How do we fix this?

As technology develops, more and more wealth is in the hands of the capital owners.

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Communism, its the only answer.

Executions. Family and all.

"I don't want people to have the money they earn"

Why does it need to be fixed?


Nationalism, Fascism, Communism, anything that opposes international financial capitalism, i.e. basically extremely difficult/impossible shit to implement.

That's cause most people own absolutely nothing, because they don't produce anything

I'm guessing majority of those 20 are kikes, right?

What did they personally do to earn those fortunes?

Fuck off Soros, you and your dead eyed family are coming too.

Seems logical to simply eliminate those 20 people and their heirs, but don't do that. Its wrong.

How do we fix what?

In an age of increasing automation, unskilled and low skilled labor becomes practically useless.

There is a supply and demand for human genes, and the genes for a low skilled worker are falling out of favor. Thus, they are being pushed out of the gene pool.
Power and wealth is being concentrated increasingly in the hands of a small elite

pareto distribution

We don't and hope we survive


Literally everything. They form a business/create a system/invent a product/coordinate an entire company etc etc
Its like a high end mechanical engineer invents an entire machinery to proruce toothpastes, youre the factory worker who seals the lid and youre basically saying "hey why do you earn anything here? Im doing all the work"
Kys my dude.

>high end mechanical engineer invents an entire machinery
Except that mechanical engineer only gets $50k for that invention because the company holds the patent you stupid fucking Leaf.

except for the fact that every time it's been tried it turns places into hell

thank bucko!

Actually most Americans are rich as shit. Compared to 3rd world countries. See where you rank

Is bill gates 8 billion times more productive than the average person?

Or is it just that he's a capital owner, and his machines will out-compete your labor

>Is bill gates 8 billion times more productive than the average person?

More than that. The average person has close to zero productivity.

>that guy over there is really rich and you aren't as rich as him!

Like, legit question, why should I give a shit? I'm living my life just fine over here. Bill Gates having a gorillion dollars doesn't bother me at all.

1. Bill Gates
2. (((Jeff Bezos)))
3. Warren Buffet
4. (((Mark Zuckerberg)))
5. (((Larry Ellison)))
6. (((Michael Bloomberg)))
7. Charles Koch
7. David Koch
9. (((Larry Page)))
10. Sergey Brin
11. Jim Walton
12. S. Robson Walton
13. Alice Walton
14. (((Shelson Adelson)))
15. (((Steve Ballmer)))
16. Jacqueline Mars
16. John Mars
18. Phil Knight
19. (((George Soros)))
20. (((Michael Dell)))

He's 8 billion times better at ruining the world for giving so much of his money to sustain fucking Africa.

1. Bill Gates
2. (((Jeff Bezos)))
3. Warren Buffet
4. (((Mark Zuckerberg)))
5. (((Larry Ellison)))
6. (((Michael Bloomberg)))
7. Charles Koch
7. David Koch
9. (((Larry Page)))
10. (((Sergey Brin)))
11. Jim Walton
12. S. Robson Walton
13. Alice Walton
14. (((Shelson Adelson)))
15. (((Steve Ballmer)))
16. Jacqueline Mars
16. John Mars
18. Phil Knight
19. (((George Soros)))
20. (((Michael Dell)))

Sergey Brin is a member of the tribe as well.

>The average person has close to zero productivity
In terms of what, exactly goy? Where the fuck would Bill Gates without all of those slaves in China building his machines?

Yes, but he also said that the immigration policies out of Africa, Syria, etc. were dangerous and would do more long-term harm.

People are fucking cattle anyways. This planet could use 5.5 billion less people. Starting with the niggers.

Microsoft is primarily a software company you nincompoop

LEts talk about the jews

Let poor people die

Completely agree with you. Damn porch monkeys piss me off.

That guy over there made 100 million dollars in a year and I'm sitting here on this chump change $40k/yr, it's not fair.

>*wave magic wand and now rich guy and his money disappear"

Everything is fine now because I make $40k/yr and others aren't living better than me.

>this is a problem

We need Bezos so he can destroy the Waltons.

Somebody didn't get their szechuan sauce.

So let's just give them more shit so they make more kids that will eventually try to escape their containment center to Europe.
Someone has to mass produce all of the computers, phones, and tech. It doesn't just come out of thin air, and it certainly doesn't come from anywhere within the US.

there is nothing to fix. it's the way it should be.

>half of all people
>this includes homeless, worthless cunts on welfare, and people who just don’t have savings accounts for some reason
Shit lad I’m probably richer than tens or hundreds of these people and I’m barely even employed

t. kike

national socialism is the only answer. your wealth should be used to strength the nation not to degrade, destroy and subvert it you subhuman animal. we're coming for your wealth and there's nothing you can do about it.

You cannot "fix" it, it's a consequence of open capitalism. When you have money it's a whole hell of a lot easier to make more of it and it scales exponentially from there.

Try not working at Taco Bell, poorfag.

>As technology develops, more and more wealth is in the hands of the capital owners.
Your jealousy is PATHETIC! It just burns a hole through you, doesn't it. "Someone has more money than I do; kill him!!!"

The Waltons are WASPs. They may be evil rich but at least they're OUR evil richers.

These ultra-capitalists subvert and destroy the nation. Their wealth should be seized by the state and put into good use.

Bezos isn't a Jew. Bezos is his adopted Cuban step-father's name. His real name is Jorgensen for fuck's sake. He doesn't even look Jew.

the jews should give us half their wealth.

All of their wealth.

Why didn't he just come up with a patent and sell the rights to the company?
Or get residuals?

>What did they personally do to earn those fortunes?
So you're saying they STOLE that money, faggot? Post proof.

Half of Americans have net worth of....
So, maybe we boycott Budweiser, Marlboro, McDonalds and Xbox?

All these slime got rich because of usury, usury used be considered a crime now it's normal. When you allow usury you allow the centralization of wealth to take place.

Anybody who supports usury is a subversive kike.

Nothing needs to be fixed. Your stupid monkey brain says "if that person has way more resources than me I'm going to fucking starve to death reeeee" because for 99.99999% of human existence there was only so much resources in the immediately physical area to feed each person and if you knew of someone hogging all the resources for themselves that really did mean the person right next to you in your small tribe of 50 people was most likely stealing food from people and letting them fucking starve to death so you evolved to get angry about it and want to steal back from them.

However in the modern world I can know of a man who has LITERALLY a million times the resources that I do and it has no effect on my life because I'll never meet him and my life is still fucking amazingly easy. The only person who would be in trouble would be someone who has a million times LESS resources than me, except modern society is so fucking easy that person could still buy a meal at McDonalds and won't starve to death.

And that's still discounting that you can have literally no resources at all in the modern west and you can just go to a homeless shelter and a charity/the state will give you free money because capitalism is so amazing we have excess capital to just give away to anyone who says they're in-need.

Meanwhile if you fucked up the economy by redistributing the ultra riches wealth then thats when your inner retard monkey gets its wish and is back in an environment where you're fucking starving to death and everything is a survival situation.

Besides the Mars family and the Walton, most of that list looked 'new rich.' Really shows why there's no reason to get rid of the estate tax.

Because thanks to our corporate overlords, it costs $20,000 for a patent in the US. When you sign up to work for a company, they get to make millions off your patent because of this price, and you get a nice $50,000 pat on the head for being a good goy.

This guy gets it.

FFS, all you need to make 30k/year is the ability to stand on a street corner with a sad cardboard sign with your hand out and no shame. Tax free, too!

I really have no patience for these commie faggots who are so lazy they can't even do that.

My point is that the OP, who is obviously a libtard, thinks merely having lots of money is automatically a crime.
Fine, imprison, or execute people for ACTUAL CRIMES, not because your'e jealous of their incomes.

Good peasant. Probably support prima nocta too.

Your reasoning can equally be applied to saying there's no point in wealth beyond a certain point and we should have a maximum wealth defined by law.

But isn't everyone wealthier too?

Regulatory capture, govt subsidies, and enslaving a dead culture through debt

>open capitalism
I don't know what that is but it sure as shit doesn't exist in the u. s.
>The moneyed establishment was shouldering into the marijuana game, legislating the system to its favor, and the small growers who had built the industry had better accept the new model or get bulldozed by it.
>Accompanied by Assemblyman Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg), one of the authors of the new cannabis legislation, Simpkins explained that they would not be able to sell their weed directly to retailers; they would sell to distributors.
>And Simpkins happened to own a distribution company that was lobbying heavily in Sacramento to craft the law the way he wanted
the system is openly rigged by way of lobbying (aka legal bribery) making sure the laws are used to corner whatever market you can think of in favor of corporate fatcats while you small frys get a big middle finger shoved right up your ass and the door slammed in your face. But surely these people "earned" all of their wealth the right way huh? lmfao

no capitalism to be seen here, friend

There's a difference between letting rich people make money and letting rich people hoard all of the money. You know the fifties, that time we all cream ourselves over to return to? These kikes had to pay their fair share back then, when we actually cared about country and wanted to see it flourish. And people lived well. Much better than now.
>Oh but you have cell phones and massive stockpiles of food now!
Oh fuck off with that shit. The food quality sucks and probably will end up giving you stomach cancer while the cell phones are a distraction to what really matters in life. Enjoy your bread and circuses.

>why is this a problem

This guy gets it.

>Let me whip out my giant limp straw man:
>Probably support prima nocta too.
There are two guys on a desert island. Each has plenty of food. One finds a gold nugget. He is now literally INFINITELY richer than the other."KILL HIM! KILL HIM NOW!!!" scream the libtards.
I really don't care even slightly that George Soros is rich and I am not. I care that he is trying to exterminate my race. The crime is not the money.

>So let's just give them more shit so they make more kids that will eventually try to escape their containment center to Europe.

Missing the point. The few countries in Africa that are thriving have figured this out. Most Africans have an urge to leave the continent. Those with the most mobility leave the most frequently. This correlates directly with intelligence and capability.The urge to flee means that stable democracies almost always never manifest. Without a stable democracy you can't put into practice cultural and governmental programs forcing or urging people to stay in Africa.

Think of it this way. You're part of a group of cronies in some African country. You and your pals have the opportunity to be corrupt as shit, make a ton of money, and then flee the country to some haven like Switzerland, Dubai, etc. Then you live out the rest of your life in luxury and no one in your shitty country can do anything to make you go back and face the charges of corruption because by the time you've left some other guy has taken your place and nothing changes. This has ramifications for your civilian population in that the smart or clever, the supposed thousands of farmer in Africa who has vast untapped genius all because of a lack of opportunity.

What do you think is going to happen with those people? Some mission or organization sends in education and evaluation groups. These extremely rare, but extremely astute kids are recognized, cultivated, and then when they're old enough? They bail on their countries for Europe or America. And they do it legally because their intelligence is a known quantity, they have the backing of people with money and power.

This transferal of potential is one way. The mother country gets nothing in return for their capable minds and hands leaving for America. All that happens is things stay shitty forever. Gates is trying to incentivize staying in Africa by raising the quality of life.

Bill Gates became wealthy literally out a combination of sheer luck and underhanded jewish tactics. There's isn't a single productive thing he's contributed to the world in his entire life.

This statistic is worthless for a multitude of reasons. Namely, 25% of Americans are in debt, and owning 1 dollar means you own more than 25% of Americans you fucking jew.

He's been pouring money into Africa for over 20 years and it's still a giant shithole. That money is wasted. The few countries that are thriving are just that, a few. And they don't constitute the largest nations that will be overflowing with people soon, if not already, like Nigeria.

By the way, owning that 1 dollar makes you richer than the poorest 25% of Americans combined.

These are just the richest that we know of. Chances are there are much wealthier people who even these guys are subordinate to, but the public is not aware of them.

>I care that he is trying to exterminate my race. The crime is not the money.
This this this 6,000,000x this

In principle he isn't wrong, in practice he is. He's been trying to cure malaria as a way to help himself sleep at night. That much is obvious. With the amount of money he's spent via the BMF the number of things he could have accomplished is staggering. Instead he went with the dumb malaria meme.

More monkey brain retards.

At this point the mega rich aren't spending the wealth they have on sixty gorillion hotdogs or something unnecessary that would be a detriment to society. They are often spending it on investing, high priced real-estate, building businesses, high priced goods, etc. Without people like that we don't get SpaceX or Tesla.

The money isn't being spent frivolously like most people want to believe, because those types of people don't stay rich for long (look at most rappers)

So anyone could source and grow a operating system into the single largest computer software system on the planet ?

eat the rich

>In principle he isn't wrong, in practice he is.
And that is the problem. We need to quit being so empathetic to lost causes and become a practical nation. Our richest guy shipping billions to a lost cause is not practical.

lol what a bunch of retards, why not just go to casino and gets some money and free sushi?

Is it the government that sets the price for patents or the corporations?

have you read the Microsoft TOS lately?

Take the linux pill freindo

get the government out of the economy

the people who support communism is those 20 people who will still be in power you retarded fag

And who decides what "strengthens" a country, and what "destroys" it?
Seems to me like the national socialist policies in Germany led to the destruction of it

He literally bought it from somebody for $50k and just changed the name. Those are the jewish tactics I'm talking about. The growth part was sheer luck.

What Govt subsidies and regulatory capture got Jeff Bezos rich?
Or Bill Gates?
Or Mark Zuckerberg
Or pretty much any Unicorn company.

Why is it logical to kill the goose laying the golden egg?

Lmao. Tesla and SpaceX are not risks that anyone on that list would have taken. Proof of that is the fact that none of the people on said list has taken risks like that. Musk isn't on there right now, but he probably will be in the next year or two. The current valuation of his wealth doesn't add up. Primarily because it seems he's doing everything he can to suppress what SpaceX's valuation for his own ends.

Today I learned that having a lot of money constitutes both work and contribution to society in and of itself

The government that is bought and paid for by the corporations. They're basically the same entity in America.

>seized by the state and put into good use.

That never happens.

Equality is a human construction.

There is no equality in nature.


Might makes right.
Capitalism is the extension of war by productive means.

Yes. I am a genius.

you tell me, how come Facebook, Google, Twitter....etc are all functional monopolies, when startup costs for Internet companies are near 0?

But they wont be comped for it, they just work taco bells.

The three guys you just listed only got to where they are because of their anti-capitalist practices. For crying out loud. Do you not remember when Gates almost went to prison?

Didnt he just took research from Xerox just like Jobs?

pretty sure germany got destroyed because hitler was a greedy jew who went after french and slavic clay not because of domestic policy