How do you guys sleep at night, knowing what you know?

Social alienation, division, constant surveillance, diminishing rights, false flags, information control and constant barrage of propaganda by the MSM and political pundits 24/7. If you believe in any of these things then how do you carry yourself in the daily life? I mean, when I was growing up my grandfather would say that world's a shitty and a dangerous place but it's just plain demoralizing. Fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:

If anything it made me sleep a whole lot more.

Go outside

>owning guns ammo and knowledge of explosives and thermite compounds their uses and practical applications.
Im waiting for shit to hit the fan so the neighbors dog can step on a landmine.

She said don’t waste my time I only got a little left and I
Want to spend it with someone that’s true
And you’re just a kid with a wandering eye
You won’t want any part of this you can go I won’t blame you

Just don’t come back to my heart tonight
Cause you got drunk and you changed your mind
It’s easy for you but it’s hard on me

Baby I’m tired too because you don’t want me unless it’s only you
I like life too much being free, where I can do what I please
And I don’t mind letting go because I don’t want you to hurt no more
When I’m in your arms I’m still out of reach

Baby I can hear you
And you want me to be with you
Why can’t you see it’s a pointless love

Alcohol and music.

So apply yourself and make it better

I play a lot of video games. Currently Star Trek Online. I like the space ships and lasers.

People never really asked me, but I will tell them honestly up front if they asked.

Some honestly think it is refreshing to hear these statements that are contrarian to what they are hearing daily of reassurance by their peers.

You just started the redpilling process mate.

We get used to it over time.

Is it good? Considered it myself, but too lazy to check it out

Knowing I wont have to be alive when its completed

Seriously though o.p, learn as much as you can about things that benefit your life. Your smart enough to see past msm. Be a top teir survivalist.
>next time on user volcano survival.

this place is nothing but right wing propaganda

there is no credibility to any of it

im only here for the memes

Melatonin. Also some Benadryl.

*hands out bluepills.

Realise you are too small to affect these realities in anyway.

Accept it.

Pass the fuck out and dream.



Fucking sleepyshills.

Alcohol, cocaine, and empty sex

by becomeing part of the solution, and having a bed pham

you part of the solution?

Glock under the pillow.

Leveling is fun. Once you get through the storylines it's grindy. It's also heavily biased towards the Federation. If you liked the shows though, you should enjoy it.

>How do you go to bed at night?
Usually laughing desu.

I lay in my bed cover myself in blankets and close my eyes. Is simple mainly because I'm usually tired as night.
Is easy, you should try

It's pretty demoralizing seeing the world for what it is. It makes it even more difficult to function in day to day life. You don't want to pay taxes to a government that fucks you. You don't want to take part in hobbies that are laced with propaganda aimed at your race.

It's all designed to cause alienation so when you go out you have to wear a mask. Here I can be myself and vent my frustrations.

The redpill definitely takes it's toll on me but I still wouldn't ever trade it for a bluepill. I typically take a combination of hard grain alcohol and barbiturates to lull myself to sleep but that makes the mornings hard. If I choose to go without sleep it's even harder.

Sometimes I feel like I am living in a matrix that will be broken one day. Hitler is our Neo. One day we will be freed.

the world was already demoralizing before i knew all of this so its just more of the same
the world sucking doesnt mean your own life must suck. it still allow you to do plenty if you will

I might sleep a few hours at most. A lot of time it's about 45 minutes and I wake up. It's like that for days and days then finally my body gives up and I sleep a full 9 hours. It doesn't help that I read, do math, and draw a shit tone also. Plus I have a kid. On top of all that having kid will make you stay up 20 hours at a time.

I sleep just just fine. Its getting up thats hard

Woke up at 4:30pm today, had woken up several times before, but went back to dreaming because it beats the real world.

Only thing that gives me any pleasure is a walk in the woods

So you just added yourself into their little list, or maybe you already were in it and you don't give a shit anymore

What can one man do in the face of such horror?

I've been here closer to a decade, it's just quite recently that it's started to nag me more and more. The federalization of the EU and divided people literally everywhere comes to my mind pretty fast as well as importing boatloads of people who have no ties to this land and are known to commit acts of random violence. It's like most people in power suddenly lost any resemblance of common sense.

I focus on work. And drink before bed.

Thanks, user. I'll check it out!

reminder best thing you can do is work on yourself
Job, Brain, Finance, Fitness, Health
and no racemixing!

I smoke a joint, that usually helps.

>If you believe in any of these things then how do you carry yourself in the daily life?
I love my daughters and I support my wife. The world may go to shit but I don't need to save the world, I just need to make sure my family is taken care of and they have the ability to live in peace.

When I took the redpill, I went straight to a giant rave filled with sweaty, disgusting, unwashed drug addict hippies and thrashed around with them in a giant disgusting cave endlessly - until a bunch of robots came and killed us all like they do every 30 years or so.

i drink a lot

inb4 dude weed but weed is perfect for that. you fall asleep instantly and when you walk up you barely remember your dreams which also locked me in bed before

Do constructive things. Learn shit, make shit, be the best person you can be.

Today I pickled onions for winter and sewed the dogs new beds. Tomorrow I'll tend the animals, hit up a Farmer's Market, laugh and dance with friends, then go home and read a book.

Be the captain of your own soul, faggot. Don't let fear of them control you. Acknowledge that they are a threat, then move on with your life.

Most things are out of your control so no need to worry about it. Just be the best Aryan (or mongol) you can be

I just pretending that I'm sleeper agent awaiting for singularity.

>hard grain alcohol and barbiturates
wew, I just have the hard grain alc

what are these barbityou'reates?

OP if you have any sense of history, you realize that none of this shit is new and it's been going on for at least a century now, really much MUCH longer. Fight the good fight and have white kids and raise them right and you can sleep easy knowing you did an honest day's work.

Because one day I'll be dead, hopefully before anything serious pops off.

The question is, do I have kids that will have to inherit this shit tier world.

yeah thats exactly what I feel about it.

Think about family and remember the age of humanity and how much tragedy came before us already.

Also hitler speeches

i get satisfaction from living in the red, killing bad people is fun

gl bra

>Im waiting for shit to hit the fan so the neighbors dog can step on a landmine.
> #
The white people next door sold their house on a 2 1/2 acre niggers.
So what do these fucking apes do? Chain 3 pitbull mix breeds up to trees, right next to my fenceline. So now one side of my yard smells of constant dog shit, and my kids are afraid to play on that side of the yard.

When shtf the niggers and their dogs are the first to die.

I'm blackpilled mate I just stopped caring. I try to have fun with my gf while I can and will consider kids if the future gets a little brighter. So far seems nil

Im not sleeping

This, feeling sleepy, were you. It here op when the eu guy told us to go to sleep?

There was a time where I couldn't sleep. It doesn't happen anymore.

I've aged 20 years in 5 from this shit...

The kind of tired that sleep just won't fix...



and also getting to sleep

real world? wat?

By drinking.

There's more to life than the big picture

Because worrying about anything is usually twice as bad as the reality.

By knowing 98% of government employees are straight up incompetent

>Also hitler speeches
not alena?

Living a happy and fulfilling life tends to keep me out of bed.
Unfortunately, that isn't currently possible.

I scream in my sleep and have ground my teeth to nubs but that's because I'm schizophrenic and I have a hard time controlling my delusions in my sleep

oh fuck, woke?

98%? let me see you're datas fagger

I was more or less nocturnal for 15 years.
I escaped it, I finally faced the world, faced my fears of society - met a girl.
She destroyed me, and when I finally escaped that, the next week my health was destroyed.
Been several years like that now.
It is like a sick joke. All the work of escaping the pit for nothing.
Now I'm right back there, and this time there's no way out.

would yuo like to join the alt-right? we're an all inclusive group of WNs

Super easy. I eat healthy and exercise. Do research/experimentation to formulate the perfect diet that'll enhance cognition enough to boost overall perception so that I can redpill people by "showing" them.


Go to the dentist and have some mouth guards fitted.
Also, read about how to avoid teeth grinding.
You need to reprogramme your brain while awake to deal with it while you are asleep.

Constructive activities and deliberate behavioural changes will help over time.
Check out cognitive behavioural therapy.

With my nigger hating wife to the left of me, my nigger hating dog to the right of me and a nigger (and mouse) hating cat somewehre on the premises.

The world has always been chaotic and shit. Happiness and peace of mind cannot be expected to come from living in a good world. It comes from within you.

This is my advise to you, gained from my own experience.
Learn to enjoy the little things in life. The beauty of nature, and of sunsets, of little birds singing and flitting about the trees. A nice glass of scotch, a warm home-cooked meal, a visit to your grandmother in which she imparts some wisdom of old, a long conversation with an old friend over a cup of coffee. Art, poetry, etc. etc. etc.
Noone can take these things away from you.

Sort yourself out, and find your own inner strength by becoming the man you ought to be. With greater mental clarity, your reward will be the little pleasures in life that will become so much more apparent to you, and the greater control you will have over your own life.

Find God friend.

I think I'm starting to get nightmares about something but I can't figure out what. the knowledge I've gained has helped calm me down and rationalize the world though

find faith in you're self friend, we need you

I masturbate to sleep

i just live with it and have hope that there's a better land to the south to colonize

I knew it a decade ago when it seemed like nobody else did. The fact that many people are actually concerned today is a great relief.

>Social alienation, division, constant surveillance, diminishing rights, false flags, information control and constant barrage of propaganda by the MSM and political pundits 24/7. If you believe in any of these things then how do you carry yourself in the daily life?
Its simple. Don't watch TV. Don't even. ONLY get news from trusted sources. NEVER THE TV. I have been /notv/ for over 5 years, and it is wonderful. My entire family acts like they are self thinking. My kids PREFER to not be near a tv, and don't know whats on it anyway.

I unironically get most of my news from this site. There are anons all over reporting shit live at all times. Happenings = breaking news in Sup Forums terms...sometimes.

There is nothing, NOTHING, more comforting than the idea that I can die at any moment and none of the things I might worry about will matter again. When I'm stressed out, I just think "I'll be dead, who cares?"


Embrace it. Quite liberating.

>expecting a birdo thread
>only one bird

Eventually you just have to get on with life. People dont even want to know whats real so fuck them, use your knowledge to advance yourself and your bloodline. Get right with God

I read the book of Ecclesiastes when I'm feeling down. ALL of us and that includes the most powerful in government (shadow and other wise), celebrity super stars, and so on we are but, grains of sand on the beach. So insignificant in the great scheme of things. It doesn't matter if you cheer lead for Clinton, Sanders, or Trump, 200 years from now only the biggest of history geeks give a shit and to the rest of people they are all names that appear in children's history books, "insignificant" people of the past. Harvey Weinstein will be lucky to be even a footnote in history. Their will come a time when most of the world especially teenagers & children don't know who the hell Beyonce is. But they will all know as we know now and the people of yesterday knew things like trees and oceans.. things like that are things that are forever.

Best thing you can do is get into reading history. Kingdoms rise and fall my friend, so to speak. Be prepared and get yourself ready in prosperous times to be ready for the darker times because those prosperous times are not forever but, take comfort during wicked times knowing that such things are not forever either.

tl;dr - the shit is not forever so, hang in there.

In the absence of perspective, knowledge is pain. And you're right-this world is full of such depravity, evil, and suffering that existence can become a horror.

So, your perspective must shift and your actions must improve. You're in a spiritual boot camp here in earth. You are not simply alive without greater significance. Your life here is meant to confront, grapple with, and transcend the inner and outer demons of your life--ultimately gaining in Christ's Glory. And although the afterlife is not binary pass/fail heaven or hell, your dedication to this will result in a better afterlife.

To deepen your awareness I suggest prayer, fasting, and psychedelics under highly controlled and preferably guided circumstances.

THere is nothing new under the sun. The world has always been full of social division, hardship, false information, and chaos. It may be more prevelant now than ever before because of technology, but that's a simple fix: don't watch tv, don't use social media, and don't go to movies.

I mean really, my health is gone.
My endocrine system is ruined and doctors don't have a clue, seen over a dozen of them.
It is such a rare problem that there is simply no research on it.

It isn't about a state of mind.

>So you just added yourself into their little list, or maybe you already were in it and you don't give a shit anymore
Everyone's on their list. Even free range cattle are tagged.

Wise perspective.

Especially the last line. Usually it is true, just work your way through it and things pass for the most part.

with a dog


>I unironically get most of my news from this site
not all? are you still retardfeded?

>your bloodline
our bloodline bro, our

>I read the book of Ecclesiastes when I'm feeling down
chekkked, whats in it?

>existence can become a horror.
without faith in our selfs

>THere is nothing new under the sun
chekkked, except smartphones n sheeeit

I focus on my family and my career and the few luxuries i allow myself to have.

We could really use a new Hitler. Have you given any thought to becoming the next Hitler? Seriously, somebody needs to start working on that shit.
Family is the keystone of our societies, hence (((their))) constant attempts to undermine and destroy the nuclear family. If we all, and I mean every single one of us, focus the majority of our attention on the things you listed, the white race will be just fine.

Use your knowledge to better prepare for what's coming. Don't let it depress you.

I can't sleep. But for other reasons.

If society falling apart was the only issue in my world, I could at least blissfully ignore it until it's at my doorstep like a 18th Century French aristocrat.

I don't really, had insomnia even before I was redpilled and now it's worse.