>mfw Kira this week
JoJo Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Kira is bae
4th for best boy
I want to hug Kira
Kira a CUTE
I think Kira looks kinda cute in this page.
I want to molest him on a train only to be blown up by Killer Queen later on
Also I need more pictures of Kira, preferably cute and/or lewd ones.
>『THE CAKE』This time is only mine!
It's too bad we have to endure 2 weeks of fat shigeshit before getting more Kira greatness
I love Narancia!
It's kinda weird to see a dead hand having a stand, but since Kira can become a ghost I think it's okay.
>muh harvest
No one gives a fuck shigeshit i can't wait to see Kira blow Fat boy to bits
So, how many eps will DiU have?
He's gonna get fucked almost immediately, right? I'm reading the Duwang translation as the anime airs, but I'm not going farther ahead
I want to marry Narancia.
If only....
Tell me Sup Forums, is there any other manga/anime franchise that jumps around seiyuus as much as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? When the franchise's 25th anniversary rolled around in summer 2012 where they announced the anime and the All Star Battle fighting game, I thought this was the start for when they would finally "standardize" the voices for the characters, and for a while, I thought they would, seeing how the game kept the seiyuus for both Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency.
But seeing how David Productions pretty much BTFO'd of a good amount of the original seiyuus for many of the characters in Stardust Crusaders and now Diamond is Unbreakable unfortunately, I guess I should just disassociate the voices I grew attached to in All Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
I mean, if Hataru Watano wasn't brought back as Josuke for the anime, does this mean that David Productions have the balls to BTFO of Namikawa and BASED SAWASHIRO MIYUKI as both Girono and Jolyne respectively?
Yeah don't worry. Greedy McFatFuck dies pretty soon after he gets introduced.
Also, reading the duwang dub?
5 is the worst regardless of scans.
But it makes up for it's scans in other ways.
I always thought he has blond spiky hair. Is he really just Dodoria?
you're the worst regardless of scans
Here's a free (You), user.
Just for you
>the worst
>not 6, with its infinite amount of wasted potential and "kill 'em all" ending
I would do anything to cuddle him.
Which is more bullshit: the weather turning people into snails, a man becoming huge because he has a split personality, getting sick powers because you have Jesus' pelvic bones or making volcanoes erupt by shining sunlight on it?
>Main characters sole motivation is to become a better criminal.
I mean sure he wanted to clean up the place a bit but he still wanted to become a mob boss. That was it. What's the point? His friends died for nothing.
I'm glad he's dead.
Delete this
This series is just bullshit incarnate. It's best to just accept it.
The snail thing though.
Gappy makes me happy
After I saw Johnny get told by the actual lord in heaven to shoot himself in the face, nothing surprises me anymore.
it was still Star Platinum tho
make me faggot
yummy in gummy's tummy
>Hayoto didn't even hesitate to kill himself to save strangers
the real hero of part 4
SP was foreshadowed though.
Stop now.
A couple of changes.
Imgur's max limit is only 5MB (PNGs are just converted to JPGs), so I'll use a direct image link via Mediafire for transparent PNGs.
Things are looking up. I got a a regular 8 hour job. I can afford some more luxary items like An sas figure.Im starting to get fit. I get to see Kira animated in a few weeks.
Life is nice sometimes
Why wasn't FF decaying in like a week in the full sun? Algae can't prevent that shit.
He wanted to become a criminal for the same reason that Josuke walks around with that shitty hairstyle.
The real hero was Koichi, the greatest ally, We've been over this.
Will continue up until Christmas with no stops senpai
Thinking of getting All Star Battle, I know Online is probably dead but how's the gameplay
The volcano one made sense because that was less sunlight and more fucking laser.Everything after that was retarded in the best way,though.I also think that there were some records of people's body changing slightly with multiple personalities,but that could be bullshit.
Are you going to add a smug Kosaku Kira when he shows up?
So loyal.
Kira best husbando
You can't suddenly gain 80 pounds of muscle mass user.
I am going to marry Narancia.
Even Bug-Eaten's there holy shit
Maybe not right at his debut (it depends on his faces), but most likely, yeah.
smug eaten*
I'm always thinking it should go from order of first appearance
We'll get Sheer Heart Attack in three or four episodes, right?
Diavolo no Daibouken wiki man here again.Can someone who reads nip translate this?It's wishes that Cameo can grant,if the context helps.
please,I know no one cares about the game but making this wiki gives my life meaning
wiki at diavolo-no-daibouken.wikia.com
>is constantly finding new waifus
Kira is worst husbando.
Harvest (Part 1), Harvest (Part 2), Quiet Life, Cinderella (Part 1), Cinderella (Part 2), Sheer Heart Attack (Part 1)
Can someone post the "Kakyoin dies" copypasta?
Two episodes for Harvest and Cinderella? Alright, thanks.
shit I forgot to post it oh my god I'm so stupid aaaaa
translate please
Please rate Sup Forums
>part 4 stando
>least favourite jjoo
F.F is cute
I dont even recognise the part 6 stand/10
>I want to become rich
>I want a full stomach
>Restore my HP
>Stop the enemies movements
>Bring Avdol back to life
>Give me more wishes
You expect us to read all of that shit?
>wake up
>find this laying next to you on your bed
Wat do?
Lick their cherry
thank you so much
I love you
have this cat diavolo as thanks
>>''Come'' with us
I comply
I assume I'm a dormant stand user or someone whose keys open their doors
I go back to sleep
F.F is ugly
There's no guarantee that they'll bring back the voice actors from the games. Either the VA costs too much for the anime, has too much on their schedule, the VA refuses the role, or David Pro found someone that they think is a lot better.
Is that you terufag?
It'd be kind of a mess.
Dio kills Jonathon then takes his body and is trapped in a coffin in the ocean for 100 years, then becomes the antagonist for part 3.
Zeppeli dies
Jonathan dies
Caesar dies
Iggy dies
Abdul dies
Kakyoin dies
Shigechi dies
Fugo leaves
Bruno dies
Abbachio dies
Narancia dies
Polnareff becomes a turtle
Diavolo gets stuck in an eternal death loop where he experiences death, but never actually dies
Foo Fighters dies
Weather Report dies
Annasui, Hermes, Jotaro and Jolyne all die when Enrico Pucci achieves Heaven and resets the universe.
Pucci is killed by Emporio who is the only one to survive the reset
Mountain Tim dies
Diego Brando dies
Hot Pants dies
Gyro Zeppelli dies
Alternate universe Diego dies
Johnny dies ten years after Steel Ball Run, sacrificing his life to save his sons from a fatal illness which plagues the Higashikata family he married into
Josuke Higashikata IS Kira Yoshikage as well as someone else, as the Wall Eyes combined their bodies into one.
Because a stranger saved him with the same hairstyle? So, a mob boss saved Giorno as a kid?
>tfw you will never protect his smile
>No Rikiya Koyama as Kira
Feels bad man we can no longer tell animeonly fags to read the best part
FF an animated corpse that can fall apart at any minute.
Steel Ball Run isn't out yet though
Anime Reimi is the cutest!
>steel ball run
How plebian
If Part4 finishes this year will we get gay gansters late next year?
This, F.F is the worst Narancia is better.
I miss early IV art. Part 8 sameface doesn't do it for me
Nope,just the last person in the world who's still playing Diavolo no Daibouken