Weed can be addictive

Im addicted to weed. Its fucked. I spend 60 a day on it, dont even get high anymore.

Weed is a fucking trap, if you're deep in its clutches and in denial good luck.

It was never meant for the white man.

Any smokers feel like a slave to those green buds? Anyone fantasized about killing dealers? Or user reporting them to cops?

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>fantasized about killing dealers

How much does 60 get you in Oz? In burgerland you can get an 8th which would easily last me a week if not more

>I spend 60 a day on it
No wonder, you're smoking an eighth of pot every single fucking day. How is that even possible? A blunt in the morning, a blunt at noon, one in the evening, and like a jew joint before bed?

My sister got me into smoking at age 13 and I didn't stop until recently (now 24)

Switch to vaping THC, you'll still feel the high but you won't get the body high, thats the addicting part. Its really easy to stop vaping.

I couldn't stop smoking for all those years, but now I have my vape on my desk and don't even feel bothered to touch it.

How much is 60 Aussie dollars? 5 Canadian pesos or so?

>spending 60$ on 3.5


Also become a Nat Soc that helps

Withdraws are atleast 4 days max.

with cravings up to 2 weeks

source: smoke 2 grams a day for 5 years now

are you the guy who works in a factory and spends his money on weed instead of having saved for college?

Im a slave to kratom.
Im not joking trollung or anything.
Its legal and no one can tell you're on it and you function great on it.
$100/week down the drain for 2 years now.
When i stop i go into sweaty anxiety spells. Its awful.
I understand now why some countries its illegal. So fucking insidious.
Just a word to the wise if i can convince just 1 person not to form the habit.

>dont even get high anymore
I know how to solve that problem.

1. Start vaping weed. Save your vaped weed for later.
2. Eat the already vaped weed.

You'll get a very intense high and you'll be couchlocked no matter what. It never fails. I used to have the same problem of never getting high from smoking.

I don't do it anymore though. Weed edibles will never fail.

I buy hydro so about 4gms a day.

I feel ripped off when I pay over 50 for a quarter lol

I smoke an eight a day kys


I heard it's good for getting off heroin though

That's not that much
Don't be retarded. If you're spending 60 a day spend a week taking a T-break and by the end you should have enough saved to buy an ounce or two.

Legal weed dealer here. Resell concentrates at a killing, work a few days a month to put food on the table and pay rent. AMA.

Learn to grow

That's absolutely retarded.
I smoke marijuana daily and spend less than 10 dollars on a day off on it and I've smoked for 10 years. I still get high. You're making things up.
Oh, and saged

How do you smoke 4g a day? do you roll it? I use a pipe and go through MAX 1.5g a day and that's with being high all day

You fucking pussy, you can be psychologically addticted to any thing . Its just you being weak I smoke every week and nothing feels like a trap. But then again i use ibt at my will, you are just dfective. Been doing this for years with long stops in between

>spending $21,900 for DUDE LMAO a year

You are the one killing yourself. I smoke like 1-2 bowls a day as a medical user and it gets me high as fuck every time.
Smoking an eighth a day is for suicidal zombies.

>$60 a day on weed

that much will last me 2 months

tf is wrong with you

Buy it by the oz or grow it dickhead its a fuckin weed ffs.

What's the best type/quantity to buy?
I live in a legal state and looking at reselling for some extra steak money on the side.

Weed isnt the problem its your rack of disciprine

Just be a man and stop smoking, you faggot. The withdraw and craving will go away after a while.

60 a day? That's ridiculous. Seems like it's less the substance and more of a personal attachment. I grow my own and have more weed on hand than I could smoke in a year, I have been a daily smoker before and (spoiler) I found that it makes me lazy and unmotivated. Nothing close to actual addiction (chemical dependency) like opiates and nicotine can cause though. Maybe take a look at things in your life and see if it isn't something else causing this feeling. I only smoked habitually when I was having issues I was avoiding or didn't want to confront.

How the ever loving fuck did you get addicted to weed? You must be a weak ass sub human or something. Do you have no willpower? Are you mentally inferior?

>Im addicted to weed. Its fucked

Nigga you would probably get addicted to cheese burgers or bourbon.

fuck outta here pussy

It's called quality. Look into it.

I just pissed away 100 bucks on fentanyl and didn't even overdose as planned. Stop crying faggot

So you smoke like an eighth of headies every day?

I'm calling bullshit.

i hope youre not white :(

I've smoked pretty much every day for 4-5 years and I'm about 5 days into a tolerance break. I feel fine

you're not getting high because once you smoke it for so long you'll build up a tolerance, faggot OP

wait like 3 days or 1-2 weeks and you'll be back to getting high.

I spent $15 on an eighth yesterday of Gorilla Glue #4 that's 27% THC... That will last me a week...
Sounds like your quality/price ratio just sucks.

I am :(

Opiates are a white drug


I dont believe you . Gif

Most potent extract on the market right now is pic in my original post, THC-A Crystalline. Patent for proprietary extraction process is held by Guild extracts, legit 99%+ pure THC
for selling I'd recommend stocking either high quality BHO/distillate(dont pay more than 850 an o) and cheaper hood oil BHO (no more than 500 per o)
Cheapest I've seen is 360

why aren't you helping me fight white genocide? you're doing the exact opposite..

Are you a fucking nigger that only smokes blunts?

If so you're fucking retarded.

FUCK that shit.

Smoked it once by mistake out of a vape at my old university in the city and I felt like straight up death and retarded.

That shit is NOT good for you at all man, get off of it.

Clean yourself up, believe me, if I can do it I know you can!

I feel like maybe you just can't handle your shit, so you're just projecting.
Is it because you're obnoxious when you get high?

I only spend $45, maybe $50 if I'm desperate, which is never. I just figured $60 since that's what people charge stupid high schoolers for their first cut around here.
Okay, so is that 4 blunts a day?
I'd say the same for you but your brain is probably too fried to even find the gun.
An eighth a day isn't that much? And people tell me I smoke heavy.

Stop smoking an 8th a day, dumbass. I just hope you're only spending NEETbux on it and not your hard earned cash.

>multi-track drifting

step up senpai

>Im addicted to weed. Its fucked. I spend 60 a day on it, dont even get high anymore.
CDC says about one in six become seriously addicted to it.
I don't have any happy news for you, user. Quitting is going to be hard work.

yes faggot you smoke too much give it a break and it will seem new again

Checked. Because I live in Canada and i'll never raise a healthy family in this cesspool.

>fantasize about killing dealers
I used to do this when I heavy into morphine. I used to pay some old lady who had prescribed morphine for her back, but sold it instead of taking it.

Always fantasized about breaking into her home and taking all she had and if I was spotted to take her out. Some crime and punishment shit.

Thankfully I’m clean now. I just work out and it’s great because all I crave now are endorphins from working out.

When I first started working out it was hell. Felt terrible and sick. Made
Me wonder how I could ever let me body get into such shit shape

Nah bro you just got finessed

Also don't go to a rehab/facility for treatment for fucking weed everyone will fucking laugh at you.

>Im addicted to GAY PORN. Its fucked. I spend 60 a day on it, dont even get HARD anymore.
>GAY PORN is a fucking trap, if you're deep in its clutches and in denial good luck.
>It was never meant for the white man.
>Any PORN LOVERS feel like a slave to those GAY PORNOS? Anyone fantasized about killing GAYS? Or user reporting them to FCC?

Hello ex-kratom user of 4 days cold turkey here!

Did 3-7 grams of kratom daily for over a year and just recently stopped cold-turkey, first 3 days were hell but it's getting better.

Legit this substance has the most mild withdraw ever akin to weed withdraw

You just arent strong willed enough to stop or you dont wanna

I've smoked really good quality stuff for up to 5 years practically on a daily basis, and I was able to quit it without much effort in a couple of weeks.

You smoke because you have issues in your life which you are avoiding, nothing else.

>wait like 3 days or 1-2 weeks and you'll be back to getting high.

Assuming he can even stop for one day.

Nah you're just a low willpower junkie. I have been smoking weed casually and socially for the past 10 years but I don't crave it.

>I just work out and it’s great because all I crave now are endorphins from working out.
I knew it was only a matter of time before one of these faggots showed up. Go back to your shake weight nigger.

60 a day? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Why? Do they drug test strawberry pickers?

Nice LARP faggot. You can't be addicted to weed retard

>I've smoked really good quality stuff
LARP detected.

nice post kiwi nigger

I felt like i was becoming addicted, stopped for a week and actually ended up fully quitting. Its not hard, quit being a pussy.

That sucks. It sounds like you've swallowed the blackpill. You know why these Jews are so successful? It's because they are thinking multi-generationally. You think Soros cares if he's arrested? Nah. He's lived a good life and will die of old age soon anyway. Jews only care they succeed eventually and do not care if they personally experience the fruit of their work. If you would just think this way you too would find meaning and purpose beyond yourself. This is exactly how I crawled out from my own pit. Everyone dies but not everyone dies a good death. Stay alive, fight for our race in a good way, and don't die defeated.

also I know this is kinda emotional but white lives matter

Been there man, got off pills and dope with that shit, thought it was God's gift to me. Nope, just became a new addiction. Yay. How much do you use per day?

You don't smoke kratom you fucking imbecile. It is swallowed. You cannot smoke a psychoactive amount quickly enough; you're just literally retarded.

you degenerates fucking shitheads. Get the fuck off this board and sort your shit out before coming back.

yes, OPs willpower is just shit

I used to smoke daily, and would quick for at least a week after every month. Can't be high all the time, plus keeps the tolerance down. Weed is not physically addictive OP, quit being a bitch

i know wtf
i pay 40 for a qtr, 140 oz

>smug reaction pic
>"you just arent strong willed enough to stop"

bro the physical withdrawals are the easiest part of quitting any drug. the difficulty comes in the mental game, the long haul.

>there isn't any good weed in mexico
Memer detected
Also, I've also grown my own stuff using feminized seeds

>Why? Do they drug test strawberry pickers?
Because I decided not to be a sedated faggot, unlike you.

Says the guy from the country that's economy runs on tourists coming to smoke pot.

you don't understand, the nuclear family crumbled into oblivion a long time ago, I'm from Toronto, it's a cesspool of filth. If I did make the selfish choice of having then they would just grow up to become trannies or whatever? Look at how much progress these people are making, do you really think think that they will allow homeschooling in the next few years?

We're FUCKED, there is no hope and I for one am glad that my new chinese overlords are flooding the bitch with cheap opiates because it's an easy way out.

Let the fucking morgues fill, I hate this world

>Also, I've also grown my own stuff using feminized seeds
Keep dreaming.

60 a day on weed.

WTF i can spend less then ten a day and be high as ass all day.

Im addicted but I love it. Bro its called a bowl or a vape how are you smoking atleast an 8th if not alot more a day you fucking retard


OI best vaporizer i should buy for smoking weed,
pls halp

so you're just defeatist trolling? you can't be serious.


Ofcourse it's addictive. The lefitist media is pushing it, the only time they ever push anytihng is when it's going to result in a wealth transfer from the goyim to ((them)) and when it's going to lower the quality of life of the goyim.

Why do I get really anxious & awkward when I'm high?

>dumb white nigger is too stupid to buy seeds online and a lamp
>therefore no one else can do it
The thc assravaged the few neurons you had left

20-30 years ago the only people smoking weed were black rhasta niggers, and spiritual poo in the loos that drank piss between each puff.

Today something like >50% of teenagers do it, or have tried it.

Say no to the (((natural))) jew.


I usually bake brownies when I get some pot, i rarely get pot, last time I had some was 2 years ago. When i make brownies i make them from a 1/4 oz and they last for a month i eat maybe one or two a week when i want to go out for a drink and it really hightens my mood and buzz. Now with a family i think i would limit it to only hiding in my garage and trying to rebuild my engine ive been working on. I tend to get very systematic when on brownies.

round up the addicts an shoot them


That's fucking retarded.
I buy an ounce for $220

you're a retard then. I'm high right now and an eigth will last me a month. You're junkie tier and you should sort yourself out

>white nigger so high and sedated thinks his trolling is even remotely entertaining
Enjoy your last (you), dopamine boy

Why does my vision and sensation turn into a 2fps slide show, and my reaction time go to 700ms when I'm high to the point where it's a psychadelic? Does anyone else get this?

That's dopamine hombre to you, chico.

no it's much more pathetic then that. I'm using a chinese cartoon white supremacist FBI honeypot board to vent

You have no clue how far gone we are. Maybe you live in a nice rural area and still have hope? I live in ground zero for marxist faggotry and evil permeates from all facets of government, there is no hope.

This whole alt-right thing is just catharsis, the majority don't give two fucks about white genocide or cultural marxism. I've tried to better myself, trust me.

>the more weed you smoke, the more high you get!

I buy two eights a month- a sativa and an indica. You are just a degenerate. Do a walk about and detox, cleanse.

I'm addicted to weed, but on a totally different level.

I smoke every day, usually around 6PM, and I smoke about 0.5 - 1g. But that costs me less than $10 a day.

It's still super expensive and a waste of time, but it really is hard for me to quit.