What is causing low birth rates among whites?
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Feminism you fucking autist
Women focusing on careers and wanting to be responsible by not having kids who they can't take care of until they're done with school and climbing up the corporate ladder. Often white women are in their 30s by the time this happens and at that point are fine with just settling for a pet(s) to serve as surrogate kids. Either way, by this stage in their life their fertility has declined quite a bit.
Women ironically
Feminism + Man children + High taxes + Media constantly shitting on the family structure
Muh mgtow. Muh white race.
Cell phone radiation
The food is killing mens testosterone
I'd say that's because you pure whites are ugly and kinda too fucking stupid
they choose not to have as many babies which is good more people need to stop having kids if we want to avoid mass starvation crisis
don't forget about this part.
not among whites
but in western civ and western influenced civs
all because of woman emancipation
it has nothing to do with money
oo i want one of these
That is a really dumb image you have there.
asian women
that ass is way too fat and not white enough
(((college))) and (((jobs)))
>birth control hormones in the water
>plastics and soy in everything
>lack of physical activity
>repressed masculinity in schools
>legal system prejudiced against males
>anti-white propaganda
>demonization of house-wives/dedicated motherhood
>destabilization of the economy, hard to support a family
>trend of career women that wait too late and won't marry down
>whorish culture of modern women
>broken families from the hippie movement onward
>Lies about what women actually want and how men should act
>awareness of the nightmare hellscape that is the future
>easier to sit around and lift weights/drink beer/play video games than deal with modern women
>probably cell phones or some
other radiation/material exposure
I think that about covers it.
>Hookup culture
>White guilt
>Having to pay for them ourselves and not massive welfare support.
Doesn't matter if we're better parents. They're still shitting out shitbabies that will grow up on the system and shit more babies out
Lack of sex.
Should I get one of those block it pockets from alex jones to put my nuts in?
the jews? yes
this is why white male rape of white women should be legalized. It's the only solution.
white women are disgusting
You should take super male vitality every day to protect your balls from globalists. Probably some super female vitality too just to be safe.
da j00z are bringing da white man down!
We don't breed well in (((captivity))).
Did you know that a prime strategy of a parasitic organism is to control the reproductive activity of the host?
>Parasites reduce host biological fitness by general or specialized pathology, such as parasitic castration and impairment of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behavior. Parasites increase their own fitness by exploiting hosts for resources necessary for their survival, such as food, water, heat, habitat, and transmission. Although parasitism applies unambiguously to many cases, it is part of a continuum of types of interactions between species, rather than an exclusive category. It is often difficult to demonstrate harm to the host; there may be no apparent specialization on the part of the parasite...
>Parasitic castration is the strategy, by a parasite, of blocking reproduction by its host, completely or in part. For example, Hemioniscus balani, a parasitic castrator of hermaphroditic barnacles, feeds on ovarian fluid, so that its host loses female reproductive ability but still can function as a male.[2] This would be a case of direct parasitic castration (feeding on host gonads). Indirect strategies are also seen such as diverting host energy from gonad development or secreting castrating hormones.[3]
1. Porn. Constant jacking off = low sperm counts
2. Birth control. This one's obvious.
3. Feminism. Women are putting career first and are convinced that they are oppressed men with vaginas. Nobody in their right mind would get with one of these women.
There's probably more, but those are the big ones.
>implying you wouldn't
It's the gay frogs that are in the water that we consume every day.
Socialist policies and growing welfare putting strain on people's budgets to raise families, rising feminism and urge for the bbc making single mothers, and moral decay of society as it turns from religion.
There's your three problems, along with the governments pushing for less childbirths and higher immigration.
Marriage and divorce laws.
There is no reason to play the game if you cant win.
an IQ above retarded.
lets start with not having enough money to support a big family.
Post it more often.
its this chemical the americans developed and tried to use on the japs. the brits and teh french also were in on the scheme and all got into trouble. this was in the news decades ago for like 2 days in the west. the west was forced to put the same chemical in its drinking water. in france it was a crime to tell any one because every time they blabbed the UN would put more in their drinking water. in america we were told it was microbes in the european drinking water that were bad so dont drink it kek but we also got word of when soem one would blurt out what was happening on the news in france. happened like 2 or 3 times. the dosage was so high even bathing in it wasnt a good idea if you wanted kids
anyways the funny thing is east asians are immune. go figure. the city that was exposed to the chemical actually had higher than normal birth rates in japan. kind of embarrassing really america was planning on selling slices of japan to the highest bidder and japan has a full on spy on any one in the country take on things. they can tap all phones and listen to any one in a hotel room without a warrant. its how their legal system works. they caught a lot of stupid people making plans for land that wasnt theirs, even the saudis and american politicians who would joke about the japs vanishing. a lot of people arent allowed in japan anymore. they have their own no fly list. they even forced a entire plane worth of people back and wouldnt let them out of the airport because those niggers are marked for being hungry
White women. They don't want more than 2 kids. Sometimes even 1 is too much for them to handle.
no point in participating in society atm. just let it all burn.
Whites are dumber than bacteria. Can't even figure out how to multiply lmfao.
Blacks are as stupid as bacteria. Can't figure out how to multiply without high death ratios
fat chicks cant have kids. fat is an estrogen secretor. walking birth control in more ways than one, at least from white men perspective
Behavioural Sink. Look it up.
jacking it yo
For humans, the entire process of spermatogenesis is variously estimated as taking 74 days[5][6] (according to tritium-labelled biopsies) and approximately 120 days[7] (according to DNA clock measurements). Including the transport on ductal system, it takes 3 months. Testes produce 200 to 300 million spermatozoa daily.[8] However, only about half or 100 million of these become viable sperm.[9]
People sight social justice, masturbation and diet - but these are all symptoms. It's an observable behavioural sink.
Cunty women.
All those reasons are based on pushing is own narrative, not mine.
I want the gay rights, i want women to be independent and not to forced to be in an abusive relationship!
Everything the Boomers, Gen X, and the Millennials stood for was a mistake.
pshhht, I was jackin it several times a day and got a girl pregnant only cumming inside one time. Which brings me to an alternate theory about low birth rates: abortion.
Holy shit I've never seen anything like that in my life. Blacks really are subhuman. That is behavior only seen in cats and dogs.
Then why did I just shoot #5 into the pipe? Eat better food. No one makes you eat garbage.
this. gen z are all filthy racemixers though.
Divorce laws. Change the laws to not only favour women and you'll have more men willing to marry. I would gladly have a wife and kids but I don't want to live with the fear of her destroying my life with a snap of a finger if she likes to.
>to not only favour women
This syntax is a little clunky. I had to read it twice to understand it. A better choice of words might be:
>to be more equitable towards me
Everything else is clear.