Is it true that a lot of Asian women are looking to be with a white guy, or is it a meme? Also...

Is it true that a lot of Asian women are looking to be with a white guy, or is it a meme? Also, any experience with Asian girls and their political views? I've never heard an Asian girl talk politics irl.

Yeah. The West is still idolized around here. How much longer that lasts... fucked if I know.

Nuh boji muk go ship uh

Real Asian girls are mostly apolitical

90% of good looking asian girls aren't worth, fucking needy bitches

no lie

Back in High School and Uni, the only time a goofy looking mother fucker like me had any chance with a girl, it was with an Asian.
So from my experience, yes. Fuck, even the more attractive ones seemed to be into me.

As for politics, they're a mixed bag. I once had an asian girlfriend who was 10/10 as far as asians go. She hated niggers, and she was second generation, so you'd think she'd be a rabid sjw.

Cheap to buy and maintain. Doesn't take up much space.

Asian women aren't a homogenous group. Each Asian woman is an individual with distinct preferences.

Their political views are what their husband's tell them they are. Don't know anything, user?

Mostly because it is ingrained in their culture that paler skin is the sign of affluence. They don't understand that it means their own background.


Short answer, yes.

Married a fair skinned girl from Hunan.

And patterns are going to arise among them due to them belonging to a clearly distinguishable group, I thought you knew about demographics because you're a capitalist?

Asian girls are like Ultra-Mega White women, personality-wise.

>more high-strung
>more insecure
>more materialistic
>fiercer gold-diggers

They are the embodiment of ALL the shit people hate to see in white women in a compact dark hair/slitty eyed package.

Also the hottest/most successful azn women wouldn't be caught dead with anything but a fellow azn guy! Their families would disown them in shame and they'd be a pariah with their own people. Most azn women you see gunning for white dudes are the low-class dead end tier women

Asians don't care about politics. Asian-Americans act like white women unless they're fotb.

In my city the ABCs go white and the fobs usually date Asians. Politically they're like most women in that there's a wide spectrum; however, here on the east coast asian women often seem to be more conservative, even if they think they're liberal. Some are certainly far left, and few are far right, but generally their values lie right of center

There are some people that are compatible, like this user's pic;
I have had a long term relationship with a Korean and a Japanese woman and here is the list of pros.

>They work, they always find a job and provide a second source of income and sometimes even manage expenses all together on certain occassions. They save money because they don't do drugs.
>They buy you things, sometimes really neat things. They are also trendy with clothing and they make you look good.
>They know how to take initiative without coming off as a bitch. That is a huge plus btw. Most westernized woman would sit there and boast about themselves being the hero or some shit like that. The Asian woman will be humble and shit.

The Cons
>They are cold and come off as uncaring. For the Korean; she would actually verbally abuse me and pick out my flaws and put me down for them. The Japanese woman would prioritze on frivolous things over seeing me.
>They can't consent and give input. They are absolutely terrible in doing this that it is fucking laughable. It's like negotiating with a child. If you give them options they won't figure anyhthing out. More then what you expect you have heard of women.
>They are extremely materialistic and will obsess over products. They also get glued onto idiot boxes and social media apps like a hamster running the wheel.
>They have this weird thing with their bodies... Their legs are shorter than their torso and they look stumpy... You fall for the face up until you see these weird short legs that just turn you off... I was thinking about omitting this one but honestly everyone knows it but never speaks of it. I would have known sooner and avoided it but dammit nobody said anything. If I put a bag over their face I would think I am having sex with Bobby Hill if he had a vagina....

OP I honestly will tell you that the whole reason I dated them was because I was just grateful to have a girlfriend. White men can do better...

I can confirm from experience (3 girls, 1 vietnamese, 1 south chinese, 1 Nip) that this is 150% accurate. I really thought the stubby legs thing was just a coincidence but they were all skinny otherwise... after reading your post I now understand. Other than that, they're pretty much regular women. I still had to give up my yellow fever though, I didn't want to bring any fucked up hapas abominations into this world

Good work user.. I have been abstaining and I think I have been cured from yellow fever. No more humping the stumps for me!

Marry an Asian wife and soon you'll be outnumbered by her friends and their families, all talking at once about whatever. They can get quite loud.

meme betas on pol dream about

Depends entirely on circumstance. That's like asking "what are white women like?". It depends on where they're from, where they're raised, what their parents are like, what religion they are, what media they consume etc.

At least in America the stereotype of asian girls basically just being white girls is pretty accurate. Unless they're a FOB or raised in san francisco or china town. They assimilate to wherever they're living and act just like the white women.

One thing I miss from the south is those southern azn girls. Gets my dick harder than diamonds. And they were all conservative because they wanted to attract the southern chads

The ones who would go for shitbags like you are the trashy ones we don't want anyway. Just stay in your own country and don't immigrate to Asia.

Tell that to any Japanese girl and you are in.

All I fck is Asian women. 95% are right or apolitical. The other 5% are retarded girls I had sex with.

please kill the jews...?

Bc god knows no Faggot American Or German is going to kill any ;)


Sauce? I've seen this before, and would like to see moar.

My gf is Asian and is pretty racist when it comes to blacks. She tells her daughter she will not accept a black dude if she were to date one. Kind of funny. She's also red pulled because she's had to actually work to eat in her life. She works hard and never calls in sick. Pretty based woman.


sadly idk. I only have a couple I think

It's true but never forget that in the end women gonna women anyway, even asians.

true. Let's all just be gay migrants.

>Is it true that a lot of Asian women are looking to be with a white guy, or is it a meme?

It seems to be so but I advise against dating gaijin hunters in Japan. There is usually something wrong with them, which is why they are looking for something "different".

If you ever come to Japan, never date a girl who badmouths Japanese culture or Japan. If you pull a normal Japanese girl, it is really great.

Went on a tinder date with a Singaporean once. She didn't laugh once, kept taking selfies and kept picking her nose. A bird crapped on her face though, so at least the date had that going for it.

literally same experience with a taiwanese girl

she was very sweet but overbearing and demanding. i remember going to the mall and she picked out a bunch of clothes for me that were really expensive. she'd always be telling me to wear this, or cut my hair like that, etc. i enjoyed the attention to detail at first, but then it became vapid and annoying. she wanted to go out to fancy dinners ALL THE TIME. sex wasn't even worth it. the money wasn't such a big deal, i was 22 and used my parents money in college, but it was a big turn off. i took her to my family ranch and wanted to hang out but i could tell that she just wanted to leave ASAP. whereas some white girls and a latina i took had fun walking around and checking out the animals. i fucked but did not date 2 other asians (they're easier than white girls) and it was nothing spectacular.

you are dating someone with a child? what are you, a cuck?

Kek that pic

It's true.

My girl was like this initially, but I actually put her into her place.

Stubby legs

Now I know why I don't like them

Every White guy I hear goes to Japan or China or Korea ends up fucking like 20 women in a few months.

I have been in a long term relationship with a Chinese and a Korean girl.

The best way I can put it is that their idea of a left/right spectrum is somewhat different than in America. For example, after I told the Chinese girl that I believed women for the most part are better suited too be housewives she called me a communist.

On economic issues expect them to be moderate to left if they have any opinion at all. Even if they consider themselves to be economically right wing, it is still probably further to the left of most of the American right wing. This is more true for the Chinese girl but the Korean was still pretty socialist.

On social issues they are anti-degeneracy. They claim to hate tinder, hookup culture, cheating, etc. and I have no reason to believe they did any of that.

They're pretty racist towards blacks and hispanics desu but they respect Whites. They do seem to have a mild resentment towards Whites although they tend to mask it most of the time. Both were open to and agreed with race realism.

They don't like drugs that much even though they will tolerate you using it as long as you are in control of yourself.

I agree they are trendy and can become extremely materialistic. Also yes, they are more than likely sucked into one or more types of social media.

yes but they get disappointed when the white guy isn't attractive

Sounds like you and all the guys replying are the girl in your relationships.

Ive dated many japanese. They never did this bad stuff cause i acted like a man and was in control the whole time.

>tfw yellow fever
>tfw covered in ugly characteristics