Why do republicans hate democracy?
Why do republicans hate democracy?
Because they're not ultra high IQ city people.
While we're appealing amendments, let's repeal all of them.
The founders had it right by not including those in the first place!
Probably fearing the potential of new parties forming and maybe taking the spot if there ends up being more people supporting the middle man then those in his own party.
Imagine in a three party state that is 40-40-20 where the 20% party manages to appeal to their own and others to have the majority vote? It would be amazing.
Probably because democracy=mob-rule and has always failed.
direct democracy would have prevented the orange tyrant from becoming president, so your logic fails
Because democracy is a fucking joke.
because mob rule kills justice and rule of law. faggot.
Take away women's right to vote. Get the ball rolling to Making America Normal Again
I hate democracy because then low IQ niggers vote.
Being rich and narcissistic isn't the same as being a tyrant, you retarded mongrel lol
why do democrats hate democracy? The 17 th amendment made the house of representatives redundant, and it also introduced lobbying to the game. Before the 17th amendment, senators were never lobbied. Any senator that started voting for x even though his state didnt want it would be quickly replaced by said state. Now, special interests just have to bribe 1 guy in congress to get what they want instead of wine and dine an entire state legislature and all the little community leaders and media heads in order to get stuff passed.
You know all those carnage libraries and other fancy public buildings made in the 1800s? Those were made to buy votes. Big business would pay for public works so that the public would get behind their politics and then tell their state governments/representatives/senators to support legislation for those businessmen. We all benefted from that system, now only 1 cuck does and the mother fucker sells out for a few thousand dollars instead of the multi-million dollar public works we use to get.
Republicans are short sighted as always.
When Democrats have control of state legislatures (as they did in 2008 and 2010), the Republicans would be crying about unfair politics
Weak b8
>Why do republicans hate democracy?
Because direct democracy is for cucks. We have a Republic and are happy with it.
We voted him in. You have only yourselves to blame.
>Why do republicans hate democracy?
What? We're a Republic, not a democracy.
The 17th amendment takes away the states rights for representation in the government.
Democracy is retarded, that's why. If schools were democratic, how much classes/homework would students get & how educated'd they come out? Exactly. Most people prefer "easy", self-centered and good-in-short-term decisions because they cannot control themselves, yet these people are expected to control politics. Not to mention that people have close to no power here, one vote barely changes anything, but "news" agencies benefit greatly as all they need to do is promote their own ideas - no matter how good they are for everyone, and they'll win quite a number of extra votes. "Uhhh ohh arent ya calling everyone sheeple?? I mean not everyone trusts their political opinion to alphabet agencies." Surely, not everyone, but the majority of citizens don't even have enough time to research politics & form their opinion on their own, so instead they turn on the TV and take all that crap in. Another easy way.
If we had actual democracy shit skins wouldn't be here in the first place for him to be elected
Tyranny by majority, nigger. So kys,
because democracy sucks?