pic several btw, and tell me why
if you think anything should be removed or added, say
How would you classify ideologies? How many groups are enough to categorize every ideology?
pic several btw, and tell me why
if you think anything should be removed or added, say
How would you classify ideologies? How many groups are enough to categorize every ideology?
Other urls found in this thread:
You forgot the one ideology that is plastered all over the place here.
covered under nationalist, autocrat, centrist and fascist
>National socialist
Fuck you ANTIFA, the UN says we're centrists.
>no monarchism
Reactionary is a way too broad term in order to represent monarchism. Many political ideologies fall under the banner of reactionarism.
>centrists literally Hitler
And this is how you lost most of America.
I’m a paleo-conservative.
Basically what the founding fathers believed: a white, Christian libertarian country
I went centrist libertarian nationalist patriotic.
I'm a cultural nationalist at the end of the day.
"absolutist" refers to monarchists who want absolute monarchy.
Extreme fascist. General public is too stupid to take care of themselves, hence needs a strong authoritarian government to guide it properly. Absolute freedom/democracy undermines national cohesion and the welfare of its citizens.
When you ain't got nothing you got nothing to lose.
Almost no ancaps. Did pol thread on snake?
More like you need a strong father figure, kek.
>no monarchist
>no traditionalist
what about a constitutional monarchy where the monarch still has powers?
>absolute freedom
What are you on about, nigger? Democracy is the opposite of freedom. If the only reason you think liberty is bad is because of democracy, you're retarded.
Absolutist is an format of monarchist.
Reactionary is boarder definition for traditionalist.
Clearly not on the list, like 98 billion other ideologial variants on this planet.
I'm a national capitalist. Heavy on nationalism, and while free market principals work the best, protectionist laws to prevent monopolies, outsourcing and other shitty biproducts of capitalism should be prevented in favor of the peoples benefit.
thats a form of government, not an ideology
you'll see there's no republicanism or something like that either
but it is actually in practice today
>50,2% progress
I tried to make one that's larger, but the wikipedia list alone has like 100 fucking ideologies, most meme-tier
Protectionism literally creates state monopolies in production,transportation,steel production etc.
Either you have low production costs and cheap goods or costly goods with high production values.
>wanting a monarch to have power but not absolute power
>not an ideology
everyday i think about how much i want to hang my self
Agreed 100%
Checked both Libertarian and Fascist.
which one will piss of christcucks, conservatives, paleio-conservatives, and libertarians the most? I'd pick natsoc if it was on there but seeing how this thread is filled with fucking faggots and faggot capitalists I wont be getting that.
that .2% i might as well just join my local antifa chapter
better poll for my Monarchist friends
Very much appreciated.
There is no really difference between democratic and constitutional monarchy these days desu, since if the monarch uses his/her powers those will most certainly get over-ridden by the parliament.
Federal monarchy, on other hand holds rather interesting prospects of unifying multitude of nations into singular empire.
we should make a monarchy thread to discuss crown jewels and hot princesses
look at Liechtenstein, the only real constitutional monarchy
>Federal monarchy, on other hand holds rather interesting prospects of unifying multitude of nations into singular empire
In practice, the opposite probably would be the case. One nation would get divided in way more smaller duchies, baronies and other small entities with the emperor as protection from outside forces.
Monarchism gets way to little exposure on here, anyway. Seeing some more monarchist threads would be beddy nice.
In Lichtenstein, morocco, monaco and a few others kings have veto power and function more like presidents in a semi-presidential system than figureheads
Central left with strong spiritual focus.
let's get it going
My ideology is that white people need more rights. We have so few left anymore.
Honestly this shit is the problem most of us are the some total of the remnents of a flawed understsnding of the best ideas thought up by the brightest minds of long ago dead people that lived in a completely different reality and paradigm.
It's like we're all trapped inside disney land so we have nothing better to do then argue
over the tea cups are better then the Ferris wheel. I reject the options given kick down the door and go to vegas and eat sushi and get a blow job in a room that looks like the Roman Senate COMPED!
But seriously if you want your fucking ethno utopia grab like minded peeps and pool your pennies and buy a plot of land where ever and do some big boy grown up alpha male shit. Why is there this constant need to actually not do anything beyond trying to drag unwilling participants into your shitty projects by force or coercion you arent right no one likes you and if I'm wrong and you do actually have a good idea we should all listen to then bet your sweet ass those people you want so desperately to help will fucking crucify you for your trouble.
Sorry Mario your princess is in another castle no matter how many times humanity hears this they still keep jumping down the same old pipes.
It's because of this and our everyone trying to be first to be second that we don't have our fucking hoverboards yet!
stop fucking around niggerfaggots and think and do some new shit
This message was brought to you by the America of yesterday tomorrow foundation.
Our mission is to stop lame faggitry by any means necessary
3 globalists
You are so self important. I bet you know everything and I bet you have the most wonderful relationships with women.
I'm a reactionary/traditionalist eco-socialist.
Dude you are so fucking stupid! Preservation of the enviroment is not traditionalist. It is progressive which means we actually more vorward with shit.
Dude, just stop. You really are only hurting yourself.
What the fuck why does this guy have to be such a little bitch of a man.
>no Traditionalist
Because he proborbly just sucks with women.
Whats the different between Islamist and Jihadi?
Is caliphate same as globalist?
where my socialist bros at?
Socialisim has never fucking worked you retarded fuckwith! Jesus christ you are such a fucking dipshit just kill yourself!
socialism means that workers are in control of production and their own industrial fate
please show me a society that did that and fell into barbarism
It's called Capitalisim you fucking retard!!
>no egalitarian
Shit list.
>not having National Socialist
>28 posters
>hundreds of votes
Islamist is anyone who thinks traditional islamic governance should come back, or at least islam should influence government more (everything from "islamic democracy" to the likes of pakistan, saudi arabia, MB and even some theoretical salafis), while jihadis are revolutionaries who want to install a caliphate by force
A global caliphate counts as a globalist scheme 4 me
Its multiple answers and has like 32 options
all of them
>Extreme fascist
OY VEY!!!!!!
radical spectrumism
Fuck off, Sören. Go back to your commune in Berlin and take turns sucking off Jamal with your friends.