Would you live under full communism in exchange for a totally white ethnostate with no potential for other racial immigration? Discuss.
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I'd strongly consider it. I think socialism can work in pure white nations (slav not included obviously)
I'm not unsure that communism or some variant of it couldn't have worked well in extremely high-trust Northern European countries.
No. Communism doesn't work.
she isn't aryan, she has brown fucking eyebrows lol
>Communism is almost 200 years old
>Has never produced a successful State
>hurrrrr would you goys want to live in a white ethnostate until you starve to death?
dumb jew.
No. Communists hate Christ
is this a hot aryan women thread now? I think it is
>western states try true communism
>millions die in famines
>millions more die in purges
>culture is killed because the communist state is anti-expression, it utterly stifles all culture actively
>religion is banned and/or frowned upon. Society degrades morally and ethically
I'm good.
Race is as spiritual as it is genetic. Materialist ideology has no place in an ethnostate.
>every system works under white rule including communism
>u-u-uh Russia isn't w-w-white heh
no such thing. communism is inherently internationalist, because they collectivize by class which has no national boundary. it's the whole reason the fascists and communists fought each other.
stupid hypothetical question.
I would consider it
Yes because whites would get over it within 6 months and carry on as normal you fucking retard lmao
Well the system they have now isn't communism and it's still shitty and corrupt as fuck.
Russia isn't a high-trust society and has problems that go very deep.
If Sweden, Norway, etc. tried a national collectivist approach it would almost certainly turn out much different and likely better, even if it didn't work out perfectly or didn't match what capitalism could do.
That's exactly what I lived under during the Soviet era in Lithuania. It was awful.
Sup Forums - communism
>whites under communism
might as well let the niggers devour us
Duck face
You should hear about communism from people who have actually lived under it.
still wouldnt work. the average white person is still retarded.
Communism brings out the worst qualities of any people.
It wouldn't matter if they were all geniuses. It still wouldn't work.
What kind of communism? Are we talking martial, right-wing, Ernst Junger National Bolschevism here? If so, absolutely yes.
you can't make someone choose between cancer and AIDs OP. white ethnostate and no communism / socialism are both essential for survival and freedom into the future.
they tried all white communism in New Australia, it worked for a short time before paraguay wanted their land back
I would rather in a live under communism in a white ethnostate than capitalism in a multicultural hellhole. It would still be a highly undesirable world, but at least somewhat better than our current situation where there's no present or future at all for white people
That's exactly what the Israeli kibbutzim were for Jews during the 50's and 60's and they were wildly successful and comfy (obviously Jewish and not white though). That being said I doubt it would work on a national scale, because:
A. The were MAXIMUM 1,000-2,000 person population
B. They were highly selective in their admissions. If you couldn't or weren't willing to do hard manual labor, fuck off. There was a whole formal acceptance process you had to go through before you could live in one.
C. They were hardcore Zionist (read: Ethno-Nationalist). And anyone who lived in one had to be ideologically 100% committed. Any modern SJW who moved into one would probably be lynched
So I doubt the model could be applied to an entire country.
No, because I happen to like owning my own property.
Soooo.... Literally just National Socialism.
Hard to say no
youre cancer
Years ago I considered myself an-prim/anti-civ. I now realize that would never work unless it was small-scale paleoconservative ethnic nationalism/tribalism, with the understanding that non-zero sum interactions with other societies do more harm to future generations than simply massacring your neighboring tribes, enslaving them to work the fields, impregnating them, etc. So maybe not some faggy Marxist version of communism, but I guess I wouldn't mind living in some neo-luddite alpine paradise.
Multicultural hellholes have food.
Actually already kinda exists in Belarus, which has basically commie economic system, but can't do shit because the only thing keeping it financially and politically solvent is Russia
Even the kibbutzim are giving up on communism.
Fucking no?
I was born in '69, I grew up in all white towns.
It's not actually magically wonderful.
YOU can go live in an all-white town, half of my family is American, I've been to many all-white towns in Texas and Colorado, some fairly recently too.
CO is FULL of mountains with all-white communities, the mountains are basically suburbs.
It doesn't fucking matter that much, my god no I would never accept communism in exchange for living ANYWHERE that I've ever lived that used to be all-white. You would not like that, you would not enjoy it at all. I know a bunch of people from commie countries and they told me all about that bullshit and it IS complete bullshit, you didn't make thousands of nuclear weapons for no reason, it would seriously be better to be the king of ashes as a free man then living as a commie.
How the fuck do you not know this?
It still doesn't work, it's why my father's family left Poland 40 years ago to come to a country where they could shitpost without fear.
>CO is FULL of mountains with all-white communities, the mountains are basically suburbs.
Back when you came here we were around 90% white.
The state of CO is now 65% white and rapidly falling
Will i get a state issued qt as in pic?
Yeah, but no niggers user.
The opposite is true. Plutocratic capitalism, and the degenerate materialist/consumerist culture it spawns for profit, and the borderless atomized world of worker-bee cogs it seeks, are true, pure evil. It dissolves Tradition and human nobility like acid. It is the most destructive force in human history.
yes if it was stalinist
no if it was ruled by trotsky
no if it was based on marxist principles
Perhaps, but if you do, she cannot be a housewife as unemployment is illegal, and so she will go to work and probably fuck her boss.
>yes if stalinist
This had better be bait. Otherwise delet flag and kys
This is what pol pot tried to do
You guys should read some of David Lanes writing. He gets into some weird bible code stuff that barely makes sense but he also has some short stories about forming a white ethno state. I think it's available for free online too
no. Communism can't work because there is no mechanism for innovation, among other things.
niggy stalin and adolf are alike in some regards
Yes because the only reason I work is to be able to afford not to live im google town and my daughter to go to school with googles.
No, why would I want 0% freedom? Why would I want to live in 1984 and have to be in some hive mind with retards who can't progress for themselves?
Being a 100% white nation doesn't make it good. Look at Latvia, and Ukraine. Absolute shitholes with complete an utter social decay. Oh, and surprise , they were once communist.
Juche please come to america
>inb4 eyebrows
she has a video showing her white eyebrows and thinks it looks weird that you cant see them so dyes them dark blonde
>I think socialism can work in pure white nations
it doesn't. the amount of debt that scandanavian countries have put themselves in, not to mention the amount of times they had to readjust their economies (free them up), is proof of that. some even have most-to-all of their military budgets even paid for by another country too.
Fuck no. I could certainly deal with niggers maybe even talk it out with them, but that's not possible with commies. Everything you own and you belongs to the state.
No communism. No exceptions.
Communism creates a situation where corruption of character is a requirement for survival.
from some asmr video. she does finish asmr vids and english ones. will find in a sec
wait, her name is in pic related filename
i found it. this is good shit whatever it is. making me hard and sleepy at the same time.
>Russia isn't a high-trust society and has problems that go very deep.
Hi Abraham Coinstein
Of course these faggots would. You know why? Because Nazis are socialists too. Nazis and commies are two sides of the same coin, that's why they hate each other so. The narcissism of small differences.
Libertarianism and individuality FTW, faggots.
wish that pic was better resolution
No. Westerners are humans. Humans seek hierarchies as they are natural. Communism is for those who fail at the level of being human and look for "your not human but you participated" trophy. Of course this trophy is a Trojan horse of death. So no.
East Europeans came off 50 years of Bolshevism (which was certainly not the type Ernst Junger sought) with far, far more character, far more traditionalism, family orientation, and nationalism, than begins to exist among our modern race of consumer drone degenerates in the capitalist West.
>came off 50 years of Bolshevism
fuck no
not dead, not red. Dead reds.
Every person that would pick white Ethno state with communism is fucking retarded
We lived in white Ethnostate under communism for 80 years
And it was the worst period of our history
for a lgbtfaggot you sure use the word "fag" a lot
I can smell the kike
Communism doesn't work because it is satanic
This. Lithuania is a nice place by the way. Pretty comfy, the only thing it lacks is money.
Fucking master race on height. Amazing that everyone has blue eyes.
That's called Strasserism
And what do you base this off of? Their opposition to migrants? That doesn't make them nationalist. Most of them are still in the EU. And as a result, almost all of them have things like fag marriage and no fault divorce. Even Russia, a non EU country, has enormous rates of alcoholism, drug use and one of the highest divorce rates in the world
i think i see your problem mate
Why is an untermensch talking to me like that
Nice try, I'm a brit on vacation. Don't you have a toilet to clean?
>Pretty comfy, the only thing it lacks is money.
AKA the only thing that matters
White ethnostates cannot survive the lust of female roasties for brown meat. No socioeconomic system will save whites. The only chance for whites is to escape Earth and even then, white women would probably choose to have all their orifices filled up by alien tentacles.
You mean national socialism?
That pic makes no sense to me, probably because I'm part of the greatest nation in the history of the world.
Suck our dicks, Europe
> Brit
Now that's one hell of a gamble
I might be talking to Paki, Poo, Ahmed, Gypsy, Paddy or another Pole right now
You never know.
But you used petty banters twice, so you are Brit all right - i will give you that
take care of the niggers and everything else will sort itself out. communism can only exist among subhumans. white ethnostate communism will last all of 5 minutes before fascism is instituted.
>tfw 91% white
>tfw majority of it was Scandinavian, british, irish.
>tfw still a nigger by Sup Forums standards which are all browns or chinks.
go live in 100% pure libertarian paradise somalia then faggot if race doesn't matter.
>I might be talking to Paki, Poo, Ahmed, Gypsy, Paddy or another Pole right now
Yeah but atleast I know 100% that I'm talking to a subhuman
I'm American by the way, sorry forgot my autist flag was on.
muh somalia