>Carrier Strike Group 8 has been redirected and is being sent to join Groups 1, 5, and 11 in the East China Sea
>Carrier Strike Group 9's overhaul has been cancelled and it is being put back to sea within two weeks


Other urls found in this thread:


Don't think you can post this shit without a source.

can someone explain in English?


holy shit its on my local outlet right now

>tfw just turned 26 and too old for draft now

sauce fagit


The sons of the West will die for the ZOG no longer, and seek peace from politicians who seek to destroy us. We await the young men of the East to stand with us and demand both sides no longer perish for the whims of old warmongers.



>no source

if ww3 happens they will probably conscript both older and younger people eventually

>too old for the draft


>this draft dodging orange turd is gonna cause the deaths of millions of innocent people while he hunkers down in a bunker
>poltards support this

Considering getting my amateur radio operator's license just for this. Any low-tech skills are clutch in SHTF scenarios.

Large if correct


Closest sauce I could mustard

Guys, this is for real. An aircraft carrier just flew over my wife's son's house and I'm getting real scared.

"We're going to war"

Niggers on Sup Forums have been saying this for months. Where the fuck is our WAR!!?? Commence exprosions of Rocket Man nao!

can I play too? :(


Mustard?....its "muster" you fucking Beaner

OP is full of shit.



>Mustard?....its "muster" you fucking Beaner

Misses shitty joke. Personally not upset though


Mustard. Kek. nice digits, rolling for something to explode.

Cut it out

Rolling for war

you got my hopes up, cunt.

Mustard can be used as a sauce you fucking leaf. Now go prep your dog.

>beaner understands english better than you

>Carrier Strike Group 9's overhaul has been cancelled and it is being put back to sea within two weeks
>the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group left San Diego Friday morning from San Diego for a scheduled deployment to the western Pacific and Middle East.

So OP is full of shit.

no link just random faggotry. fake and ghey

the americans wouldnt go forward without some sort of sub escort and america lost to many subs this year

Pro Tip....its not a real "War" until we see the Union Jack over the east horizon and the JAP flag to the west.

Everything else is faggotry

ook at the time you posted that at m8.

Fake news, written by fake ____

It's fake but I'm bored and it's a slow night so I'll play along with OP's poor LARPing attempt.

>still keep believing it

26 is in range. 28 is out
Check ed


Oh you’re goin, fucker.

>35 and comfy as can be

I'm 36 and in an industry that'd be vital for the war effort. I'm sweet.

>be crying for WW3 for 10 years
keep going, maybe TODAYwill FINALLY be your time. nah, you know as well as I it's jot happening, you little shit.

We'll draft to fight Norks, but we won't draft to fight communists in our own streets. Fuck it.


Don't try and put yourself on a petal stool sweaty, get that huge ship off your shoulder

Finally some good t.v.. I can't be drafted and sure as fuck won't volunteer to fight for bankers.

there will be no war
it will be over in a matter of minutes

>mfw sister just shipped out on the Lincoln.
>no idea which strike group its a part of


Yfw you realize they do have flying carriers in speacil acess programs.

Eh I want to die not fussed.

Confirmed. OP is a faggot.

>Niggers on Sup Forums have been saying this for months

I've been here for years and it seems "we're going to war" every month at least a couple of times. Don't get me wrong, I actually want that to happen but this is like a textbook "boy who cried wolf"-situation


Prove your worth, faggots

I see this thread everyday for the last couple months or so. You guys are trying so hard to be the first one to post about a Korean war that the only way you can is to spam everyday until it actually happens.

Go America! Clean the world from the Chinks! Good luck!

Fuck that, I'm not fighting a war for those kikes. Call me when a real WW3, civil war, or race war in America starts. I'm saving my duty for that, it's far more meaningful to the country and race than dying over some tin pot dictator in gookland that will just end up being Iraq 2.0.