Here's your cawfee sir/maam

Here's your cawfee sir/maam.

>posts a male
>no goddamn replies
>post Chino
>instant 300
I fucking hate you Sup Forums.

Here's your shitty loli faggots!

I'd like some more kafuu chino.

user's wife Chino is so cute!

>destabilizes cups
Nigga, what are you doing?

I can't believe you would work for the Whore of Bablyon Gawain.

>there's more men on Sup Forums than women

Oh no, how did he figure that out?

>pic clearly says Arthur
>somehow is Gaywank

Who is this tame semen demon?
I'd destabilize his ass with my dick if you know what I mean.

It just proves women don't make 300 threads every day to shitpost and circlejerk vehemently.

You mean it isn't Richard the Lionheart?

He got literally nothing except a trailer. Try posting an actual character next time.

Nah, it's Saber (Arthur) from Fate/Prototype.

Gween Tea?

>Can't even hold the platter right

You're fired.

Is there porn of him

Fate/Prototype anime when?

Never. Otakus cannot self insert to fate proto.

That's tea faggot

Gween tea?

>tfw will never be able to self-insert into fate proto
thanks otakus

Prototype is shit.