>pic related
seriously, what's with white men fucking stumpy asians?
>pic related
seriously, what's with white men fucking stumpy asians?
they're settling. they don't want to go through the effort to get a real girlfriend. there is nothing more pathetic than this. and trust me, when you are out in public with your asian girlfriend, EVERYONE is snickering at you.
just don't do it
The Asian race just doesn't produce very many trashy people like the white and black races do.
>Bobby Hill if he had a vagina
>caring what others think
fuck off jew
>being a sociopath
>calls people pathetic for having a gf.
>"dont dayt azian womyn aynon, de pepol will laff at yu"
miserable bitch
To the extent where people are supposedly snickering because of my choice of a gf? nahhh kys
betas that collected bugs as children want to fuck adult insectoids
ok. it's impossible to not care what others think. and if you somehow achieve this, what have you gained?
did i call people pathetic for having a girlfriend? i'm 100% sure i did not. i'm also 100% sure i know why you got this defensive and this assblasted. a white man with an asian girlfriend is the most pathetic combo on earth. you might as well scream from the rootops you are insecure and basically a beta male
just walk around with a sign like bruce willis in that diehard movie
Most White men have a micropenis, not me, but with Asian women, they package is large to Asia.
Some men have gook fever some dont. Calm down with the sweeping generalizations.
did you seriously screencap your own garbage green text, and now you're trying to pass it off as someone else?
holy fuck you're sad
How come women are no fun?
Every time something fun is going on, many women will throw a wrench in it and say no or just act like babies. It's like they have no sense of adventure.
What's the fuckin deal?
What exactly is wrong with being matetialistic here? Or putting down someone for their flaws in a relationship like not properly addressing financial problems or having proper solutions to problems. The asian women takes the initiative and just wants her husband to do the same rather than lazily shitpost all day on Sup Forums
t. hapa here
He's not wrong though
Have fun with your Elliot Roger.
>bobby hill if he had a vagina
I'm fucking an Asian nurse. I want to say she's Korean with some Vietnamese.
She's a nurse, had a fit body and a great attitude. She's highly sexual and horny all of the time.
She's a police officers wife. Hey pussy is always wet for when we're fooling around after work.
The only problem is I know I'm not the only one she's having an affair with, so I hardly fuck with her.
She's a huge flirt. I'd add that to OP's list while taking out the stubby leg thing. I can't remember that being a thing here.
>implying that sociopathy is a bad thing
>This desperate you'd date outside your own race, hambeasts omitted of-fucking-course
All some of you men, it's time to fix your fucking mess
Makes me wish I wasn't a massive beta and could get a Nip GF
Projecting, bro. It says a lot about you and your dick size.
reminder only cumskin roasties get this assblasted over asian women
prime example
pretty sure that's a woman my friend
because theyre hot.
plus maybe if white women didnt go for niggers there wouldnt be an issue.
in simple terms though, i wanna put my pee pee in asian woman
(pic related)
It's very true that women come off as cold and uncaring unless you manage to get in their inner circle, and that they are extremely materialistic.
t. tfwno nip gf
I'd exclusively dated white chicks before I met my current gf. In 9 years I've had less arguments with her than Id had with my previous longest relationship (1 year). If I had an unfulfilling relationship with her she'd also be an ex. Our relationship, however, is great so I see no reason to look elsewhere.
I could understand your argument if you were talking about guys dating asians for the sole reason that they're asian though.
i have a nip gf and don't even live in nipland. pic related
asians stop leading handsome white men astray with your sinful oriental bodies
reminder real Sup Forumsacks are sick of /r9k/posting, racemixing threads, and white men bitching on the internet and MUH DIKing irl like niggers
Because asian women practically worship white men...especially those with blonde hair and blue eyes
Very true. Maybe these guys are attracted to soy.
these are the people that call you roasty for fighting for the white race
No one worships blonde haired blue eyed losers excepts niggers.
Asian girls in general are slim feminine and attractive. Compared to fat American girls with tattoos and nose rings they are gems.
Nothing wrong with that. I married an Asian and got me a job here while towering the other manlets. Western white women are cucked beyond saving anyway.
Only asian I would consider are the japs because of their honorary status. I can't understand the guys who go for Filipino women.
I am not passing it off as someone else. I didn't want to retype that and thought it was suitable to make a thread out of it. Long story short, underaged fag who has columbus day cancelled at his school.
Ah yes! Observe this one gentlemen. See at the angle of OP's photo we can see nothing more than legs in short shorts but literally no body posture whatsoever. So much deception behind it that it's almost as if user has taken this photo straight from backpage.com on the escort section.
If you look closely at the dynamic of these pair of legs we can almost certainly see an offshoot in their form. Almost has if the legs are curving in... Not only are asians stumpy but when they are skinny they are notorious for their "pigeon legs". Tell me user, how did you meet your stumpy oriental pidgeon girlfriend? Innawoods as you attempt your pidgeon mating calls?
Opinions on Filipino women? Arab women?
I've never had a close relationship of any kind with an Asian female. I don't have yellow fever but I'm kind of curious.
This guy gets it.
from my experience it's true. dated an asian girl and she had an unapologetic whiteguy fetish, as do many others.
i've dated all white girls and 1 asian (westernized) and have come to the conclusion that western women are just shit. seriously, dating feels fucking hopeless. almost every girl i encounter is some SJW shit, and the church girls who saved sex for marriage all get married off ASAP.
i really don't know where to find a decent chick. help
I find Chinese girls more physically attractive than Japanese generally. They're more gracile. Psychologically pretty sure I prefer the Japanese.
My best pal at one time was a male Flip. Funny guy. Also sold drugs.
because they're more feminine.
>filipino women
jungle chinks. bottom tier.
>arab women
ticking bombs, she'll explode in time and it isn't worth it
how old are you? also maybe you are looking in the wrong places it can't be that hard to find a conservative woman, right?
I've seen some nice looking Chinese girls, but I want nothing to do with their culture/mindset.
Korean women are just beautiful. Don't ask me why.
>t. lonely
umad fagget?
this is what white men want
You know why but keep it a secret.
my friend, mr. anarchocapitalist, have you ever had a woman franticly kiss your chest and neck as her vagina tightens around your thrusting penis?
i think it unlikely, my friend.
t. desperate and no standards
Mad over how worthless you shitters are, sure. You're just pretty faces, you have no strength or virtue. You stand for nothing and fall for everything. You're basically niggers without the acclimation and upbringing to steal TVs.
Are eastern European girls red pilled?
I rly want one
Hump the stump only if she's raised in the west with western parents. But if you ride the wings of a pidgeon I swear to god in the name of Hitler I will kill your first born child.
Please, have kids with asian women. We need to raise a generation of unstoppable hapa soldiers for the race war.
It's true, Asians have extremely neotenic physique, not like Slavs who have long legs.
the ham fisted he bitch presents herself and proclaims she is the superior specimen. dont get to upset white lady or you will start to sound like black ladies when they see a black guy with a white woman
The worse is seeing the white father taking care of his asian kid that does not look like him at all, and will sure be fucked up mentally later.
Bruce Lee's son was cool til he died.
Make cool half asians.
Because today's white women are trash.
Stay shitskin.
Wish she was a bit thicker with that height.
Mostly because white women are trashy. The sexual awakening has ruined most white women. No self respecting white man wants to be with a woman that's been with a nigger.
Is it just me that thinks long legged girls are not attractive?
Id rather their legs were only very slightly longer than their torso
Black girls always have long legs, and i dont find it paticuarly attractive
Korean women were worlds apart. Most of the cons are Korean women only. Especially the short legs. That shit was rampant in Korea, but never really saw it here in Japan.
it all started with jap porn
maybe. i just enjoy sex and stay with someone when the sex is incredible. if it isnt i move on.
does Sup Forums prefer women who are very orgasmic and who you can make cum with penetration every time or one that is sort of prude and doesnt cum from penetration? on the one hand good sex is crucial to a good relationship, but you have to really really be the daddy alpha type to hold down a squirter
No I am white, just proper white instead of geneticialy inferior white.
Hazel eyes, brown hair. Feels good.
Any man that doesn't want that is gay or dead.
That's a hot chick.
Men want them.
The only thing that bothers me about Asian chicks (I've never been with one) is the weird crying and whining during sex. I don't want the woman crying and whining unless we're role-playing. Get all guilty and shit. Maybe it's just porno.
Swarthy whites are closer to Semites. It's just a fact.
Bruce aint white though.
>He doesn't get off on surprise anal videos
Asian women are generally less likely to be a feminist and are generally more obedient than European women. But yes the do have short legs. Not really a big deal
tzuyu is a bit tall for my liking, but anyone who doesnt want to fuck her is a homo
sana is more so to my liking
Because white women go for nigguhs.
I'm not exactly repulsed by Asian women like a am by niggers. But I still can't see myself ever being turned on by an Asian girl.
feminists hate asian women, russian women and sexbots.
but they love negresses
>And right here we have the simian pidgeon.
>notice the simean pidgeons form
>notice its awkward curviture
> the Simian Pidgeon has not yet noticed it can't take flight
> But what's this?
>The beta male approaches
>strutting its lank
>The beta male moves in!
>"Hi.... eh-hu-uh-ah Where u from?!"
The Simmian Pidgeon reciprocates.
>Me? I am from Korea! And you are from...??????
The beta male, taken aback
>oh... uhhh I am from here... Whats you're name
Simmian Pidgeon
>POCHAN!!!! And you?
Beta Male with a full pitched tend
>errr.... huuuuuuuu DAVID!
i would backhand any woman who did that in front of me and she would never do it again
True, jews are shit, but they're genetically fucked too. Generations of incest and autismo kids with victim complexes.
Then again, I personally know a couple good jews, though personally know no good blondie blue eyes. As soon as I know them, they'll fuck something up. The bitches are dumb and the guys are just as dumb. Even my own father had blue eyes but I inherited the dominant gene for brown eyes- at least he had black hair instead of blond.
Most blond haired blue eyed men I've met have done something really fucked up to ruin the relationship, and the blonde haired blue eyed women are almost universally always "dumb blondes"
Since when did states get their own flags on here?
I'm a cool half Asian. Abominations by low iq-ers here but it's served me well. Mom is pretty American and doesn't speak Japanese much. But Asian Hapa is better than most combinations, and best of both white and Asian with none of the draw backs. It's like a genetic chick magnet, easy time in college and getting a job.
I just think Asian men are better in bed. I have an extremely tight little hole and Asian twinks are more comfortable for me.
howdy doo da y'all i love peaches go football team
>t. gay
fucks sake this is why public schooling doesnt work
Thot begone
>Living in a culture that rewards sociopathy and punishes empathy
>not being a sociopath
Lol cuck
Several years later Pochan and David get married and have a baby.
>Pochan... You haven't talked to me in days.... have I done something wrong?
Simmian Pidgeon Pochan sits quietly and does not even stare David in the eyes.
David is devastated and proceeds to ask the question again but it has fallen to deaf ears...
>Pochan... Have a goodnight... Love you
Next morning arrives and it looks like the simmian pidgeon has taken flight with David's baby.
Pochan went to Korea and now shitty custody services in Korea prevents you from ever seeing you're kid again! Is Pochan compassionate enough to let you at least them once?
That kid is going to be raised on video games and asian grandparent philosophy.
Anyone reading this take the sign and abort any asian women.
honestly don't think white women can compete with asian women. They can't attract and keep a white man.
Most of them either commit suicide, stay single and go insane or racemix out of spite (which makes them an untouchable 0/10, then they commit suicide)
>implying any woman would dance for you
>implying you think a behind the scenes of a music video is how someone legitimately act
asians wouldnt go for you. neither would white girls, autist. have fun with shitskins.