Japan need immigrants

>Harvard professor of economics, Kenneth Saul Rogoff advocate that Japan need 200,000 immigrants per year.
>also UN, IMF, World bank, OECD and many international organization recommend Japan to take immigrants and refugees

Sup Forums, Japan need immigrants. right?

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Take Afrikaaners and Boers then. Please sign and share.

Only if I get to be one

You need a based ronin to do what needs to be done to save your country again

>harvard can mind their own fucken business

only a few percent of rapefugees have found jobs, they are illiterate, and behind most of the crime

Ready to immigrate and impregnate

Multiculturalism and diversity will dismantle Japan faster than an aging population and a tiny youth population of autistic NEETs who would rather play video games and jerk off than have sex

>>Harvard professor of economics, Kenneth Saul Rogoff advocate that Japan need 200,000 immigrants per year.

(((Kenneth))) ((((Saul)))) (((((((((Rogoff)))))))))

(((Rogoff))), like clockwork

japan is facing a demographic crisis and they wont fix it with more immigration.
their recession will continue and they'll have to work until 70 before retiring, have fun japan.


pic related will also one day turn mulatto.

>Sup Forums, Japan need immigrants. right?

seems getting raped by black us soldiers based in japan is not enough. you need also raping from africans and muslims. Right ?

it's interesting. if you scroll to the bottom and see what categories his page is listed under. there's one in particular that catches my eye

im to lazy to find it, but japan brought in 24 refugees and 2 of them ended up gang raping jap women.

also lol (((imf))) (((un))) (((world bank)))

plus, no matter what happens japan bonds will break, and then the world will be in a major downtrend worse than 2008 housing market bubble.

love how fast he was one pass one stab dead and one country saved

>super dense cities
>overcrowded public transport
>expensive land
>insane work culture
>impossible to buy a house and start a family
>can only feed 30% of population with domestic agriculture
>needs more people
The reason population is declining is precisely because of the density. Getting more people will just lower birthrate amongst native japanese even further.

>not using pepe tfw nip img anymore
>still same copy pasta, still proxy fag.

Whites only. Don't allow any other group in.

Why exactly is it bad for the population to decline until it reaches sustainable levels?

other countries need to follow japan's immigration policies and make it immensely difficult to do so. only let the best in.

You need to go back.


>other countries need to follow japan's immigration policies
and face a never ending recession? sounds like a great plan

Not too sure if it's genuine

Because it implodes the welfare Ponzi scheme, prevents endless profit growth for the elites, and removes the need to import violent, 3rd-world shitskins.


*blocks your path*

You must be a spic.

please mods range ban Japan, it's for their own good.

You a twitch user? LUL

Pls no, I’m running out of countries to hide in when the West collapses under the weight of shitskins.

Japan's only chance at survival is taking superior white mead balls-deep for a couple generation, resulting in a superior light-skilled happa race that will inherit the aggression and resoluteness of whites with inventiveness and patience of the japanese
>race-mixing of light-skinned asians (Koreans, Japanese and Chinese with Euros and Slavs) is the only way to outbreed the darkies and keep the light of civilization from getting extinguished by the backwards population boom)

>lower birthrate amongst native japanese even further.
and that's why they NEED them

If this is Japan then why are the signs in English?
At least whites who wanted Japs out of their neighborhoods used their own language, instead of the Japanese

On my way, gonna impregnate all their women idgaf
white women are trash anyway

believe it or not most nations do follow the same immigration policies as in dont import milions of sub-human barbarians

Better than living in a caliphate, my dude. I'd take comfy wagecucking with people of my own race over rape gangs

The Japan I have an appreciation of won't be the same country if the people living there are not Japanese.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=194&v=ljPTcUMT4co

"Harvard professor" More like, fucking globalist piece of shit


fuck off Hiro Goldberg
noone likes you mongrel

I will come help repopulate japan

What went wrong?

>learn a local gook language
Haha, no.

Anime will never be made real if they let in the barbarians.

These and this! youtube.com/watch?v=C18_G6wIh-Y

Hell no! Keep Japan pure so they can help save the West from the fucking kikes!

is this photo proof of what happened to Minxy?

There's so much triple parenthesis can be slapped on your post that it wont fit in 4chin symbols limit. make sure to stab whoever tries to follow their advices.

>(((Kenneth Saul Rogdoff))))

At least they're asking for immigrants and not refugees.

fuck off we dont need those cucks here

those signs were from a anti Halloween protest about 10 years ago (now we have big parties every year). I guarantee you as long as you not a ugly loser japan will love you.

What happened to him after this, was he imprisoned?


This cunt again


He was sentenced to death, before that he had many praises by many Japanese men and women. For a few days he was a god.

because >muh economy

nobody fucking NEEDS immigrants, and second of all the only people who want them just want to make money off of them (business owners) who tf cares about value japan, care about having a good life for your famiry

Damn shame. Guess it takes that kind if sacrifice. If the Overton window would have shifted more quickly I'm sure he would have been acquitted.

hm where have I heard this before


He killed himself in prison shortly after the incident. Was 17 years old.
>Less than three weeks after the assassination, while being held in a juvenile detention facility, Yamaguchi mixed a small amount of toothpaste with water and wrote on his cell wall, "Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!" Yamaguchi then knotted strips of his bedsheet into a makeshift rope and used it to hang himself from a light fixture. The phrase "seven lives for my country" was a reference to the last words of 14th-century samurai Kusunoki Masashige.

he hung himself in his jail cell like a day or two after


lol are we that surprised that jews inc, (((banks))), and the (((un))) want to ruin one of the few first world countries with any sort of racial pride left?


It was less than three weeks and yes he hung himself, he was sentenced to death.

Also what a death what a hero

fuck off, you're full

why do they care? why does france and germany try to force every one else in europe to take refugees if they are such great economic growth tools

also japan has a law stating you cant bring a translated copy of the quran into japan and they dont teach arabic at all. they dont even carry rosetta stone for arabic

beautiful, im gonna cry

Feed Africans in the 80's and the 90's > flood the developed world 25-30 years later > create global crisis > portray Niggs as victims > force the developed nations to give up on their rights and freedoms in exchange for 'safety' > introduce global communism as a solution for the situation > further dispossess 1st world people > enslave the humanity > mission accomplished!

Japan is just next in line :(

holy shit, where to buy?!

Japs today have a lot of respect for him and what he did

Your wages are to high your leaders are to greedy and your professional greedy caste it's being extra greedy and they don't want you to you to have a good salary cause Muh profits.

Japan is not taking immigrants in. They clearly aren't.

These people need to stfu about immigrants and Japan.

I got deployed to Japan for 8 months... It was ok. All I was told on my way over was how much pussy I was going to get. And they were kind of right but I wish they weren't.

I got a gf my first month of being there and was with her almost until the end. She was very quiet, never talked to me, but always hung out with me. It was weird. Sex was good though.

The food was also kind of weird. I also got to try a burger in a vending machine. It tasted like shit. All in all I'm glad I'm back, it was a cool experience for sure but I wouldn't do it again.

ahahah japanese women memes are real

japan men get control of your women




Otoya Yamaguchi!


sailoranon here
every other guy deployed there brought back a jap wife from what I encountered

Why do people act like Japan doesn't take in immigrants? If you're educated, have a job offer, and speak good Japanese it's not hard at all to live there.


no, they NEED to let the glut of boomers to pass so that there will be enough resources and space for an actual next generation, rather than flooding an already stuffed country with more people.


>You will never have a picture of yourself this based.

how to fix this.

yes Japland needs muh diversity. they need to embrace (((multiculturalism))), it's trendy.

>Professor of Economics at Harvard University
>Rogoff grew up in Rochester, New York
Probability of being Jew = 70%

>Rogoff served as an economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Probability of being Jew = 99%

>2004: Council on Foreign Relations
Probability of being Jew = 99.999999999999991000%

>Wikipedia American Jews
Probability of being Jew = 100%

you must be blind to beauty and culture, I loved Japan and its food.

stay mad "migrant"

i thought darrell was /ourguy/

Its the chinese that eat dogs, japs kill whales and dolphins

the fear of the bootlicking commie turns me on

He said it was weird, and mentioned the burger as one example of the weirdness.

Japan is practically crime free because it is so homogenous.

I hope Japan stays like this for ten thousand grsrs to come.
All the shitskins, arabs and jews can go back to their deserts and jungles.

asian women are ez mode if you have them you should feel bad for being a failure to whites. im not gonna stop you though