Brit/pol/ - Early Morning Karen Edition

Literally book a stay at Alice's house in the Cotswolds.

May set to stay for short-term, reshuffle imminent

>Police beg for footage of Natural History Museum "INCIDENT"

>UK govt launches hate crime website to help you report a thought crime

>Poll: Jeremy Corbyn preferred PM to May. Labour gains over Tory

>Former transplant chief says he won't donate organs under 'opt-out' system

>What really happened at the Tory party conference?

>Lucas: Britain is boycotting ban on nuclear weapons

>Comittee to examine 'value-for-money' of Hinkley Point

>Hitchens: BBC and Tories in bed together, May deserved conference failure

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Happy Monday morning everyone

(Not right wing extremism pls don't arrest)

I would milk her crumpet.


Don't think you need to worry about being arrested for anything mate. The government will bend over for you and cover their eyes when you have a sexual emergency

Also I forgot

Lel. Autism defence, best defence

It's not paedophilia if she's a mongolian cartoon.

Rise and shine sweeat peas, Whats everyone having for breky

Don't worry, Karen is not for lewd

Boy it sure is great having NON VIOLENT LEFT WING political views isn't it everyone?

Karen defo not for lewd

All lolis are for lewd.

Why do they all have

pick one.

She has too much boobage to be loli

Who else starting to regret brexit?

I fought for leave pretty passionately with good arguments etc but im a bit of sociopath
I never actually believed in what i was saying but i just kept saying it because are nige is a lad and i hate cucky remainers

and as a racist, white christian migrants from civilised europe is probably a good thing, since were still takin in millions of noggers from outside the eu.
If it were soley up to our shit politicians like what leave fought for... Lets face it those 300,000 white europeans would now include even morw nig nogs

Also i love eastern euro girls

Well i mean the eu parliaments are packed full of cunts which is why i hated it enough to fight against it

I just want to keep the free movment policy desu

It's not the age but the build my friendo.

>free movement

Free movement is how europe is killed, be glad you might have got out just in time

>hot eastern european girls coming to britain and my freedom to go anywhere in europe is killing europe
I dont see how

Because there is an elephant in the room

I regret brexit and will vote labour

Just pls don't arrest me

What elephant

Which will become a muslim caliphate first London or Yorkshire?

Exactly my point

Both I hope, multiculturalism is a benefit

Pls no arrest

Voting Cuckbyn means big gibs for a while, huh?

Tell me why you aren't voting Cuckbyn?

Think about it.

Get free gibs to self improve, self study, fuck slags, enjoy hobbies, and leach off of this white male hating nation before the welfare system crumbles.

Surely you prefer cuckbyn if that's what he is offering? You're seriously not cucking your time by working, and cucking your tax money on Si ble mums, and somalians mansions, are you?

>Sky News has the tranny model who said all white people are racist and subsequently got sacked for it on
Who do I complain to?

It was on GMB earlier


but the gibs will just goto Mohammad and Abdul

You have no point, but nice shitposting, you nearly got me

A reminder for those on their way to work.

>Calls himself a nationalist
>Doesn't want to nationalize key utilities and industries.
Don't fally for (((Tory))) tricks. They did the same thing here where they (((Privatised))) Bus, Rail and Energy by selling it to the Chinks.

Reminder to report to HMRC at end of April

Why does everyone want to get rid of boris? It's not his fault may can't deliver a speech.

Did you go on your run Rimmer?


We're not going to make it. Because of my assignments and test I've also gotten really unfit.

I'm receiving gibs right now dude. Duck I'm even getting a new pair of free glasses from SpecThrowers tomorrow afternoon before I go by a benz and 75cl of kommisar

Keep the faith kiwibro, there's always time

Anyone know Jacob rees moggs opinion on immigration? Is he redpilled on the issue or is he a “we need immigration to grow GDP” conservative?

ain't been on here in a while have you been eating better why havnt you been exercising you need a slap senpai

As-Salaamu Alaikum, Brit/pol/

What a wonderful morning it is, I slept so well. I feel myself changed since reciting the Shahada and there is a glow in MTV heart that was not there before.

I feel so happy to be protected by Allah(swt) as a Muslim girl!

Dancing frog

>I just want to keep the free movment policy desu

That is the problem, you might get hordes of east Euro cuties arriving to work in Jewbucks but then again you might get millions of nue German shitskins.

The former were only ever going to decrease in number, the latter are fucking endless

I want to be a Muslim girl too, I'm not gonna do it. But I'd be happier...

>Both I hope, multiculturalism is a benefit

If you are pedo of course it is

Do it sis, you'll be so happy trust me.
If you are scared you can transition first and then convert, or convert and worship in private, it will make you feel amazing to pledge yourself to Allah(swt)

But if you know in your heart that's what you want to be. You can't run from it forever sweetheart.

Wish I could give you a big hug

I still have been eating well, its just the lack of cardio

I'm identifying as a girl today lads.

hi rimmer how are you

French blood

The state of this thread.

I'm good, how are you ancap poster?

The state of (you)



Seeing those lads screaming TRAITOR at people at the FLA march is extremely satisfying m8s

Fuck off Eddy.

i'm doing well, i think
why didn't you go on your run?

The things is, that guy isn't exactly handsome. About the right level for each other if people care for such things.

Eh, I stopped having sympathy for girls who have shit like this done to them. It is rare and if you ever heard the shit girls say about guys behind closed doors you'd be sick. I only know because I have 3 sisters, any girl who pretended to be upset about that Donald Trump "locker room" tape are full of shit. I've heard them rag on guys for having little dicks, being short, etc.

I guarantee you that fat chick is guilty of it, and is now playing the helpless female victim card now that she is having the wind from her fan blown in her direction.

I think I'd 'pork' her

>muah *kisses you*

Out of order

>A surge in household borrowing is paving the way for another financial crisis, according to the International Monetary Fund.

>... the Fund said: ‘Higher household debt is associated with a greater probability of a banking crisis, especially when debt is already high. A sudden economic shock – such as a decline in home prices – can trigger a spiral of credit defaults that shakes the foundations of the financial system.’

>The bleak warning comes amid mounting concern over rising debt levels in the UK. Household debt levels fell as a proportion of national income in the UK following the financial crisis, from around 150 per cent to 130 per cent, but they have surged back to 137 per cent over the past two years.

>The Bank of England’s latest figures show British households have racked up unsecured debts of £203 billion on credit cards, car finance, overdrafts and other loans.

>Central bank officials now fear UK lenders could lose £30 billion in the next downturn as heavily indebted borrowers struggle to pay back what they owe.



'Out of fucks' you mean.

Insecure girl falls for insecure boy's prank. Both of them just look like dickheads.


cardio is very boring though desu I can understand not doing it

don't be a let down to the rimmer of tomorrow

>don't be a let down
>t. Nonce

yeah i guess it's a good idea to be a let down if an anime poster is telling you to be good desu

Thanks I guess. What did I do to earn this reaction?

Sometimes I think this, then I remember Richard von Kodenhouve-Kalergi, the migrant crisis, and the forthcoming accession of Turkey.

morning ancap senpai hajimemashite

You're a let down to everyone who has had anything to do with bringing you into this world.

h-hello desu

Haven't seen you in a while.

A variant of pog lotto. Each of the team puts in some money for a pot and the team member who pulls and beds the fuggliest wins the pot.

Opposing Abortion for sexual reasons (to prevent hypergamy, promiscuity) or racial reasons (to encourage whites to reproduce to slow down population replacement) is untenable.

My daughter inadvertently taught me how much the world has changed.
I grew up during the 70s and 80s, and things were different back then.

Earlier today, in the course of an unremarkable conversation, my daughter mentioned two girls at her school who are going out with each other. The only reason that she thought that there was anything noteworthy at all about this was that there is a rumour that they're going to split up. Something which would have been no very far from being a world shaking event, or, at the very least, something which the people involved would have kept very much to themselves, is now just another random piece of teen drama. After a couple of bruising years in the UK, this cheered me up more than it probably should do, and made me think that maybe it isn't all going quite so much to shit as I sometimes suspect.

I just wanted to share.

awh thats lush x




the absolute STATE of breddit

Can't wait to default on my debts

She had 1 (one) job.

She's not that bad.

Was the photo on the right taken before or after she got the text message?

>Implying she would risk bringing in another threat to the throne

She didn't need a child to be the best Monarch in British History

She married England m8

*blocks your c*tholic heresy*

She put the (((Stuarts))) on the Throne.

By failing to continue the blood line, she put a Catholic sympathiser, then eventually a full blooded Catholic, on the Throne.

Who we're subsequently discarded; She rid the country of the Catholic menace and turned Britain wholeheartedly against Catholicism cementing it for generations when a half blood came along to try and take power. 4D Elizebethen chess

I can't believe they still paint her as white, it's ridiculous how whitewashed our history is
