Knock, knock, knock

"Yo Mr. user! I bez hea to pickz up yo daughta"


>well, whip out your bbc and let my wife inspect it. Got to make sure my little girl is getting quality bbc. And yes, you can cum inside my wife during the inspection.

And how exactly are you going to pay for the thousands of dollars of sushi at the dinner you're taking her to?

"Wonderful, the limo driver is here, Ill go get my daughter and her fiance Chad"

Sorry Mr. Negro, but she doesn't do prostitution. I'm sure you pay handsomely but I'll have to reject your offer.

sure, and tell her to not come back


"Enjoy your night my man"
>Doesn't have a daughter, has trap son

Can I watch?

He's actually dressed really nicely. Seems like an upstanding young man, desu.
If you're going to try and baitpost, at least do it properly next time and use a pic related with a scumbag in it.

She's not my daughter anymore


>"Please bring her whenever you please and cater to her every need, Tyreek!"

Wrong house fool


American culture


I don't have a child yet Jamal. Why are you here?



over my dead body, jamal

are you racist?

You will not go anywhere with my daughter if you cannot speak english. Done. You're not "finna" do anything except turn around and go home.

This is why I'm glad I have a son and terrified I will ever have a daughter. If I do, she will almost certainly hate me.


Unzips daugther:

tuː biː, juː hæv tuː hæv aJ-kjuː tuː ˌʌndəˈstænd. ði Jksˈtriːmli ˈsʌtl, wJˈðaʊt ə ˈsɒlJd grɑːsp ɒv məʊst ɒv ðə ʤəʊks wJl gəʊ ˈəʊvə hɛd. ðeəz ˈaʊtlʊk, wJʧ Jz ˈdɛftli ˈwəʊvən ˌkærJktəraJˈzeJʃən - fJˈlɒsəfi frɒm Narodnaya Volya. ðə fænz ˌʌndəˈstænd ˌJntJˈlɛktjʊəl ðə dɛpθs ɒv ðiːz ʤəʊks, nɒt ʤʌst ˈfʌni - laJf. æz ə ˈkɒnsJkwəns ˈpiːpl huː ˈtruːli ɑːr ˈJdJəts- ɒv kɔːs ðeJ ˈhjuːmə "Wubba Lubba dʌb dʌb," wJʧ tɜːˈgeJnjɛfs ˈrʌʃ(ə)n ˈɛpJk ˈfɑːðəz ænd sʌnz raJt naʊ ðəʊz ˈædlpeJtJd æz dæn Harmon's ˈʤiːniəs Jtˈsɛlf ɒn ðeə ˈtɛlJˌvJʒən skriːnz. wɒt fuːlz... ðɛm. təˈtuː. ænd nəʊ, ˈleJdJz aJz ˈəʊnli- ðeJ hæv tuː ˈdɛmənstreJt ðæt ðeə wJˈðJn ɒv maJ əʊn ˈprɛfərəbli bJˈfɔːhænd.

what if you son brings black woman? or would it be even possible.

"I bez hea to pickz up yo daughta"
Come on negro-user your family live across the street from us.
Your trying way too hard to be seem like you're from da hood and it's just sad.

> uugh.. that language...
where did you steal that suit fatherless son?
meh, doesn't matter that suit is already ruined anyway.
run ! now !! i'll give you a 5 second start before i start hunting you

Does race really matter as long as the boy shares same culture as you? Where I am, white and black people are literally the same

my daughter is simply rebelling against me, jamal. she is only with you because she's going through a phase. i'd sooner die than get stuck raising her half-nig kids five years from now when you knock her up and split.

Get yo black ass the fuck off my lawn.
Pumps shot gun
Go on git nigger
Blasts niggers chest open
Every thing personel nigger


>where I am, white and black people are literally the same
Where the fuck do you live then? Never neverland?


America the post. Fuck this Brazil 2.0 Cuntry

where is this utopia you speak of?

What's the female equivalent of military school?
Finishing School

Cause I'd have failed as a father.

Howard county, Maryland. But I do agree that when I go to other states, blacks are very different

Chill out, not all of us live in the inner city. Where I live, black people act just Pike white people, they don't talk like gangster niggers, they boys are actually respectful and most are into anime for some reason.

Nice meme


>atleast you have 9x3=27

dubbbbs of truth