NRA Now Support’s Bunp Stocks

What is the matter with the NRA and gun nuts that think a device that makes a semi auto function like a full auto is fine for civilians are retarded or obvious NRA shills.

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reminder it's because of the NRA that hand-held laser weapons will never be made.



Open your mouth to me in the street and I’ll paint the asphalt with your teeth, cuck. Keep your snivelling on the internet.


t. Rabbi Nosenberg

If you let them take away a meme gun accessory, they'll keep going untill they start chipping away at fundamental gun parts.

explain or give source

Maybe we should write Senator Feinstein who introduced the ban bill last week. She was wrong in her interview this morning. She said a bump stock is an addition. The diagram and instructions I was given show that the original gun stock needs to be taken off and discarded.

A bump stock does not make a semi auto a full auto, you are still pulling the trigger once for each bullet fired. We're not budging on this issue because its a clear way for Democrats to ban semi auto weapons and their nonessential features. We will never allow that faggotry to happen.

The only thing you paint in the inside of your moms microwave with exploded hot pockets.

>injuries over half a thousand people
Bump stocks are basically brand new.

You are a technical Nazi.

>t. taco bell bubba who still pays for his sushi

That's not true at all. The trigger is being pulled but your finger is not moving relative to your hand.

Bump stocks do not meet the definition of full auto as the trigger is being reset every time is fires.

guns should kill people as effectively as possible and never ever incriminate you in any way.

Bullshit. Your finger stays still after the first pull before the “mechanism” takes over. Get cucked!

Stay inside then.

kill yourself shill rat

A distinction without much difference.

>>injuries over half a thousand people

He killed 59 and would have killed more if he just aimed instead of spraying bullets. Also, those 500 injuries aren't all from bullet wounds. Most are from trampling and bumps and bruises from trying to escape the gun fire.

You can "bump fire" a gun with just an rubber band if you were so inclined.

For the bodily movement of pulling the trigger it's a massive difference.

How about this, NOBODY NEEDS THAT RATE OF FIRE AVAIABLE!!! Bump stock or not, you asshats are splitting hairs about “full auto” and you know it.

That's because the gun moves backwards to give it space it to reset, you can bump fire with out any accessories .

Good then no one should care that we ban bump stocks.

You first gun shill!


Why would you ban bump fire stocks? They've been legal for years and none of you lefty's gave a shit. Instead, you should be focusing more on making sure that the country has good mental health services.

Because if the LV shooter was not using a bumpstock he could have killed many more. Bumpstocks are terrible.

If the anything is going to be banned then it needs to be banned ONLY if we get something in return. The Conservative party needs to find their fucking balls and stop being bitchs to the Liberal party. The rest of us are tired of compromises that only ever result in loss.

Yeah like 5 years. They're brand new. The idea wasn't even conceived until 1996 and the atf actually outlawed the first version. Then they took out a spring and they were legalized 5 years ago.

Why can’t you hit shit with a bolt fire rifle?


Would of scored more kills if he'd just fire single shots from the semi auto .308 he had with him. Rather then just wasting ammo in mag dumps and trying to blow up McCarran by shooting the fuel tanks.

Which is more important? The crime or the tool?

Because it's scary man! That's why. Bump stocks are literally Hitler! Also if we improved mental health it would take away about 95 percent of the left's voting base. Unless you can vote while institutionalized.

Not if he was an old fart that couldn't pull the trigger.

Ask Hiroshima

>muh slippery slope
Thou shalt not form illogical arguments. Read the sticky, newfag

>implying pulling a trigger is hard.

not dat i no 'bout nra, but you come fo my choppa, I'mma chop yo ass, nigga!

How much shit do you need to ban to prevent crime? How long until we're walking around in loin cloths again?

It's not a slippery slope fallacy if there is a known history of it happening. Most people don't know shit about guns and will vote to ban individual parts on guns just because they don't like them.

Democrats wanted to get rid of barrel shrouds without even knowing what they even were.

No I'm implying that he was old and would need to pull it hundreds of times. Also he was a video poker junkie. He had literally just spent the previous 8 hours straight playing video poker.

We really would have to go back to the literal middle ages. The fucking renaissance had very advanced revolvers. I was shocked. Germany 1580 had one with 8 rounds.

>would of
What a fucking retard.
>firing single shots into a huge crowd would kill more people than fully automatic fire
Drooling moron.

>i'll just call it a fallacy, that'll make him wrong!
kill yourself

What the fuck are you on about? Did the bomb drop itself on Hiroshima? Name one god damned inanimate object the killed a person without external influence.

I’m cool with going back to revolvers. Seems more fair.

Real answer: Because someone told those dumb fucks at the NRA that ceding ground to the enemy for nothing is stupid.

I wish people would stop calling guns "tools". Guns have but 1 function: to kill. They are weapons, not tools.

why don't we get to the heart of the issue and just make murder illegal?

Bump stocks do affect accuracy but that can 100% be compensated for. The guy had tripods etc.

lasers are inefficient and expensive, a laser capable of perform significant damage cost several grand and at smallest is vehicle mounted. a guass gun is more effective and cheaper. on the up side guass gun are not regulated as they don't have a "barrel." so go crazy.




you fucking cunt, same reason why we need ar15s and aks, because its fun.

as if demoncraps even knew the difference between semi auto and auto before this shooting. I'm sure most of those faggots didn't even know what a bump stock was before it.

Irrelevant. Bump stocks serve no useful function, why should they be allowed in todays society?

Bump stocks are retarded, but give them an inch and they'll take a mile etc etc.

>Bump fire

Ok then we'll just apply the same exact automobile regulations to guns. That's probably what's going to happen.

>NRA Now Support’s Bunp Stocks

We need bump stocks to help us shoot people who misuse apostrophes. There are so many, we need efficiency and speed.

The funny thing is that fully auto makes it a lot harder to hit your target and is basically useless other than for suppressing fire and bumpfire stocks are even worse since you have to let the recoil go uncontrolled for it to function.

t. noguns

Are you saying he didn't somehow commit a logical fallacy? The sticky is there for a reason...

>one incident in 10 years in a country of about 320 million people
That's a great basis for a change in Federal regulations.

Oh no asshole, that's not how this country works. I don't need to explain why something should be legal, you need to provide arguments on why it should be made illegal.

I wish you'd fucking kill yourself, but I can't make it happen so I guess we're even.

Revolvers can be fired so fast that its literally invisible to the naked eye. We would have to go back to single shot loads which would put as all the way back before the fucking rennaisance.

You serve no useful function. Kys at once.

Neither do you, but here we are.

>59 killed
>500 wounded
Roller coasters are fun, but if there was a certain ride that killed 59 people in 1 night I would want it to be closed down.

I didn't say that I said bump stocks. Theyre modeled after naval artillery guns.

The same matter that thinks full auto should be available for civilians in the first place.

All gun bans are unconstitutional, period, and I hope to god trump manages to get rid of all of them.

Makes it even easier to fire into a crowd, however

One mass casualty incident

Right. I do like the idea of eradicating the background check. Besides, no one has ever murdered anyone with a car so your logic is flawless.

It should be illegal because it makes it easier for terrorists to kill huge crowds of people. Bump stocks should be illegal because they serve no purpose other than to kill clusters of people.

>NRA Now Support’s Bunp Stocks

Good, these NRA cucks should know better, give gun-grabbing leftists a single inch of ground and they will fucking take advantage of it, guaranteed.

Well in addition to existing laws.

How do you figure no one's been murdered with a car?

>no argument

Does it hurt to type something that stupid?

There's literally nothing wrong with being a NAZI.

>as part of a well-regulated militia
What part of "well-regulated" do you not understand?

9/11 was one mass casualty incident, and it has shaped internal and foreign policy ever since.

How do you figure you survived beyond infancy being this retarded?

In ten years since these devices have become popular in a country of over 320 million people. If you idiots treated mass murder the same way you treated homicide in general no one would seek infamy by committing mass murder.

El stupido

>Bump stocks should be illegal because they serve no purpose other than to kill clusters of people.

And what are you basing that on exactly? They've been legal for atleast 5 years now and nobody cared. Hell, I bet you didn't even know what they were or what they did untill this incident occurred. So we're supposed to make a gun accessory illegal because of 1 bad person?

>no argument
What purpose do bump stocks serve except for killing tightly packed groups of people?

Is it beneficial to use a bump stock while hunting?

Is it beneficial to use for self defense?

What purpose does it serve?

Yeah it's almost as if you need to prove you can operate a vehicle before getting a license. What if we regulated guns with the same care that we use for cars?

Regulated means equipped and trained & has nothing to do with restrictions on arms, shill.


I asked you first.

They are just sad faggots trying to take advantage of anything
Everyone thinks these people are total shit
The media are total shit too
Goodnight Americas guns, I'm going to bed now, God bless all the guns each and every one.

I can build my own car and drive as much I want on my own land. If I build my own machine gun the ATF might kill my entire family including the dog.

Point to me where the right was to be preserved for hunting or self-defense. Oh right. You can't. It was intended for preservation of your state of freedom.

The founding fathers idea for regulating the militia was to make it mandatory for all free white men to own muskets.