de Montreal
3. Vivre sur l'ile


4. Vivre au centre ville de Quebec
5. Vivre dans la campagne historique Quebecoise (Kamouraska, Ile d'Orlean...)


6. Vivre dans la marde
7. Etre pauvre
8. Vivre dans la banlieue
9. Vivre dans le Quebec profond

>people aren't unanimously in favour of separation
>the 15% of the population that is non-French is unanimously in favour of federalism
>it's a surprise why separatism doesn't work any more

je suis francais crise de cave

French-Canadian New Englander checking in.

Who does it surprise exactly?

is it true that the KKK tried to sterilize you

je vie a Montréal et c'est temps si je suis en train de penser a déménager au nord du Québéc

Is your french good?

Lol what?? Best I can do is a great grandfather who didn't want my mother to marry a French. Love to hear the kkk thing though.

C sur que si ta aucun sens esthetique, que tu veux pas te marier et vivre isolé toute ta vie ca sera pas un probleme

Bonne chance pour le shitposting a 10kb.s par contre.

Non existent, really. Grandfather was last to speak it, died before I was born. I was a fag and took Spanglish in school. Helps with the tree trimmer guy I guess.


Hmm really makes me think

>Tu peux quand même être de Ottawa.
>On avait le même gouvernement alors pourquoi y référer en temps que le tiens ou le miens.

T'est vraiment juste stupide alors

vermont apparently had an eugenics program at some point

it consisted of sterilizing the french and indian minorities

We'll I can read it so-so. So I lurk Franco-threads on Sup Forums. Virgin vs chad threads pitting Montreal vs Laurentians. What a time to be alive.

not too late french bro too learn the language also you should definitely visit your ancestors land

populations of QC and ON about the same
QC 8 million. ON 14 million

>mfw you're just getting population meme'd out of any sort of relevancy

lol if you think that population increase is white people

dude je vie a fucking Montréal Lasalle ferme ta gueule de merde

Then why the fuck does alberta need to pay quebec hundreds of millions a year so you can afford to keep your economy from collapsing?

Va chier, tapette.

>Ontario has accommodated an astronomical number of muds!

Congratulations, I guess?

you don't know how the equalization system works

Reparations, bitch

Haitians are like children, so easy to psyop. I bet the CIA only had to spend $500 running trump is voodoo ads in Haitian media kek.

Quebec is the Jeb Bush of Canadian provinces

As a burger I can unironically tell you that Québéc is the best country in North America and Montréal is the best city in North America.

Vive le Québec libre!

When you succeed from Canada I'd love to join you if you'll have me.


I can't wait for Quebec to leave so we can keep our 10 billion in welfare transfer payments they suck up.

Holy shit, my Anglo great grandfather was born in VT. WWI vet. This explains things a bit.

>Ontario 71% white population
>Quebec 87% white population

>I don't know how the equalization system works

Spoil the fuck you want with Tar sands. Once the drinkable water will be oily, just count on us to get out of your U.S. wanabe province,

>mfw you're not even white yourself

Merci bcp man

I look French, have a French name... I requent a local place where the owners speak French. My ear is getting there. I think all of the 10's of millions are of French in North America descend from 8500 settlers. I'm always proud of the fact that this still in Quebec refuse to be blended in. Gotta watch the fucking immigration though holy shit. And Castreau is embarrassing.

Pourquoi les canadiens anglais sont aussi retardés?

Equalization payment is an anglo meme. It doesn't actually work that way and we contribute a lot more to Canada than you do now that your subsidized oils have run dry.

Pierre Trudaeu c'est le cuck !

Xi-yuan is mad that a french is fighting back


les boys montraient moi votre chanson Québécoise préférait

care to provide yours zinedine?

Hochelag cest pas pire quand meme

>giving your dna to jews
good goy

I hope you secede so I can kill you all legally.

>avoiding his mongrel ancestry
>b-but i'm old stock
>da j00s

On connait le We Wuz Kangz

Préparez-vous à Amongst Kangz

One of the hottest bitches I've fucked is quebecois.


goood luck square face

good luck Zhang We
>avoiding his mongrel ancestry
Dude I know I'm basically 100% european, not 100% french because my grandma is from Poland

Québécois bitches are sluts mate they fuck anyone. Honestly a good chuck of Quebecois bitches fall for the BBC, I remember in HS they would go for the black man


Meh, most of those I met hated niggers. Though from seeing the new generation I dont know
Thx merica and nigger culture

>Anglo-Canada self projecting because their cultural identity is so weak compared to ours

I knew a white girl named Alexandra, she would always tell me and my friends how much she despise white male and would only fuck black male

Yeah but women like you are an insane and self hating minority
You can literally see how batshit they are in their eyes.
Fk off monkey

dude calme toi je suis Quebecois, ne vien pas me dire que ce que j'ai dit est faux.Tu sais que j'ai raison

Ça rien à faire icite arrête de polluer

travail mieux sur ton shitpost, Nicolas

>Montréal is the best city in North America.
Are you a nigger?

Montreal is like 30% nigger 25% arab 25% asian and hispanics

20% white

>Dude I know I'm basically
an archetypal WE WUZ here ladies and gents

get the fuck out and come back when you have some testicles and actual documents

No he's right. Le divorce est ben trop haut deja mais on a le taux de couples non marries separé le plus haut au Canada.

Je connais personne qui a gardé une relations long term avec une quebecoise. Tout mes amis se marri avec des slavs ou chinoise.

lol because thats all you know anglo-cuck beta

have you taken the Quebecois Chad Pill yet

I've litteraly been told I fucked like a nigger as an insult once. The same girl described blacks as predators.

Le monde se calisse de nous sur Sup Forums, tu fais juste leur donner une occasion de plus de nous shooter de la marde

Québec is not written with two é you dumb fag

>être aussi fragile sur un imageboard

again not anlgo and it's true that I live in Montreal I'm actually planning moving a little bit more to the north were land is cheap to buy

>The one that wishes to secede from the portion that controls everything else only has half the population
This new season is beginning to look derivative.

>Anglo cuck fetishism predictably rears its head yet again

btw nice OC

If the federal government ever used violence to repress separatists, everyone would become a separatist overnight

>when the ID is particularly apt

yo mes boys

Tes en retard va tcoucher

j'aime gerry boulet

Based anglos!

they are

the niggers i've seen here literally go "WHERE DA WHITE WOMEN AT"

>is surprised when girls want to get BLACKED

>Vivre dans le Quebec profond
Le rêve qui me garde en vie.

>it's true that I live in Montreal
The meme is writing itself

Je reviens du Metro, j'ai vu
>2 noirs
>1 négresse
>5/6 arabes

Mais les arabes ont étaient gentils ils m'ont fait remarqué que j'avais oublié ma pastèque sur le tapis roulant

I remember going out for my birthday and seeing a girl turning down a nigger near the dag "You think I haven't seen you guys try before^, No."
Nigger sad face leaves cucked beyond despair waiting in front of the bars like savages.
It's to wonder if they allow them in the bars at all

>french because my grandma is from Poland
Hmm you mean the country that was 20% Jewish at the time?

Jews and Native Europeans rarely mixed with one another

Pis comment est la France en ce moment?

seriously it pisses me off how they don't even try to be subtle, and i think women pick up on it too

i saw people give our women shit for being feminists but is it really that bad if they can avoid getting pumped and dumped by niggers?

some day they'll get mad that the whole world seems to think they're sluts too for some reason


I also had that thought today when a frenchie described quebec women as little sergents.

never thought of it that way. wwyd if you knew you were jewish

top fucking kek

up the page mocking giving DNA to da j00s. almost certainly would have some percentage of jewish himself