If Sup Forums disappeared, where would Sup Forums go?
Nice try. Gtfo faggot.
reddit of course
Discord perhaps?
Nowhere. Considering that 60% of the posts come from shills, they would have to find a new job, I guess.
up your bum m8 with my willy
There are a lot of other good boards here too
zerochan you fucktards. It's on zeronet
Steam group seems like the most secure space.
I have a yahoo group set up if the worst happens.
Watch vid, assume there is no more Sup Forums
Is there another user site that would allow Sup Forums?
Willy Bum Bum?
Yeah, there are a bunch. I'm not going to share in this shill data mine thread though.
Deep web chans
>deep weeb chans
I think you meant
>implying Sup Forums Sup Forums is the only Sup Forums
Implying we aren't everywhere
Deep web chans aren't full of 12 year olds like yourself.
Where else?
r/politics, where the REAL polacks are at
They are, even more so since this is normie chan
Like the plague unleashed upon the internet.
gibsme sauce
mlpol. It lives.
we will disappear and fizzle out
nice body
YOU sir had a childhood, congrats.
stop advertising your gay video.
>where would Sup Forums go?
outside. i cant imagine how good it would feel to be rid of this place and lifted of this curse. No but really I would probably just keep wasting my life and split my time between Wizchan, Krautchan, Lainchan, and 420chan.
>Sup Forums is values at 45k
lol no, its worth 5x its yearly profit. We know it makes more than that based upon how much capchas pay * number of posts per day *365
Server costs are not high, it hosts almost nothing due to the way threads are pruned.
This videos basic premise
There's nothing to do outside
I'm curious to know how many bought a pass. I did because I'm a bitcoin billionaire.
XDA that's where I'd go.
pajeet has a new Rom user, get on it!
Rule 1: don’t talk about mlpol
ml/pol/ is a jewish trick
Kek it's a great place to get some laughs from the pajeets. The Rom on my Moto G5 Plus was made by some Spanish speaking team.
Fuck off shareblue
No there isn't.
I'm gonna go straight in dat ass
>no there aren't
Get your shit together if you're going to be English.
fuck off furfag
Then why don’t you just fuck off to there then and leave use in peace
This is how it will go.
>Sup Forums will get deleted
>few months of no Sup Forums
>Sup Forums made again
>it now /pol9k/
furries > homosexuals
So you don’t deny your shareblue do the world a favour and kill yourself
420 chan or 7chan
bronies are scum of the earth, heil hitler
t. donald trump
keep your faggotry contained else where
Shit Sup Forums Says
death to fags
t. furry
nice try cia nigger
I’m a horsefucker not a bronie you stupid furfag and why do you have furry porn
why do you suck off literal horses?
are you the real mr. hands?
Horse clit is delicious
Spend more time working on my website that borrows concepts from Sup Forums.
a top-tier degenerate right here
wanna try out my new gas chamber?
What it called
There are other places anons in the know will flock to. You will have to figure out your next ocean of piss.
To Sup Forums.
Coming from a furfag
> Your literally Furfag
i'd take a stroll outside, down to the local nbc affiliate and start shooting everyone. press your luck, faggots.
I'd go back to classmates.com
Hey guys I totally Just found this site from that video! You guys are so edgy lol! I totally get you guys are just doing it for shock value. Just like Alice Cooper! Le Hitler did nothing wrong amrite!?! Haha! Have my only upboat op!
I just assume most of you will move over to NAMBLA’s board.