If the political situation deteriorates, are you ready to fight AntFa in hand to hand combat, if required...

If the political situation deteriorates, are you ready to fight AntFa in hand to hand combat, if required? With the turbulence caused by Donald Trump, civil war may break out, leaving you face to face with members of AntiFa. Are you ready to fight?

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My mom is ready to fight antifa

Yes, you autist. You think any sane person is gonna lay down and get clobbered if it comes down to melee combat?

Ill be innawoods

>look ma, I'm trolling! I'm trolling!

Sure, I've been ready for while, and only getting more ready since, although, I wont be attending some silly chimpout, Ill be inna woods, far away

>hand to hand

i'm pretty sure most burgers on Sup Forums are gun owners

I live in the Bay Area and wear my trump hat every day solely because I want to fight an antifa.

Of course they are.

A group which is composed mostly of angry minority women, soy beanstalk nu-males and fat trannies in karl marx shirts all larping as commie activists... yeah I'm sure it'll be a struggle to fight them.

If thats Antifa I will suck him onto his knees. Yous guys do the rest

>hand to hand
Fudd memes aside, my rifle shoots sub MOA consistently. I didn't spend 8k dollars on my configuration in a spec ops caliber to fight Pablo with my fists.

I wish a nigga wood.

But you don't fight them. Every time they blow you the fuck out. You can't even stage rallies anymore without being BTFO. And this is all because everyone knows that behind the keyboard you're really just a fat loser LARPing on the internet as a 6'4" musclebound alpha male. Everyone knows that's not who you are, and the funny thing is you're the only one who imposes this standard on yourself.

The rest of the world is happy to accept you as you are if you'd just stop demanding the genocide of people you hilariously consider inferior to yourself because you happen to share a skin tone with stereotypical Hollywood 'alphas'.

If it's 1v1, I've got a pretty good chance of snaking a limb and breaking something up until a certain height/weight difference.

2v1+ and anyone who hasn't been training hand-to-hand for a good while starts to see some pretty shitty odds.

Buy guns kids.

That cunt looks like some homo Gym poof who just uses the machines, and if he's a progressive antifa feminist, he's gonna have a cuck weak mind innit

What use are his faggoy fat less body beer less body when I can just glass his face with a bottle of carling and then shank his face and throat with a blade before finishing him with some fucking windmills? Oi m8!

>not owning guns
Seriously though, my parents and everyone in my family are all giants who look like angry bikers that had an orgy with vikings and body builders and our family lineage is the result.
People are generally terrified of me. It's a bad feel, though I guess during the end of western civilization it might be a boon

You could semi-truck of peace a crowd of antifa just by walking through them

No need,i’ll Just run them over in my car.

have seen what the average antifa goon looks like?

i'll take you all on, your all fucking pussies.

if you screech and have a tantrum about irrelevant he said she said bullshit, can you imagine how much you people will be filling your diapers when it comes to the crunch? you'll have shit running down your legs by the time i'm finished with you.

>But you don't fight them. Every time they blow you the fuck out.

I don't think you understand the restraint that most of your country shows towards those faggots though. You guys need to keep going. Go on. Piss the normies off proper, they're getting that way. See how long antifa lasts. It's not the nazi larpers you need to be worried about.

>And this is all because everyone knows that behind the keyboard you're really just a fat loser LARPing on the internet as a 6'4" musclebound alpha male. Everyone knows that's not who you are, and the funny thing is you're the only one who imposes this standard on yourself.

Hrmmm. Been lifting for 1 and a half years and doing MT as well. But you got me at the height though, am 6'2" sadly.

>The rest of the world is happy to accept you as you are

Why should I care what the world thinks?

> If you'd just stop demanding the genocide of people you hilariously consider inferior to yourself because you happen to share a skin tone with stereotypical Hollywood 'alphas'.

How have I demanded genocide? What? Is this your argument? Putting words in other peoples mouths and then fighting a strawman constructed of your delusions? Listen, I just think that antifa is mostly just a bunch of pathetic rejects. This is vindicated pretty much anytime you appear on any T.V screen when all you can do is hit and runs. You can have your little slapfights with forced memes like Richard Spencer but please, please keep pushing it. Piss off the normies. See what happens to you. I'll be waiting for you guys if you try and fuck around in my city I guess. Otherwise I'm happy to just watch your deaths / beatings from afar.

Just FYI, it's not my skin tone that makes me superior. I'm superior because i'm 20 years old and made 13k last month, and can expect to pay between 4-6k in taxes this year to shitskins who're too lazy to do an honest days work.

I hope one day i can sponsor mercenaries to clean this planet with the money i've made/will be making

Yes, I'd fight all three of the "Latvian antifa" members, if they return the next March 16th, that is. Otherwise I can't get to them, as they live in Russia.

Fuck I wanna lick him


Hell no. That's what guns and flamethrowers are for.

Their unofficial weapon is the flag pole, but whats ours?

Sure, it's not a problem. I got back into fighting shape a while ago. Hand-to-Hand is a last resort though if we're in a full-blown civil war. If I have a weapon available, I'm using that first. Antifa has done a great job in dehumanizing themselves and demonstrating how they're enemies to our republic. I doubt I'll have any issues blowing their heads off.

Look at them. It's pathetic.

No they fight like niggers. 6 to 1 using bats and bike locks.

Which is why I own guns.

what the fuck is this fagitry okey symbol ?

was in other cuck group pic

The only reason they've had any success at all is because they're digging their own graves. The more petulant and violent they get the more casuals and undecided people move to the right even liberals. Most of the right actually work for a living and don't bolster their numbers with paid goons, the first time the right showed up to actually stand their ground the entire left was routed even though they had the numbers, high ground and the cops on their side.

Im ready to shoot them

I will do as I must, Antifa will fall

That's why pay taxes, let the ANTIFA fags feel the full force of the law. I'll watch the lols from home. Even in Berkley they've had enough and the Police are itching to put the boot in. Let the trained professions kick 7 shades of shit out of the middle class larping revolutions.

>Manbun faggot struts up

You people are so unrealistic, no war has been fought that way since our ancestors started chucking spears.

Theres not enough room for you all in the Darwin Awards. You won't be remembered.

I’ve been ready to kill them since before they even started calling themselves antifa. Let’s get it started already.

oh good we can get the pic so the masks won't protect the stupid fucks anymore

If it came to that, I'm getting too old for brawling. So I'd just stick to ol faithful. If you can get close to one of these faggots, simply slip and industrial zip tie over their head and tighten it.

>All those gainz gone to waste, because he was shot in the face.
Such is life... the only reason to get /fit/ these days is to look appetising for the women. Been gang bashed 5 times in my life because weak losers couldn't handle getting beat up by me. I always start flogging the guy who provoked the fight but then you have like 3-4 guys jump on you because you are winning.
On one occasion I was beaten up with by 2 guys with baseball bats.

Fair fights are a meme

>lifting weights to improve your strength
>not training to improve your speed

have you faggots never watched a martial arts movie or anime? speed > strength

pic related

How big is he? I bet he's 5'6" or less

It's easier to stick an icepick to the base of their skull. Just push, rotate and pull.


Krabby magoo was invented in the 40s m8. It's also low percentage nonsense.

>are you ready to fight AntFa in hand to hand combat

I've never gone to a political type rally - if one of those fgitstains got in my face, they'd be going to the hospital and I'd be likely going to jail - though I certainly might attempt to escape.

If your stupid "break out" occurs, though I wouldn't be hunting them - if they are ignorant enough to show up and pull their shit, they will receive the bullets from the barrels

I have never had the disservice of seeing one of these creatures in the flesh - I might laugh so hard they would just leave, or perhaps I would feel the need to call for a welfare check if they acted insane

I'm in Texas, licensed to carry a pistol and always do. So, AntiFa...PLEASE come at me with at least a knife.

And now that I think about it, its a step above flinging your shit, so when can we start?

Fuck that I want it to be fair, bring your guns I'll bring mine but be damn sure you're ready to be kill and god help your women that I wound.

The turbulence is caused by violent revolutionaries, the exact same kind who murdered tens of millions in Russia and China within living memory, not Donald Trump. He's the guy who has to clean up after them and impose order.

He's a weird looking cunt.

>hand to hand combat
Why? I own 22 guns.

>The rest of the world is happy to accept you as you are

This is patently untrue. The very words we speak were the first thing that came under attack. We're not even allowed to think our own thoughts now. And we've just had the latest attempt to create a pretext for disarming us and leaving us physically defenseless.

>stop demanding the genocide of people you hilariously consider inferior to yourself

U first. Go search "whiteness". You can't have identity politics and then decide that one particular race doesn't count.

Common sense


op is gauging the degree to which you're ready for a (((civil war))),
he's a pedo and fagh

My mom just said she's going to beat your mom in the face

Are you 10?
Who the fuck would be unwilling to use their firearm, fucking liberals man... I mean wow. Every time you open your mouths its astonishing what you fucks believe and say.

"So what if Trump supporters have 4 times as many guns as the military and law enforcement agencies combined, I bet they wouldn't be man enough to use them even to save their own lives..."

holy shit, a smug anime grill that I dont already have saved

very nice

Lol antifa don’t fight, they sucker hit and run away.

Nobody except a small handful of brainwashed, brain dead fucktards are worried about antifa

Nasa did simulation tests with super hightech computers: my mom vs whole antifa and the results are 100% winrate for my mom everytime. Never underestimate weaponized mom.

Already have. I fought in the 2nd battle of Berkeley


If they dont run away, or cower pathetically, or hide behind women like Charlottesville, I'll gladly beat their asses. We have no problem with total civil war if our political and social grievances will not be addressed by our government. You will not replace us.

Dodge Challenger

>entire nation against antifa fascists

yeah, I'll take those odds

Hey, faggot... there's shite on ur dick
GTF & KYS, shit-dick faggot

we kicked your ass in Sacramento, Houston, Charlottesville. The police protected you in Crossville while we had a rally. We have rallies wherever we want and if the police fail to do their job, we are ready and willing to paint streets with your blood.

>get holy water
>faggots go back to hell cus they're demons

>If the political situation deteriorates, are you ready to fight AntFa in hand to hand combat, if required?
No. I'm old. I'm just going to shoot them.

I kick ass at wrestling and bench 315+, so yeah, but I want to be better. Need to learn striking and submissions. Can't just tackle our way to the ethnostate. Also IRL no one cares about getting pinned, you can fight off your back

You Nazis are wasting your time.

We are taking over academia in order to "bluepill" the youth. This is why we are winning the culture war:

>taking over academia
They've had their time the casuals and undecided are turning against them already.
>This is why we are winning the culture war:
How, we control the memes, the cops are all red pilled and other than shaming people on social media you have no real power.

Go ahead, turn the way physical, at best the most you can hope for is mutually assured destruction. Guaranteed. The blacks are already turning against you, the Mexicans on your side are deported all you have left are std infested beta males, out of shape dykes and trannies.

Also; [spoiler]>not bait [/spoiler]

You just keep showing up with fat people who have heart attacks from walking, and we'll keep lifting, hiking, and putting in range time. Many are vets. Bring cute women, we will give them our supreme seed.

The next generation rejected your failed doctrine. They are getting married young, starting families, their lives have meaning. Yours? Not so much.

Sigh... Never fight near the ground faggot! One punch or kick, your head bounces off the ground, brain suffers more damage from the back and forth than from either hit would do alone. And then your an unconscious faggot laying on the ground relying on the kindness of your attackers on whether you wake up or not.

Keep your head away from walls, hard objects, and the ground fag!

America rejects Antifa. You are not a serious threat. We are going after the source. Gas the kikes.

This desu. The average antifa member is basically an angrier version of the average liberal arts student, but if they show up in big numbers you need to be swole af or have a gun.


>This is why we are winning the culture war:

You think you are winning the culture wars? Is this what it looks like when the left is winning? Is this a Trudeau type "winning" where you don't kill your enemies? Becuase to me it looks like the left has lost over 1000 seats across the nation over the 2 Obama terms, given up control of the Senate and the Presidency.

The Right now has more collective power at the municipal, state and federal levels than at any other time since Reconstruction. That's the Left winning? I guess I hope you keep on "winning." At this rate the blue wave in the 2018 midterms will leave the GOP with even more governorships and super majorities in both houses!

They are both stooges of the same crooked system. Either side wins, you get more of the same. Politics, even on the fringe, is a puppet show put on by our "owners".

Lol..hand-to-hand combat...? What the fuck are you on about? If the political situation deteriorates, the last thing you'll be doing is brawling in the streets like a newfag moron. To paraphrase Patton, the point of a culture war isn't to die for your flag, it's to make the other poor bastard die for his.

The struggle will be there, but it'll be because you're trying to kick a he-she in the growlers while laughing so had you can't breathe. But I'll be innawoods.